
I'm Batman (HP Xover)

Just shortly after a 10-year-old Bruce Wayne lost his parents to an armed robber in a dark alleyway, a stray bullet somehow managed to lodge itself in the now orphaned young billionaires chest, killing him shortly after his mother and father. A new Bruce Wayne is born from the ashes of this tragedy and he knows a lot about this new world he’s just entered. Oh, and this is a Harry Potter crossover too. (A/N: I’m back and I’m nervous. It’s been a while since I’ve written and I’m afraid I may be rusty. Hopefully everyone likes this story. Thanks for reading!) If you like my writing, consider supporting on Patreon. I'll have advanced chapters there for you to read soon. https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Films
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40 Chs

C24 Goodbyes

(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 7 chapters ahead at chapter 31. Chapter 32 is almost done. I'll probably post 2 chapters on patreòn tonight.


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[You know the drill by now. Hand the stones over or I'll creep into your bedroom and hide alarm clocks everywhere. Each of them will be set at random times, awakening you from the perfect nights sleep over and over for eternity! hehehehehahahaHAHAHAHAH!]

After reading about this extreme but effective way of practicing his magic, Bruce immediately added it to his practice schedule. Right before bed, he would cast Lumos until he was on the brink of exhaustion. Then he would use that exhaustion to pass out and sleep like a baby throughout the entire night.

Bruce was using his magic practice as a sleeping pill to get a good night's sleep. Truly this is only something a madman would attempt, yet it worked perfectly.

Through his practice of this method and his magic theory book, Bruce found that magic isn't like video games, where each practitioner has a certain amount of mana inside them for use.

Bruce and every other wizard or witch have zero magic reserves or mana inside of them, their bodies are simply able to wield and control the magic that exists everywhere in the world.

When he practices this new technique, Bruce is simply strengthening his ability to use and control the magic around him, and the exhaustion he and every other wizard feels Isn't from running out of mana but from overusing magic passed the point of what the body can handle.

Soon, September 1st arrives and Bruce had everything packed and was ready to go.

Alfred and everyone around Bruce weren't in the brightest of moods today. When they found out that Bruce would be attending a private school, they all thought that they would still be able to protect and serve him even at this school.

Sadly, not long after meeting Professor McGonagall, Bruce received a letter stating what he already thought would happen.

It was written by Headmaster Dumbledore explaining that although Bruce is a special case, due to his status in the muggle world, no servants, employees, or security would be allowed to attend Hogwarts with him.

When Alfred read this, he was furious and very nearly stopped Bruce from attending Hogwarts. Nothing was more important than Bruce's safety, especially after what happened to his parents.

Luckily, the letter mentioned strengthening of rules and procedures that would be taking place, specifically for Bruce's arrival. Although that was all well and good, It still took Bruce a lot of time and convincing to appease Alfred and still attend Hogwarts.

He gave Alfred some assignments to take care of while he was away, which would be to make some investments in certain companies he knows will take off, collect some items of interest, and investigate the whereabouts of certain individuals.

He wanted to have as much information on future heroes and villains. Especially Superman or Clark Kent, who is arguably the strongest being on this planet and possibly the biggest threat to it.

Though that possibility is very unlikely to happen, that doesn't mean it hasn't happened before in comics.

If his love interest would die or an odd strain of kryptonite came in contact with him, Superman could turn from a kind hero into a murderous dictator.

Speaking of Kryptonite, that is definitely on the list of his items of interest for Alfred to have collected. The more Kryptonite collected the better.

Especially before Lex Luthor could get his hands on it and use it against Superman or in his many experiments in the future. Or any other villains for that matter.

'Speaking of Lex Luthor, he may make a good subordinate...' Bruce thought.

Bruce could also use the green kryptonite collected against Clark if the need ever arises, which is what any other Batman would do.

Before heading to the Kings Cross train station, Bruce and his entourage of security picked up Hermione and her family, who Bruce has spent a good amount of time with during the past months.

Hermione was also practicing her magic a lot and Bruce would help her with the occasional spell every once in a while, but he didn't go out of his way to help too much.

After picking up his friend and her family, Bruce had the driver stop at a supermarket.

"What are we doing here?" Hermione asks.

"We're going to be in a magical school for almost a whole year, I don't think they'll have the same snacks and drinks like us. Do you want to go without Coca-Cola and Reese's for that long?" Bruce answers, knowing Hermione's favorite snacks.

"Oh my god... I didn't think of that." Hermione says as a lightbulb goes off in her head.

After a short shopping trip in which Bruce bought a ton of his and Hermione's favorite snacks, they stored it all in their expanded trunks and left for Kings Cross Station.

Upon arrival, Bruce and Hermione weren't sure if Muggles would be able to pass through the pillar leading to Platform 9¾, so they said their goodbyes then and there.

"If something bad happens..." Alfred goes on to say exactly what he's been saying for a while now.

"Contact you immediately and don't do anything dangerous. Stay safe and avoid trouble. Take care of my health but don't slack off on my training. I know Alfred. You've said this at least three times today alone." Bruce complains with a fond smile on his face.

"Are you sure you want to attend this school? We can get more books and you could study at home..." Alfred asks and this isn't the first time.

"No, from what I've read my wand would be snapped by the Ministry if I were to do that, and I like the idea of attending a magical school. I at least want to give it a try before making a concrete decision." Bruce says as he goes in and gives Alfred a tight hug.

"Master Bruce..." Alfred mutters as he hugs his young charge back.

"I will be fine Alfred and I'll send letters through Beira as often as I can." Bruce says as he releases Alfred and steps back.

Wiping a stray tear from his eye, Alfred stands up straight, fixes his clothes, and gives Bruce a quick bow.

"Stay safe, Master Bruce." He sees Bruce off with the cadence of a master Butler.

"You too, Alfred." Bruce says as he turns to see Hermione finishing her goodbyes with her parents.

Without saying another word, Bruce turns and pushes a cart, which holds his luggage and pets, into the side of a pillar, disappearing from Alfred's sphere of influence for the first time in almost two years.


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