
31 My Nice Chat with Killian

When I came too, I was zip-tied to a bed frame. I moved my arms and felt my watch. 'They are really stupid.'

I looked forward to seeing Maya on a computer. "I see you took His deal." - "I took his money." - "I gave you money. I funded you. What about that." - "It ran out. Quick." - "Aren't you a quick spender." - "A lot has happened, Tony. I'm close I can feel it. It's practically stabilized." - "I see, so Is that why you let Killian shoot up Mia." Her eyes widen. "Yeah, I saw the clip. After he did that, did you still work for him? Some mother you are." - "DON'T! Say that. I did the best I could. If I don't they'll harm her. I tried to get you to help." - "But they blew up my house. Thanks by the way." - "Wasn't my call." - "Get me out of here. I can help you get free, and I can protect you and Mia. As soon as I kill him, you're free."

Killian: "You know what my old man used to say to me? One of his favorite of many sayings. The early bird gets the worm, But the second mouse gets the cheese." - "Come on. Don't tell me you're pissed about what I said in Switzerland, Are you?" - "How can I be pissed at you, Tony? I'm here to thank you. You gave me the greatest gift that no one's ever given me. Desperation, if you think back to that night and Switzerland. When you told me my think tank, wasn't going to amount to anything, I wasn't gonna amount to anything. I took your word seriously, I thought about going onto the roof and taking that one-step shortcut to the lobby. I mean if my Life's work is going to amount to anything then what am I going to come out to? Might as well just end it there. Then I became desperate. I got a drive, you can say. I needed approval from myself and you, thank you for that. That it will. So when I got the call from Maya, it was like Christmas all over again." - "Good for you. You found a purpose." - "I did. I found being in the shadows allows me to do many things. So that's what I did. That was until the big guy with the hammer came down. After that, everything was thrown out the window. So I gave myself a face, someone people could go after. To hate.

I assume you've met him?" - "Yes, Sor Laurence Oblivier." - "I know, he's a little over-the-top sometimes. But it's not entirely my fault. He has a tendon.. he's a stage actor. They say his Lear was the toast of Croydon, Whatever that is." - "So what's next then? What's the next thing you plan to show the world." - "Well, I'm not going to show the world this. But I have a gift for you." He rolled six balls away from him.

When he did that my stomach sank. It's impossible. They have the suits. "I can't give you the same feeling you gave to me. But I think this will do." He hit a button on a remote, and a hologram showed up of Jessi strapped down with her skin glowing. "I overheard that you seen Your other daughter go through this, so I figured. Might as well finish the pair.

Now, This is live, and I'm not sure you can tell, but at this moment the body is trying to decide whether to accept Extremis or give up, and if it gives up, I have to say. The destination is quite spectacular. Oh, but that's not all." He hit a button again and Pepper appeared also strapped on a table being cut into. "I have to thank you. You gave us a subject who appears to have a fully functioning Extremis. We are currently trying to see what's so special about her. Thank you."

I broke the zip ties and jumped at Killian.

He grabbed my arms and we became stuck in that position, not being able to overpower each other.

Through a strained voice, Killian. "I wouldn't do anything irrational. If they don't hear from me or I tell him otherwise both of them will be dead."

I let go and backed away.

'Shit! I. Fuck. I gave them those suits so this situation wouldn't have happened.'

Maya: "Stop this Killian." We both looked over to Maya who had an injector against her neck.

Killian: "What are you doing?" - "Stop all of this. This is 1200 CCs. Those half the size, I'm dead." - it's times like this my temper is tested somewhat. Maya, give me the injector." - "If I die, Killian, What happens to your soldiers? What happens to your product?" - "We aren't doing this, Okay." - "What happens to you? What happens if you go too hot?"

Killian looked at me as he pulled the trigger on Maya. "The good news is. A high-level position just got vacated."

Weakly, Maya spoke. "Protect Mia." Then she dropped dead.

I closed my eyes, really pissed. "You are a deranged maniac." - "No, I'm a visionary. But I do want a maniac and he's on tonight."

I ran to Maya once he left but unfortunately, she was already dead, and without magic, I couldn't even think about saving her.


It didn't take long for two guards to come in and watch me to make sure I didn't do anything funny.

I stood there like a good boy while I waited for the magical words.

