
I've been reborn as a villain and all I can think about is survival

 My name is Alberto Di Sarto.  I am a mob villain aristocrat who appears in the popular love simulation game "Fortune Star".  My reputation in the game is that I am fat, arrogant, and sadistic, and in every scenario in which I play an active role, I end up dead, and even if I don't play an active role, I end up exiled from the country.  Can I accept such a fate?  Having been reincarnated as Alberto, a character with such a miserable fate awaiting him, I decided to fight back and train myself to avoid my destiny of doom.  As a result, unlike in the game, I became absurdly strong, and for some reason, lively game heroines and game protagonists gathered around me.  I can't understand it. •Tag : Ugly to beautiful, Abandoned children, Villain, Weak to strong, Reincarnation, Game, Action, Harem, Adventure, Non human race / Beast Companion

NovelGods · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

Chapter 5 「Alberto, 12 years old. Epilogue」

After that, I was unconscious for about three days.

 The next thing I knew, I was laid up in my own mansion's convalescent room.

 After I lost consciousness, the demi-human girl found the magic tool I used to communicate with my parents' house on my waist.

 However, the girl who was calm at the time, contacted my parents house with the right information, and were able to locate the place, and I was safely brought back to the mansion using the magic of transfer (I wonder how much it cost), which I can rarely use.

「Well, I forgot to ask the girl's name. I don't think I'll ever see her again, but she's going to be very beautiful in the future. I thought she looked like someone else, but did I know such a beautiful woman in my previous life? 「I can't remember」

 While I was resting in the hospital room, my father, accompanied by butlers and maids, came up to me excitedly.

「Oh, my son! You did a great job, didn't you? A young knight risking his life for a mere slave girl! This is a good story. It will be good for my reign!」

 My father, who was quite distant from me in the original story, was in a good mood when he spoke to me, and I brushed it off as appropriate. It's too much trouble.

「Come to think of it, since the little Alberto is now 12 years old, isn't it about time he got an exclusive slave?」

 The butler's voice reminded me of the scene in the original story.

 Yes, that's right. It was almost time for the heroine who would lead me to my doom, my personal slave Saki, to make her appearance.

 She is a former royalty of the imperial kingdom, which was invaded and merged into our kingdom, and is a master of the water magic. Therefore, she has a grudge against us, the people of the kingdom.

 And she is a devilish woman who hides her icy gaze behind an iron mask and drives me to my death.

 She was one of the main heroines of the route in which I played an active role as a villainous aristocrat, and she was one of the most right-wing women I wanted nothing to do with.
