
I accidentally married a seductress

"I love you" Selena uttered the words like she had been holding them back for a while now. "And I'm not saying this because I can't live without you" Selena added as she matched his gaze, tears roling down her cheek. "I can, but I don't want to".

Felicity_Uhomonye · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
62 Chs


Damien cursed when he couldn't find her outside, it was not possible that she had gone far. Damien was about to return back inside his mansion when a thought crossed his mind. 

He retraced his steps back as he made way to the car park, first he saw his driver who was lying unconscious on the floor. 

"Clever" Damien commented as he head back into the mansion, he saw Alfred still sleeping on the couch. Not wanting to wake up the old man, Damien decided to take the elevator. 

"Damn" Damien cursed as he leaned on the walls of the elevator, he could feel a sharp pain in his head. He sighed as he took in breaths, his memories were slowly coming back, but Damien didn't have time to think about that right now. 

The Elevator stopped and Damien rushed into his bedroom, he took of his sleeve that was stained with blood, he unbuckled his pants. Now he only had his boxer briefs on. He quickly changed into new clothes, there was no time for him to take a shower. 

After changing Damien rushed down the stairs, he couldn't find Alfred in that position again, he guessed the old man had returned to his quarters. 

Damien reached his hand out and grabbed on of the car keys, he checked the time on the clock, it was almost midnight. 


Selena sighed as she looked at the bottle of Vodka that was half empty, she had drank a lot but she was still sober enough to know her environment. Back at the agency they were trained to have high tolerance for alcohol. Half a bottle had no effect on her, but Selena wished that she could be drunk right now, so she would be able to forget everything. 

Right now, Selena was confused as hell, she didn't know what to do, all she did was take one thumb drive and now she had to face all this. She was just trying to help the agency, the contents in this thumb drive was a secret, no one was allowed to see it. Selena knew that but still she was curious to know what was in it. 

"You wanna dance?" A voice asked.

Selena recognized the voice, she was surprised that he had come here. Was it because she stole his car? Or was it the fancy Jacket he couldn't let go? Selena didn't bother to spare him a glance, she just poured more Vodka in her glass. 

"Why are you here?" Selena asked as she raised the glass to her lips but before she could drink, Damien reached his hand out and collected the glass from her.

"Give me my glass" Selena ordered, she was already angry as it is, she didn't want any one troubling her right now. 

"You already drank half of the bottle, that's enough for you" Damien said, his voice filled with authority giving no room for disobedience. Damien pushed the glass and the bottle to the other side of the table, he could smell Alcohol all over her.

"What do you want?" Selena asked, her voice was sounding hoarse and her cheeks were flushed, the alcohol was begining to affect her slowly.

"My car" Damien answered as his eyes darted to the keys she was holding.

"But you have so many cars back at the mansion, can't I at least keep this one. Let's say it's a goodbye present, afterall I don't have anything left so now I can say I have a car" Selena spoke with her eyes half closed, she was trying to stay sober but her body was slowly giving in.

Damien couldn't understand what she was trying to to say, her sentences didn't make sense. "Come on let's go" Damien spoke as he got up from the chair, he held her hand and tried to pull her up gently but Selena was stubborn.

"Go away, what do you want, I'm not your wife" Selena said half yelling catching the attention of some of the guys around.

Frustrated Damien took a seat back on the bench as he looked at the girl, she was drunk, it was clear now, the alcohol was already taking effect. 

"Let's go back to the mansion" Damien said and he saw the girl wave her hands at him. 

"No, I'm.... I'm not going to.....your mansion" Selena spoke as she placed her pinky finger on his lips telling him not to speak any further. 

"Why should.....why should I go to your mansion?" Selena asked as she used her fingers to draw circles on his face. 

Damien didn't say anything, her closeness was getting to him, he could feel her fingers graze his skin. This little action of hers caused him to feel uncomfortable and Xavier didn't like it. 

"Well I have nowhere else to go right?....mum....mum is going to die tomorrow.... because of me....."Selena spoke not realizing the words she was spouting out. "No....not because of me.... because of this stupid...thumb drive" Selena added as she threw the thumb drive at Damien.

Damien was quick to catch it, he placed it inside his pants pocket for safe keeping. He was trying to make out what she was saying, it was hard to Understand but Damien was trying his best. 

"Mum, it's my fault... it's my fault" Selena spoke as tears rolled down her cheeks, she placed her head on Damien's chest as she began to cry again.

"Mum.... mum..." Selena continued to mutter some words as she cried.

Damien could feel her tears soak his new shirt, he didn't know what to do, instinctively his hands wrapped itself around her so she won't fall. Damien was still in a daze, he was beginning to understand the situation a little bit but he was still surprised with the turn of events. Damien stayed still for a few minutes as he let the girl cry to her heart content, he waited till he could no longer hear any words from her. 

He got up slowly and reached his hand to his pockets, he brought out a hundred dollar bill and gave it to the bartender. Carefully he changed the position and carried her princess style as they both head for the exit, Damien still didn't understand how it got to this. 

'what was his main purpose of coming here?' Damien had come to get answers, to know her reason for all this, that was the reason he came but he ended up doing something entirely different. 

When they got outside, he reached his hand out to his pocket and brought out his keys, he pushed a button and the doors opened. Damien carefully placed the girl in the back seat and made sure she was secured. He then turned around to the drivers seat. Without wasting anymore time he turned on the car as he drove out of the bar.