
I’m James from Team Rocket?

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · Action
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Also please give me some hot pics boys. I know y'all got your stashes so help a man out 🙏. Only Humans no Pokemon, please I'm traumatised.

(Smexy Images)