
First Attack (1)

*chirp*... *chirp*...

"Ugh... where am I?"

With a huge burning sensation on his stomach, Peng Hu slowly opened his eyes after being sent flying from a magical punch he received. He could feel a crippling pain coursing through his muscles as if it were a reminder that he was still alive. Looking around, he could see branches, leaves, and some exotic fruits hanging from the branches.

"Ugh... I guess I landed on a big tree? How lucky!"

When Peng looked to the ground, he gasped and was surprised by how high he was. He was starting to feel relieved that there was such a huge tree that saved him from death. Or maybe all of this was still part of the illusion.

"Now... how am I going to get back to ground without falling? Even if this were an illusion, taking my chances to test waters doesn't seem to be a bright idea. Although this tree looks kind of familiar..."

Tracing back his memories to the recent events, an image popped on his head. In disbelief, Peng Hu moved his head back and forth, looking for any tree branch sturdy enough to resist a headbutt.

[Oh crap, oh crap. I'm in the big tree of the Central Plaza. If I'm not wrong, this tree is sacred to the village. If the villagers were to see me climb down the tree, a magical punch would be the least of my worries. Damn you, illusion!]

[My best bet would be to wait it out until midnight and make my run for it. I hope Kai... is still on my side. Sigh... what a crappy way to live in another world. A sunny day on a beach with lots of woman on their swimsuits... elf, dwarves, succubus... And what I got? A dire misunderstood situation... Additionally, I haven't even successfully chant a single magic...]

Suddenly, noises could be heard in the distance. Listening attentively, Peng Hu could discern that it was coming from the west gate of the village. Peng cleared some of the tree branches away and see clearly what was happening.

In the distance, a train of smoke was coming out from the west gate. Small glimpses of the Red Ember Kingdom's flag could be seen. Afterwards, a small explosion happened around five hundred meters away in the northeast.

"The Red Ember Kingdom is attacking! This is bad... If I am not wrong, they are going to set off different points of attack so as to divide the village's power force. I have to do something... but what?"

Just when Peng Hu was working his brain off so as to come up with a good idea for this situation, an announcement started to broadcast just beneath him, in the base of the Sacred Tree. A hooded woman could be seen broadcasting the information.

"Repent and accept your sins, for the Red Ember Kingdom will forget those who still want to change their loyalty and home. Today, the Village of Siluca will perish by the hands of the Red Ember Kingdom... and its mastermind is a man who goes by the name of Pen Who. The flames of insurgency will burn out!"

The villagers that heard the announcement started to panic, creating a huge mess on their way. Some villagers attacked the hooded woman, ensuing a short battle which ended in the villager's victory.

Sitting in a tree branch of the Sacred Tree, Peng Hu was starting to feel a great headache.

"If this is still part of the illusion... it is not funny anymore... haha... What in the world is this all about!?"


Please bear with me with the short chapters. It will eventually get longer.

Please leave a comment down below on your thoughts about the chapter :)

P.S.: Ohhhh snap Peng Hu. Things are getting hot over there hohoho.

SuperHottie_Wizardcreators' thoughts