Jarvis: "Sir. The suit is charged enough to rescue you."

I smiled.

Guard one: "What's so funny?" - "Oh, nothing. I'm just imagining how I'll kill you."

Guard two: "You do anything funny, your wife and Daughters die." - "Only if you can send word." - "You aren't that quick." - We'll see."

My left gauntlet flew through the window and attached to my hand as I formed my nano gauntlet from my watch on my right.

I fired both at gaurd two, before I boosted myself to gaurd one. And one quick back and forth I shot his leg then stomach.

I took a couple of steps, and then my legs followed by the rest of the suits came to me.


On my HUD three are coming down the hallway up the stairs.

I hovered in the air at their level. They saw me and started to fire but it did nothing to me.

I flew Towards the window, but pulled a faint and picked off the wall launching myself to the hallway. I hit the one in the center with my head then after going through the railing, slid down the hallway to fire at the last two.

I stood up with a smile at how easy that was. I stood were the railing was to have a guard come out with his gun pointed at me.

"Do we want to see how this plays out? Drop the gun and you can leave." - "Fine with me. I hate this job. Everyone's weird here." - "Bye." I waved and watched him leave before I made my way outside myself.

As I made it outside I saw the Iron Patriot armor fly overhead.

Don't have time to deal with him or the President. I need to save Pep and Jess.

"Let's go." I tried to fly but I just got sputters. "What's happening? I thought the suit was charged?" - "It was sir. Carved enough to save you. We currently don't have enough power to fly, especially for an extended period of time." - "Come on."

A random number popped on my HUD. Must be Rhodey. "Tony." - "I'm guessing that it wasn't you in the suit?" - "No. got yours?" I looked down at the old beat-up suit. "Yes, and no. Go to the main house. Meet you there."

I need that speedboat.


After a quick stop to rip out a car battery for my suit, I made my way back into the house. When I reentered the room where Trevor was, I seen two ladies playing Ping-Pong and some guards who just entered.

"I'll take the winner."

The Gauds look at me as Rhodes busts through a window and shoots all the guards. "That was easy."

Trevor: "Who are you dressed as?" - "Your enemy."

Rhodey: "You make a move, and I break your face." - "I never thought people had been hurt. They lied to me." - "This is the Mandarin?"

"I know, It's… embarrassing. We all felt the same way. I mean I felt the same."

Trevor: "Hi, Trevor. Trevor Slattery. I know I'm shorter in person. A bit smaller. Everyone says that. But, um, hey, If you're going to arrest me, There are some people I'd like to roll on."

"Shut up. I need you to tell me where Pepper and Jessi are? If you tell me, he won't do it." - "Do what?"

Rhodey put his pistol against his ear. "oh! I get it! Ow! That hurts. I get it! I get it! I don't know about any Pepper or Jessi, But I do know about the plan."

"Enlighten us."

Rhodey: "Do you know what they did to my suit?" - "What? No. But I do know what's happening off the coast. Something about a big boat. I can take you there." He suddenly yelled scaring Rhodes. "Tony, I swear to God, I'm going to blow his face off."

"I won't stop you."

Trevor: "Wait. Wait. Wait. This is next but they include the vice president as well. Is that important?"

Rhodey: "Yeah a little bit."

"Hey extra. Where's that fancy speedboat you talked about."



On the speedboat.

"If the idiot is right, we are 20 minutes out from where Pepper and Jessi are." - "What about the vice president?" - "Do you trust me?" - "Of course." - "Then let's not worry about him. I know he's in Killians pocket." - "That doesn't make me feel good." - "Me either." - "Then we have a choice. Your family or the president. We can't do both." - "Yes we can I."

Jarvis: "Sir, I have an update from Malibu." I put my hand up and walked a little bit away from Rhodey. " The cranes have finally arrived, And the cellar doors are being cleared as we speak." - "Good. But what about the suit that's on me?" - "The armor is now at 92%." - "Good. Is the man Catchers in this suit?" - "Yes, you installed them in every suit from the Mark 20 onwards as a just in case." - "Just making sure." I pulled out the wires connected to the battery and formed the helmet as I stepped out of it.

Rhodey: "What are you doing?"

The suit took off as holograms of my HUD appeared in front of my eyes. "Remote-controlled suits. Comes in handy at times. Keep us moving to the docks. I'll get the President.