
I’m James from Team Rocket?

“Ugh.” James groans in pain, grabbing his head with an uneasy look. Now looking down at the letter in front, James’ face does a 180. “Love from James to Jessebelle? What the fu-“ *Ccreaakk* James turning around keeping his disbelief and pissed look with some veins showing on his head somehow. Spots a weird but strangely familiar animal. “Growlie?” James says instinctively seeing the puppy like creature enter the room. “Grawr! Little Growlie bursts in speed towards James as the door opens a decent amount of space. James still holding the letter with a pissed look, gets an idea. Chucking the letter on the floor, James gets a wide grin. “Growlie, use ember” “Gra?” “Oh yeah “I” scolded you for burning my toys before, it’s fine.” “Raa?” Growlie replies still unsure of what to make of this, development? “JUST DO IT!” James said calmly. Will James Morgan survive the world dooming events to come? Things like Team Plasma with flying warships and professional assassins exist and a literal god with his children having sibling fights apparently on the daily. Seems like an every Tuesday for Ash Ketchum any who. Can James escape these events? Well of course not but you’ll have to wait and see!

Cndel · Action
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16 Chs


I'm quite the No-Harem believer. This is because I personally don't like the main character focusing on romance too much ya know.

Also because Im trying this fanfic thingy out and am not good at writing romance with multiple women.

Who am I kidding y'all are here for the Pokemon and adventures.

Not the r-18 right?


Oi listen to me you fu- 🔫

Well anyways I'm stuck on who I should make the female lead.

The options are Jessie, Cynthia, Nessa and Sabrina. The names I stated are perfect and are within James' age range in canon and are perfect for him. Not sure about Cynthia though as she's "overused".

You can vote on who should be the FML in the next Auxiliary Chapter.


[Disclaimer: This is fully anime and a few certain movie's canon besides James' age being reduced so he turns 17 in canon instead of his official age being somwhere in his mid 20s. Same with Jessie's age as well. I will also add some additions by me like a talent system]


I will be yoinking the talent system from Pokemon: Ultimate generations with the star talent system (Shout out to Monster_Paradise, love your fic but you don't need my shout out probably lmao).

Blood Bonds where when bonded with a Pokemon increases physical or mental things about a person. This is from Pokemon: Blood Bonds

(Alan_demonic hasn't been on webnovel for a year now sadge 😔)

MC wont have a talent appraisal but will use the normal way to check talent as I think an appraisal ability is broken.


Pokemon ranking go:

Bronze = ⭐️

Silver = ⭐️⭐️

Gold = ⭐️⭐️⭐️

Platinum = ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Diamond = ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

??? = ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

(The tier or star of a Pokemon can be increased by a Star Piece, but some special conditions must be met if you upgrade a Pokemon to Platinum or Diamond)


The setting when a guy called James (To not cause any problems) is transmigrated to the Pokemon world as James from team Rocket as a 7 year old. He will be in an era just started or a few years into making technology such as the internet and stuff and when he gets older. Things like holographic screens and warships that could freeze whole cities exist in the future after all.

I also want to say this now before y'all start flame me for being stingy or what not.

Diamond and Platinum Pokemon are extremely rare and usually can only be gotten through breeding. Due to James being in a aristocrat family, they only have money and are well suited in the buisness side of the world.

They do host some Pokemon tournaments with money and funding. But have no connections with breeders and the most money can buy is a Gold Talent Pokemon or in rare cases of Platinum.

This doesn't include professors and breeding centres that keep control of the supply of these talented Pokemon.

I'm doing everything canon and up to par with the anime. So if I write something wrong and you're able to prove it, I will change it unless it's too deep into the story.

(Thanks for reading and if you didn't then fu-, please do not give me a bad rating for something I mentioned. I will delete it 🙏)