
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantaisie
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62 Chs


Selena twisted and turned as the light sipped through the curtains, her hands moved to feel the surface she was lying on. She could feel a splitting headache, her eyes twinkled opened as she tried to adjust to the rooms lighting. 

Selena carefully sat up on the bed, a certain waved passed through her as her feet touched the marble floor. Selena tried to recall what happened last night, she remembered going to the bar and then drinking. 

"Shit" Selena cursed when she remembered how she ended up here, she looked around but she couldn't find anyone in the room. 

Selena got up as she looked around the place, there wasn't much to see anyway, there was a grey couch at the side. Selena could hardly move, her eyes were blurry, her head was aching. She felt like she had banged her head on the wall ten times before going to bed. 


Selena didn't bother to look up, she already knew who it was, she could see his figure just by the door. 

"I thought you were going to sleep all day" Damien's voice echoed as he walked inside the room, he closed the doors behind him with his foot. Damien placed the tray down and picked up a remote, with a push of a button, the curtains open. 

"Why did you bring me here?" Selena asked as she leaned on the wall, her legs were weak, her head was aching and she could barely see. 

"Where would you have preferred?" Damien asked as he picked up the tray, he gestured for her to seat on the bed as he two joined her with the trail on his thighs. 

"What do you want?" Selena asked with a straight face, she looked at the bowl of soup on the tray, her eyes trailed upward and landed on his face. He had changed into a simple grey shirt and loosed pants, his hair was messy as he had his eyes fixed on her. 

"Drink the soup, it will help the headache" Damien said as he pushed the bowl closer to her. 

"Who told you I have a headache?" Selena asked back, she tucked her hair behind her ear as she crossed her arms. 

"You drank half a bottle of Vodka last night, I expect nothing less" Damien added as he picked the spoon and stir the soup in the bowl. 

"How am I sure that you didn't add something to this?" Selena asked as she watched him stir and then stop. 

"If I wanted to kill you I would have done that already" Damien spoke as he served a spoonful and raised it up to her lips. 

"What kind of soup is this?" Selena asked as she gently blew on it before drinking. 

"I don't know, Alfred made it" Damien answered. He still had his eyes fixed on her face as he took another spoonful, this time he took the honour of blowing on it before raising it up to her lips. 

They continued this in silence for a while till the bowl of soup was empty, Damien dropped the spoon down and got up with the tray in his hands.

"There are clothes in the closet, I'm sure you'll find something in there" Damien added as he walked out the door. 

A tired sigh escaped her lips when the door closed, it was hard for her to breathe well under Damien's piercing gaze. The man was being calm with the whole thing, like she had not just pretend to be his wife, he was being nice to her after she lied to him. 

Selena didn't know what to think right now, it could be that Damien still hadn't recovered his memories but still, Selena was sure that Alfred must have told him something. Everything was just too confusing for Selena right now, she didn't know what to do, she was still running away from the agency.

"Oh my God" Selena gasped as she remembered "the thumbdrive" she said raising her voice a little. "No no no" Selena searched herself but she couldn't find the thumb drive, she even checked Damien's jacket but there was still no thumb drive. 

"How can I be so careless?" Selena said as she got up from her chair, she paced around the room as she tried to remember where she had dropped the thumb drive. 

"Bar" Selena thought as she quickly rushed to the door but then she stopped in her footsteps. If truly she had misplaced it then of course it would no longer be there, it must have fallen off her at the bar, perhaps on the dance floor, for sure someone would have picked it up, or maybe the cleaners may have thrown it away. So many possibilities, but what was certain was that it was not possible for her to get that thumb drive back. 

"Oh great". Selena snapped as she slumped on the couch, now she no longer have the thumb drive. The whole reason she was in this mess was because of the damn thumb drive and now it's missing. The whole thing was pointless.


"How is she now?" Alfred asked as he placed Damien's breakfast on the table, he rushed to collect the tray from Damien.

"She drank the soup, she'll be fine" Damien answered and took his sit on the table, he first picked up his mug and took a sip from his coffee before he started eating the main course.

"Well she did drink a lot last night, if I may ask sir?" Alfred started as he paused waiting for permission.

"What is it Alfred?" Damien asked, he could tell that Alfred was bothered about something, the old man always had a funny look on his face whenever he had a question, he would cringe his brows and make a face.

"Well, why did you go after her last night? Don't you think it would have been best to let her go!" Alfred asked. The lady had lied and called herself his wife,Alfred knew too well that Damien didn't like lies so why then was he letting the lady stay.

"She pretended to be my wife, she took me to the hospital, signed to get my treatment started. While I was laying unconscious, she had the chance to run away but she didn't, she stayed and even followed me home, knowing very well that she was lying" Damien narrated, summarizing the events of last night. "My question is why?" Damien added as he took another bite. 

Even he too had been thinking about it all night, the girl had a chance to runaway while he was unconscious in the hospital, but she didn't. Damien had so many questions to ask, and then last night, she kept calling her mum the entire time she cried, not to forget the thumb drive she threw at him.

Damien was curious about this girl, he had so many questions and so he wasn't going to let her off yet, not until he got the answers he needed.