
I'm Spider-Man (MCU)

As Peter Parker of Earth-199999(MCU) dies shortly after being bitten by a radioactive spider, another soul takes his place. A teenager who committed suicide due to his tragic life gets a second chance in the body of everyone’s favorite neighborhood Spider-Man. Male Lead: Peter Parker or Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Female Lead: Michelle Jones or MJ (Zendaya) Ps- I’ve changed the timeline a little. Peter (15y/o) will get his powers in 2010. A few months before Ironman 1 takes place on his first day of high school, which is when the story starts. Also, Peter is 6 feet tall instead of Tom Holland’s 5’8. (A/N: I came back to writing recently and was fairly rusty (I didn’t write for almost a year) and lazy. I was doing short chapters and dragging things out far to long in my last story. This is my redemption story, so to speak. I’ve learned from it and hopefully this one will be better. Also, the romance will start earlier since I’m not writing about 11 year old kids going to magical schools anymore. Lol) No Harem BTW If you like my writing, check out the Patreon! Advanced chapters are available there. VVV Https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Films
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716 Chs

C352 A Day in Court

Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of now, the patreòn is 4 chapters ahead.



🤬Insert Enemy(s) GIFs here - Most likes wins🤬

🏆Yesterday's GIF winner(s): DotComplex!🏆 (A/N: Another multi-poster takes the crown 👑 And although you are king, know that your reign was stolen through I'll gotten gains! These Demon Kings must be dethroned!)

-New York City Courthouse: 9 AM-

The atmosphere in the courtroom was heavy with anticipation as Scott Lang, accompanied by his lawyers Foggy Nelson and Matthew Murdock, made his way to his seat.

Hope van Dyne, filled with unwavering support and affection for Scott, walked by his side.

The tension between Nelson and Murdock and the prosecutor sent by the District Attorney's Office was certainly palpable, and only intensified by the presence of numerous lawyers representing Vistacorp, their determination to bury the case evident.

What was even more evident was the odd connection that Vistacorp seemed to have with the District Attorney's Office.

As the proceedings began, the judge entered the room, prompting the Baliff to command the attention of everyone present. "All rise! The Honorable Judge Judith Sheindlin presiding."

(Insert picture of Judge Judy here👩‍⚖️)

"You may be seated." She said as she took a seat and banged the gavel a single time. "Court is now in session."

Vistacorp's head lawyer wasted no time as he rose to his feet. "Your Honor, this entire endeavor is a waste of your and the court's time." He argued, citing the lack of new evidence to justify such a step. "There is nothing here that warrants re-examining Mr. Lang's case. And I find it odd that they would try doing so."

Hearing this, Matt turned to look at the man, as if he could see him with his blind eyes. "I find it odd that Vistacorp's entire team of lawyers found the time out of their busy schedules to attend such a small legal matter." He said, bringing attention to their weird interest in Scott's case.

The judge turned to Matt. "Thats enough Mr. Murdock. We aren't here to throw cryptic quips at one another. Do you have any evidence to present or not?"

After all, without evidence, they would have no ground to re-open the case.

Truthfully, the evidence should have been filed with their motions to re-open the case, but everything was rushed thanks to Peter calling in some favors.

The gears of the legal system started turning rapidly as soon as Spider-Man said the word.

And since it was rushed, the judge called this meeting, where they would handle everything that would normally lead up to the re-opening of a criminal case.

Swiftly, Foggy and Matt rose from their seats, producing stacks of documents from their briefcases.

"Your Honor, we have piles of undeniable evidence of Vistacorp's unethical practices, their exploitation of vulnerable customers, and their complete disregard for the law." The room fell silent as Foggy addressed the court, his voice firm and unwavering.

Matt chimed in, his tone assertive yet measured. "Let's start with something juicy, shall we?" He says as he picks up two documents, handing one over to the Baliff, who then brings it over to the judge.

Holding the document in the air for all to see, Matt addresses the court. "Your Honor, the document that your looking at is proof of over 100 different cases of Identity theft committed by Vistacorp and its high-level members. Not only did they illegally access customers' personal information, such as credit card details or social security numbers, they used that confidential information for their own financial gain."

Wide-eyed, the head lawyer for Vistacorp stood from his seat once again. "Your Honor, this-"

"I'm sorry, is it your turn to speak?" The judge asks pointedly.

"N-No, Ma'am..." He replies quickly.

"Then why are you talking?" She asks as she returns to reading the document.

"My apologies, Your Honor. It won't happen again." He instantly takes a seat.

