
I’m Voldemort (MCU Xover)

On the day that an 11-year-old Tom Riddle receives his Hogwarts acceptance letter, his soul merges with a transmigrated soul from our world. A new Tom Riddle is born and he’ll take the wizarding world by storm. With his future knowledge and some creativity, he’ll achieve any goal that he sets his mind to. Oh, and also he’s in the MCU/X-men movie world as well. No harem BTW (A/N: I tried something like this before with my old story ‘I’m Harry Potter (MCU Xover)’. This time I’ll stick with it and hopefully make an amazing story for you to read.) If you like my writing, consider supporting on Patreon. I'll have advanced chapters there for you to read as well. https://www.patreon.com/AlienWarlord

AlienWarlord · Films
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271 Chs

C40 Chamber (1)


(A/N: Want to read ahead of what I've posted so far? Go to my patreòn and get early access chapters.

As of this chapter, the patreòn is 15 chapters ahead at chapter 55. I'll be writing and posting at least 2 chapters tonight.


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Thanks for the Power Stones and enjoy the chapter!)

In preparation for going to the chamber of secrets, Tom has come up with a plan. The basilisks are said to be killed by the cry of a rooster, so Tom has made a magical recorder out of runes and arrays. The recorder itself wasn't so hard to make, as he just needed it to copy a sound and then play it a single time. He hasn't quite figured out how to save it, so it will only play once after being activated. Just to be totally safe, Tom made two separate recorders. He recorded the sound of some roosters on both devices, as the groundskeeper keeps a few of them.

The backup plan for this recorder somehow failing is quite simple. Tom will fall back on the portal away plan if needed, and if the basilisk were to try to follow him, then Tom would be delighted to test out his new move. With his fairly simple plan put together, at midnight Tom sneaks out of the dormitory and goes to the second floor girl's bathroom. Of course, he made sure to be as quiet as possible and keep to the shadows. Although the caretaker of the castle isn't as paranoid as Filch was in canon, so he shouldn't be searching the halls right now.

Once inside the bathroom, Tom made sure no one was around. He then closes the door and walked to the sinks. Once he stood by the sink, Tom made sure to listen for any students or teachers wandering the halls just to be safe. As he doesn't hear any footsteps or any other signs of life, he looks to the sink and says the magic word.

"~Open~" Tom hisses and the sinks open to reveal a dark entrance with a ramp to go down. "~Stairs~" He calls and nothing happens. '*shrug* It was worth a shot.'

Tom jumps down the entrance and slides down to the dark abyss below. As he gets to the bottom, Tom slides off and lands on his feet in a dark tunnel. Following the tunnel, Tom doesn't find the skin from the basilisk shedding that Harry found in the movie. Walking along the tunnels, Tom finds another entrance and opens it like the sinks.

"~Open~" Tom hisses and the doors open.

Inside is a walkway flanked on both sides with waterways that ran through the room and who knows where else. Lining the left and right walls are big snake statues that hover over the waterways. At the end of the walkway is a wall carving of the head of Salazar Slytherin.

(A/N: Truthfully I can't remember what the head was, but I'm pretty sure it was Slytherins head.)

This is the chamber of secrets. Tom takes a minute to take all of this in. He remembers watching Harry's battle against Diary Tom and the Basilisk. He then decided to use this place as a meeting spot for him and his high-level followers. He'll have to make sure that no valuables are lying around before inviting anyone in, of course. Also, whoever would be invited has to be proficient in Occlumency, as to protect the chambers whereabouts.

'This all depends on my ability to either control the Basilisk or kill it.' Tom thought as he gets ready to open the statue's mouth.

Tom opens a portal to the mirror dimension behind him and takes out one of the recording devices with the rooster cry recorded. He then takes a few breathes and readies himself to invite out one of the most dangerous magical creatures in the world.

'Okay, breath in, breath out. You can do this. Just don't look into its eyes and talk as soon as possible to gain its trust.' Tom thought as he centers himself and looks away from the mouth. "~Speak to me, Slytherin, greatest of the Hogwarts four!~" Tom hisses as the mouth falls open.

Making sure not to look into the abyss of the open mouth, Tom waits to hear something exiting the mouth. The anticipation and the fact that he can't look in that direction is killing him. He waits and waits but as time passes he hears nothing. As soon as the mouth stopped opening and the sound of stone scraping against stone ended, the chamber was bathed in silence as nothing came out of the mouth.

Tom waited and waited until he couldn't take it anymore and looked towards the mouth. Nothing was there and nothing seemed to be coming out. Tom cursed his new situation that he's found himself in.

'Am I supposed to go in or should I try luring the snake out?' Tom thought.

As Tom was thinking of his current situation and debating on his next step, the water on the left side of the walkway starts rippling. As Tom is staining into the mouth of the statue, the head of the basilisk pokes out of the water to his left.

Suddenly, Tom heard the sound of water moving and dripping. He could feel the hairs on his body stand straight up. Turning to his left, while making sure to look only near the floor, he sees the same basilisk from the movie slithering its way out of the water. It looked as ugly and mean as he remembers from the scene. Panic filled Tom's mind as he fights his response to say f*ck this and runaway. After swiftly getting himself under control, he opens his mouth and hopes for good luck.

"~Hello, I'm the heir to Slytherin. It's nice to meet you?~" Tom says with a bit of awkwardness as he's ready to press play on the recorder and pounce to the portal at any moment.

At first, the snake doesn't answer and simply turns its head sideways for a second. Seeing the basilisk didn't try to eat him yet, Tom started getting hopeful that the basilisk would listen to him.

"~Food?~" The basilisk hisses and surveys the room for any tasty meals. "~FOOD!~" The snake yells with a crazed look in its eyes as it sees Tom.

"Well, that answers my question, I guess." Tom says immediately presses the play button on his magic recorder.

Amplified sounds of many roosters crying out fill the room. The basilisk cry's out and hisses in pain as the audio plays through the room. It writhes and shakes as it falls back into the water and disappears underneath.

When Tom sees the Basilisk escape under the water, he curses and pulls out the other recorder device. The first one has already ended, so it's best to have the other at the ready. Due to the Basilisk vanishing under the water, Tom can't tell whether it died or not. He sticks close to the portal with his back to it and watches the waters around him closely.

Soon the water started moving as if something was splashing around beneath it. This spreads to every bit of water in the room, and Tom couldn't tell which side the snake was swimming in anymore. The waters got so turbulent that the water started rising and soaking the walkway Tom is standing on. The water invades his dragon hide boots and soaks his socks completely in water.

"F*ck, on top of all of this, now I have to deal with wet socks!" Tom yells in annoyance, as he hears squishing noises from his shoes every time he takes a step.

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