
The Brothers....•-•

A few years later me and Mina have been having great times going to restaurants and recalling at home but then she'd have to work at night shifts as do I, but altogether we've been having a great time enjoying ourselves going to different places learning new things about them and so on anyways.... I was ordering to take out and Acro was on his shift at the time so I was waiting there wondering if it's possible that someone could get more mates in their lifetime? I heard of rare times where you can get at least 1-3 not many occurrences like 4 mates. I mean there was one once by this prince who had 4 but that was many centuries ago and now we can only pray to have at least one since some don't ever get a mate and are forever alone with no one to help them or protect them and they usually go to pubs, or try to kill themselves from sadness, stress, and anger. So I'm actually glad I have Mina..... oh! Almost tripping Acro when he was coming to the front counter to the restaurant.

"Hey, careful you could have made me trip man.. uh I mean madam pfft heheh...." Acro had said laughing at how he called me a goddamn man because I was even taller than him .... *internally crying at how ridiculously tall I am*

"So anyways are you here to order a take out or for here?" He asked

"Uh I'll have take out thanks" I said looking at the ground from embarrassment and humiliation.

"So what'd you like to order?"

"I would like-" I looked up at him then the bond clicked together and

"oh holy shit-" he laughed "I need to tell my brother about this whole situation hahahah!" He laughed so hard at this coincidence and the hilarious accidental meeting of mates.

I stared at him for awhile unsure if I should go tell Mina right now or talk to him and tell her later...

Then this other guy who looked exactly like him came in-

"Hey bro what's up? Why'd you call? I was at my work!" He said it like he was annoyed, but he was smiling while rolling his eyes.

I stared confused then looked at the other him and Acro(who still didn't tell me his name! - yet)

"Bro guess what!" Acro said Excitedly laughing a bit

"What is it idiot" the other guy(Arrow) said(not telling me his name either!!!!)

"Bro stop, your not looking at a mirror"

"Dude- that's hurts man"

"Heheh.. I'll show you what really hurts dumbass!" Then grabbed Arrow's arm and twisted it behind onto his back.


I kind of want to hide in a bush and pretend this never happened. Nothing. At. All. Just a normal day with Mina.

~ at least and hour or so later~

"Woah bro that's awesome! I'm so telling everyone that you FINALLY found your mate."

Then he really did text everyone in Acros family about it in only five minutes. And I mean everyone. and that's how the twins came into my life.