
Card Mysic

The universe is a vast, unfeeling expanse, where countless stars burn and die, indifferent to the struggles of those who wander in its endless void, for every planets that cradles a life, a thousand more are barren, hostile and unforgiving, this is the reality that Zilong, a spoilt kid that never knew danger in his life, only to be thrown in the most dangerous part of it in his life, knew too well. Zilongs comrade found peace in the blossom of the God of death, and he alone was cursed to wander the expanse of the universe, becoming something above all, some thing unknown, something that can gobble up universes in one bite. *THE BEAST OF ARMAGEDDON*

immoral_saint · Eastern
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25 Chs

7. Intruders

Zilong gulped, looking at this transcendent God, "p..p.. plea..se", that was the only word Zilong could muster.

Looking up at this divine entity, Zilong felt utterly devastated.

The being spoke again..

"Who are you, and how did you get passed the defences", the air shook as this divine gaze pierced Zilong enter body making feel naked.

"S-sir..I... My ship....crashed", Zilong could only muster these words, the being looked at Zilong, its face of both terror and beauty it seemed like it was looking at him with a confused stare.

It then stretched forth it's hands..and Zilong put his head down ready for immediate death, but however that blow never came, instead a yellow ball-like structure appeared out of thin air on its menacing palms.

And what happened next...

The being grabbed Zilong's face and shoved this ball down his throat, it was not as if he could reject it.

As the yellow ball passes his throat Zilong cursed, "Ahh..it's bitter", Zilong gimaced as he fell back to the floor.

He noticed something though, he's speech was different and the words that came out of his mouth wasn't Chinese.

"Speak".. the demonic but at the same time angelic voice ran through the air sending immediate chills down Zilongs spine.

"I-I..m..my ship c..crashed into this p..planet b..by mistake", Zilong said as he bowed his head.

The creature's eyes, glowing with malevolent purple light, narrowed slightly as it regarded Zilong. There was a flicker of confusion in its gaze, a momentary break in its otherwise overwhelming aura of lethal intent. It seemed perplexed by Zilong's presence, as if the mere fact that a mortal stood before it was an anomaly.

"You," the creature's voice resonated through the chamber, deep and echoing with a tone that suggested both immense power and ancient wisdom, "are not supposed to be here."

The creature's expression conveyed a mix of curiosity and disdain. "No mortal has ever crossed the threshold of this pagoda," it continued, its eyes piercing into Zilong's soul. "For a million years, even the greatest cultivators have struggled and failed to breach this sanctum."

As it spoke, a subtle realization seemed to dawn on the creature. It tilted its head slightly, the glow in its eyes intensifying. "Yet, I sensed you on this planet," it said, the tone now carrying a hint of intrigue. "It was I who lured you here, manipulating your mind, drawing you in like a moth to a flame."

The creature's eyes flared as it leaned forward slightly, its presence growing even more oppressive. "I expected to see one of my kin, a member of the great clan Aijer, the rightful heirs to this power," it said, its voice tinged with a mixture of frustration and disappointment. "Yet, what stands before me is nothing more than a mere mortal."

The weight of the creature's disappointment and confusion pressed down on Zilong, amplifying his sense of dread. The invisible pressure that held him in place seemed to tighten, as if the creature's bewilderment had only served to deepen its scrutiny and intensify its power.

In that moment, Zilong's mind raced, piecing together the fragments of the creature's words. This being, from the legendary clan called Aijer, and had expected a reunion with its own kind, not the intrusion of an ordinary human. The realization filled Zilong with a profound sense of regret and fear, knowing that his presence was not only a mistake but a violation of something far greater than he could comprehend.

The creature's eyes bore into him with renewed intensity, the purple glow reflecting a deep well of ancient knowledge and indomitable power. Zilong could feel the weight of a million years of expectation and struggle in that gaze, and the crushing realization that he was utterly out of his depth.

Zilong mustered these words again... "p..please", then suddenly everything stopped, the pressure, the gaze and the killing intent permeanting the air dissipated.

Zilong coughed a mouth full of blood as he looked at this being who was slowly walking back to its previous position.

It took something out of and stretched its hand towards Zilong signalling him to take it.

Zilong knew for a fact that if this being wanted to kill him, he would have died long before discovering this pagoda.

He took it the thing handed to him that looked like a handkerchief, Zilong looked at it confused, "you'll need it", Zilong didn't want to ask questions and just nodded, he too sat in the edge of the room, the massive pagoda seemed to have only one floor.

'I don't know, should I run?', Zilong contemplated holding the handkerchief, "after a millon years someone finally was able to disrupt the space lock enchantment"..these word echoed with a familiar ripple, Zilong looked at this deity, he frowned slightly noticing a slight smile on the deity's scaled face...looking at him.


As Zilong remained paralyzed by the creature's gaze, the ground beneath him began to tremble. The entire pagoda shook violently, the dark energy within its walls pulsing with increased intensity. Zilong, overwhelmed by fear and confusion, collapsed to the ground, his legs unable to support him any longer. He sat there, panicked, feeling the earth quaking as if the very fabric of reality was tearing apart.

Despite the chaos around them, the deity did not even flinch. Its eyes remained closed, its expression serene and unbothered by the violent upheaval. The contrast between Zilong's terror and the deity's calm was stark and unsettling.


Suddenly, an ear-splitting screech pierced the air, a sound so loud and otherworldly that it seemed to vibrate through Zilong's very bones. He clutched his head, trying to block out the deafening noise, but it was impossible to escape. The sound heralded a dramatic change in the environment.

Above the pagoda, the clouds parted with an almost supernatural force, revealing the dark sky beyond. Strange, advanced spaceships descended from the heavens, their designs sleek and otherworldly, crafted from materials and technology far beyond anything humanity had ever conceived. These ships glowed with an eerie light, their surfaces covered in intricate patterns that pulsed with energy.

As the ships descended, the deity finally opened its eyes, the purple glow within them brighter and more intense than ever. A slow, knowing smile spread across its face, radiating a sense of dark satisfaction.

"It is time," the deity said, its voice resonating with a sense of finality and anticipation.

The words sent a chill down Zilong's spine. He could feel the immense power and inevitability in the deity's declaration. The ground continued to shake, and the ships drew closer, their presence filling the sky and casting long shadows over the land.

Zilong's mind raced, overwhelmed by the unfolding events. The deity, now fully alert and focused, seemed to draw strength from the arrival of the ships, its aura of power growing even more formidable. The realization hit Zilong like a thunderbolt—this was not a random occurrence, but a carefully orchestrated moment that had been long in the making.

As the ships descended, their ominous forms casting a dark pall over the land, Zilong knew that his world had irrevocably changed. The deity's smile, filled with dark anticipation, hinted at events and forces far beyond his understanding, and he could only watch in helpless awe as the future unfolded before him.