"Thank you, Your Honor." Matt says as he smirks tauntingly in the opposing counsels direction. "Though this isn't the only piece of evidence that we've been able to find while looking into Vistacorp. Fraud, Price Fixing, False Advertisement, Product Tampering, Pyramid Schemes, Insider Trading, Unfair Debt Collection, Environmental Violations, Discrimination, Data Breaches, Unfair Contract Terms, Substandard Product Safety, Exploitive Pricing, Wage Theft..."

As Matt meticulously listed each and every wrongdoing committed by Vistacorp, which included the branch of customers that Scott had intended to help through his heist, Foggy slapped down document after document, emphasizing that they held all of the proof in their hands.

Usually, it would take years and years to build up evidence like this, but thankfully, the Avengers have access to Jarvis and Peter has access to Lily.

Hacking into some low-level company and gathering incriminating evidence is light work for the two AIs.

Once his partner was finished, Foggy spoke up. "This crucial evidence was withheld during Mr. Lang's initial trial. And had it been presented, it would have shed a completely different light on his actions. Instead of the crazed thief, who was only after the money of the company that fired him, our client would have been seen as a modern-day Robin Hood, stealing from dirty criminals and giving back to their victims."

"Objection, Your Honor!" Vistacorp's lawyers reacted swiftly, objecting to the sudden influx of evidence.

The leading lawyer stood up, his voice filled with disdain. "This evidence is irrelevant and should not be considered. It's nothing but a fabrication. Vistacorp is a pillar of the community and would never partake in such unscrupulous activities."

"Oh, really?" Matt says as he pulls out a folder and walks over to place it on the table in front of him.

And as the head lawyer of Vistacorp opened it up, his eyes grew wide as his mouth hung open.

"What is it?" The judge asks as the Baliff walks forward and holds out his hand.

"I-It's..." The man says as he held the folder tightly in his grasp.

"Hand it over." The Baliff says, giving the man no way out.

Well, he did have one way out.

Scrambling past his team, the man sprinted to the door, shocking everyone in the room.

"Stop him!" The Judge orders. "I'll be holding him in Contempt for every step he takes."

And with one smooth motion, Matt pulled out his walking cane and threw it like a spear. Flying through the air with pinpoint accuracy, the long stick appeared between the fleeing lawyer's legs, entangling him perfectly.

As he came crashing to the floor, the Baliff ran over and detained him alongside a few police officers who were called into the room.

Soon enough, the Baliff brought over the file and gave it to the Judge.

Opening it up, the Judge frowned as a look of pure disgust appeared on her face. "I'll see that he not only loses his Bar License but he's thrown in prison for the rest of his life..."

Foggy stood up once again, his voice dripping with determination. "Your Honor, as you can see, our evidence is absolutely relevant and reliable. It goes directly to the motive behind Mr. Lang's actions and demonstrates that he was driven by a desire to expose Vistacorp's wrongdoings, as well as the wrongdoing of its high-level members, and provide restitution to its customers."

The judge, contemplating the arguments presented, nodded her head.

She turned her attention to Scott's lawyers. "Mr. Nelson, Mr. Murdock, you've made a compelling case. Your motion is approved. Please don't forget to submit all of your evidence to the Court before the first trial date."

Hope, unable to contain her emotions, jumped out of her seat and wrapped her arms around Scott, happy for his victory.

Though they still had to have the trial all over again, so this was only a minor battle, which would help them win the war that was coming.

Scott awkwardly wrapped his arms around her waist, grateful for the support.

"This Court is now adjourned!" The judge calls out as she bangs the gavel one last time.

"Wait! Your Honor! You can't just-" Another Vistacorp lawyer tries to argue.

"Did you not hear me?" The judge asks as she stands from her seat.

"Your Honor, I heard you but-" He continued to try to argue.

"Then are you dumb or deaf?" She asks angrily. "Because I'd like to know the reason when I file to have you held in contempt of court."

"I-I'm sorry, Your Honor!"




While the judge was dealing with the idiotic lawyers on the other side, Scott's side was already on its way out.

Although Foggy and Matt weren't the most seasoned lawyers, they knew that it was best to stay on the judge's good side, so they decided to leave as swiftly as possible.

They only hoped that the opposing counsel would continue to dig themselves into a deeper and deeper hole.

"Wow..." Scott muttered as the courtroom doors closed behind them. "I actually think we can win this..."

Originally, he was a bit skeptical as he did commit the crimes that they sent him to prison for.

Though, after going through that, a newfound confidence filled his entire being. Scott realized that he really had a chance at what Peter promised him.

Matt smiled and placed a hand on his shoulder. "We won't just win. We'll get your record expunged, get shared custody of your daughter, and take down Vistacorp." He said, full of confidence.

"I hope you're ready, Scott." Foggy smiled, happy with their first of many victories. "Because now is when things get busy!"

A/N: 1562 words :)

🚨Hand over your💎STONES💎because I'm always watching...👁🚨



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