
Card Mysic

The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

immoral_saint · Eastern
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25 Chs

8. Brutal face off

The ships landed in an orderly manner, almost captivating if not for the tension brewing in the air, the ship radiated an aura of mistique that seemed to make the surrounding areas blurry.

Zilong was in the pagoda, not knowing what was happening... "say put", the deity said with cold eyes, Zilong didn't dare to move and waited patiently as he was told, not daring to even move a muscle as the pressureing aura returned.

The deity, with an air of regal indifference, rose gracefully from its seated position. The black wings unfurled partially, their vast expanse creating an imposing silhouette against the backdrop of descending ships. With a fluid motion, it began to move towards the entrance of the pagoda, its steps measured and deliberate, exuding an unshakeable confidence.

Zilong, still rooted to the spot in fear and awe, watched as the deity emerged into the open, the advanced spaceships now hovering just above the ground. The ships settled with a precision that spoke of highly advanced technology, their surfaces gleaming with an otherworldly light.

A ramp extended from the largest of the ships, and a group of figures, clad in intricately designed armor, descended. Their presence was as imposing as the deity's, and it was clear they were beings of immense power. These were no ordinary visitors—they were executioners, sent on a mission of critical importance.

The deity approached them with a calm demeanor, its glowing purple eyes reflecting a deep-seated knowledge of what was to come. The leader of the executioners, a tall figure with an air of authority, stepped forward to meet the deity.

"It has been a long time," the leader of the fleet said, his voice resonating with a mixture of respect and resolve. "Your exile was supposed to end a million years ago, yet the space lock enchantment delayed us."

The deity's smile was enigmatic, carrying both acknowledgment and a touch of bitterness. "Indeed," it replied, its voice smooth and untroubled. "A million years, postponed by the intricate workings of the space lock enchantment. Time has not dulled your resolve, it seems."

The leader's eyes hardened, the weight of their mission evident. "We are here to carry out the sentence. You know why we have come."

The deity nodded slowly, a mixture of resignation and defiance in its expression. "I knew this day would come. My exile, though prolonged, could not last forever. You are my executioners, sent to fulfill a duty that has been deferred but not forgotten."

The atmosphere was thick with tension as the deity and its executioners stood facing each other, the gravity of the moment palpable. The dark, ominous energy that had surrounded the pagoda seemed to resonate with the finality of the encounter.

Zilong, watching from the shadows, felt a profound sense of dread and helplessness. He had stumbled into a confrontation of cosmic significance, a clash of ancient powers and long-deferred justice. The beings before him were playing out a drama that spanned millennia, far beyond the comprehension of any mere mortal.

As the deity and its executioners prepared to enact the final chapter of this ancient saga, Zilong could only remain frozen, a witness to the unfolding of events that would reshape the very fabric of his world.

As the executioners closed in, the deity's serene expression hardened, and a fierce, defiant light ignited in its glowing purple eyes. "You think I would just let you kill me?" it said, its voice dripping with contempt and raw power. The aura around the deity surged, the dark energy emanating from it intensifying to a level that made the very air crackle with electricity.

The executioners tensed, sensing the imminent clash. The deity's black wings unfurled fully, casting a vast shadow over the land. With a roar that echoed like thunder, the deity launched itself at the executioners, the ground beneath it shattering from the force of its takeoff.

The battle that ensued was a whirlwind of deadly elegance and ferocious power. The deity's glowing purple claws slashed through the air with blinding speed, each swipe sending arcs of dark energy towards its foes. The executioners, armed with their own advanced weaponry, parried and counterattacked, their movements precise and coordinated.

In one fluid motion, the deity swung its long, sinuous tail, the sharp sword-like tip slicing through the air with lethal accuracy. The tail struck one of the executioners, the blade cutting through armor and flesh with ease. The wounded executioner fell back, momentarily incapacitated by the devastating blow.

The deity's wings were not merely for show; they became formidable weapons in their own right. With a powerful beat of its wings, the deity sent a shockwave of energy rippling through the battlefield, throwing several executioners off balance. The edges of the wings, lined with razor-sharp scales, sliced through anything they touched, turning even the slightest movement into a deadly strike.

Despite the overwhelming odds, the deity fought with unmatched ferocity and skill. It moved with a grace that belied its size, its feline hind limbs propelling it with agile leaps and bounds that made it a blur of motion. The purple glow of its claws intensified with each strike, leaving trails of shimmering light in their wake.

One executioner, attempting to flank the deity, was met with a swift, brutal response. The deity spun, its tail whipping around to impale the attacker, lifting him off the ground before hurling him aside like a ragdoll. The executioner's lifeless body crashed to the ground, a testament to the deity's fearsome power.

The leader of the executioners, rallying his remaining forces, attempted a coordinated assault. They moved in unison, their weapons glowing with energy as they sought to overwhelm the deity. But the deity, undeterred, unleashed a devastating flurry of attacks. Its claws tore through armor and flesh alike, its wings delivering punishing blows that sent executioners sprawling, and its tail striking with pinpoint precision.

Amidst the chaos, the deity's eyes burned with fierce determination. It was a living storm of darkness and power, every movement a testament to its unyielding will to survive. The air around the battlefield was thick with the scent of blood and the crackle of dark energy, a symphony of destruction orchestrated by the deity's unmatched prowess.

As the battle raged on, it became clear that this was not a simple execution but a clash of titans, a struggle between the ancient, indomitable will of the deity and the relentless determination of its executioners. The ground trembled with each clash, the air vibrating with the sheer intensity of their confrontation, and Zilong, still a witness to this epic struggle, could only watch in awe and terror as the deity fought for its very existence.

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