
Hydrax Legacy

In a forgotten age, the realm was ruled by the Celestials of Spada, mysterious beings who wielded the elemental forces of nature with unmatched power. Anemo, Electro, Pyrus, Cryo, Geo, Dendro, and Hydrus, each embodying a force of nature, shaped the destiny of the world. Yet, their true nature remained hidden, known only through whispers and legends. Fast forward to 2099, where a new generation of warriors emerges, their destinies intertwined with the fate of the realm. As they navigate a world where power hangs in delicate balance, secrets and hidden agendas abound. A clandestine force seeks to harness the power of the Stigmata, mystical artifacts linked to the Celestials, for their own sinister purposes. Meanwhile, reports of demonic beings threaten the stability of the world, their origins a mystery yet to be solved. Unbeknownst to the populace, these shadowy figures have created replicas of the Stigmata, upsetting the delicate equilibrium of power and threatening to plunge the world into chaos. As the clock ticks, the warriors must unravel mysteries and make choices that will determine whether they become legends or fade into obscurity. In this tale of intrigue and peril, the true motives of each character remain shrouded in mystery, and the line between friend and foe is blurred. Will the warriors uncover the truth and restore balance to the realm, or will they succumb to the darkness that threatens to consume them? Only time will tell.

SYED_ASAD · Romance
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34 Chs


As Raizel made his way into the arena, his presence commanded attention. With each deliberate step, he seemed to navigate not only the physical space but also the vast expanse of thoughts and emotions within his mind. His black hair, tinged with a hint of red, cascaded like strands of introspection, framing a face that bore the wisdom of ages.

Eyes of deep cerulean blue held a captivating gaze, as if they were windows into a realm of profound contemplation. They carried the weight of countless reflections, pondering the complexities of existence and the interplay of light and darkness within the human experience.

A muscular and athletic build spoke of discipline and dedication, honed through countless trials and self-discovery. It was a physical manifestation of the inner strength and resilience that had been forged over time, a testament to the fusion of body and spirit.

In his hands, Raizel carried the Twin Blades of Domination, ethereal weapons pulsating with latent power. They represented not just tools of combat, but symbols of the intricate balance between control and surrender, dominance and humility. Each blade held a story, etched in the scars and victories of battles fought both within and without.

As he walked with measured steps, Raizel's mind drifted through the vast expanse of the arena. The arena, much like life itself, held an array of possibilities and challenges. It was a metaphorical landscape where destinies were shaped and the echoes of choices reverberated.

In this moment of contemplation, the air seemed to hold a palpable stillness, as if the universe itself paused to listen. Raizel embraced the profound uncertainty and the beauty of existence, ready to embark on another chapter of his journey. Each step he took was not only a physical movement but a metaphorical stride into the unknown, a testament to his resilience and unwavering quest for understanding.

For Raizel, the arena was more than a battleground; it was a canvas upon which he could paint a reflection of his soul. With each step, he sought to reconcile the philosophical intricacies of existence with the physical reality before him, understanding that the path he walked was not only one of power and might, but also a profound exploration of self.

As Raizel's gaze lifted, his attention was drawn to the approaching figure of Nozel. Time seemed to momentarily freeze as the two warriors locked eyes, a silent understanding passing between them. In that shared moment, a flood of memories and shared experiences rushed to the surface, etching lines of nostalgia on their battle-hardened faces.

Their eyes spoke volumes, their depths filled with a tapestry of emotions that only warriors who have faced trials together could understand. There was a flicker of respect, a testament to the countless battles fought side by side, each scar and victory serving as a testament to their shared journey.

Raizel posed the question, his tone suggesting a readiness for battle. "Do I assume correctly that you are my adversary?"

Nozel let out a weary sigh, his response tinged with a hint of regret. "Indeed, I wish it were as simple as that. However, I must disillusion you."

A steely glint flickered in Raizel's eyes as he processed the unexpected revelation. If not Nozel, then who would stand as his opponent in this high-stakes confrontation?

Acknowledging the reality of the situation, Raizel made a resolute decision. "Very well," he declared with unwavering determination. "In that case, I shall remain here, poised in the heart of this formidable arena, awaiting the arrival of my opponent."

With a parting wish of luck, Nozel turned away and departed from the scene, leaving Raizel to his solitary vigil. Settling himself upon the intricately patterned hexagonal surface, Raizel closed his eyes, folded his legs and assumed a composed seated position.

Within mere moments, Raizel became aware of a subtle tremor resonating through the ground beneath his feet.

"Hm? Was it merely a figment of my imagination, or did I truly perceive a tremor?" Raizel pondered aloud, his voice tinged with curiosity and a hint of skepticism. The ground beneath him seemed steady once more, leaving him uncertain of what he had just experienced.

"Hold on..." Raizel's thoughts interrupted his train of thought, his senses immediately sharpening. A surge of awareness coursed through him as he became acutely aware of a peculiar phenomenon. "What is this... a sound?" he pondered aloud, his voice laced with a newfound alertness.

As the electrifying symphony of lightning reached his ears through atmospheric vibrations, Raizel's eyes widened, his body tensing in response. The realization of this extraordinary occurrence sparked a surge of adrenaline within him, heightening his senses.

With lightning-fast reflexes, Raizel's hands instinctively grasped his twin blades, glinting menacingly in the ambient light. Expertly twirling them through the air, he unleashed a mesmerizing display of dexterity and control. As the blades whirled with lethal precision, his movements seamlessly flowed into a swift descent, punctuated by the resounding impact of the blades piercing the ground below.

Drawing in a deep breath, Raizel's focus intensified as he channeled the ethereal energy that coursed through his being. With unwavering concentration, he skillfully harnessed his astral powers, extending their reach across a vast expanse. The celestial essence seamlessly intertwined with his senses, granting him a heightened perception beyond the limitations of ordinary awareness. This profound ability, known as "Spatial Awareness," enabled him to delve into the intricate fabric of space itself, unraveling its secrets and perceiving even the slightest disturbances with unparalleled clarity.

In the depths of his mind, Raizel delved into the realms of spatial awareness, allowing his consciousness to venture beyond the physical constraints of his surroundings. As his perception expanded, the vast expanse before him unfolded like a cosmic tapestry, revealing a myriad of ethereal threads that interconnected the fabric of space itself.

"Ah, the intricacies of spatial awareness," Raizel murmured to himself, his voice resonating with a mix of awe and determination. "With this power, I can traverse the vastness of existence, seeking even the swiftest of adversaries."

His mind, now an ethereal navigator, charted a course through the interwoven threads, like a masterful weaver of destiny. He probed the subtle disturbances, tracing the residual traces left by his elusive foe. In the infinite expanse of possibilities, he followed the ephemeral echoes, each one guiding him closer to his target.

A symphony of astral whispers echoed within Raizel's consciousness, guiding him through the cosmic labyrinth. The fabric of space responded to his inquiry, unveiling a kaleidoscope of information. Within this enigmatic realm, he discerned the subtlest disturbances—a ripple of displaced air, a flicker of displaced light—a trail left behind by his swift opponent.

"I see you well. Pyrus Astral Manipulation! 2nd form: Critical Meltdown!", yelled Raizel.

In a breathtaking spectacle, Raizel's being became a vessel of transcendental power, ablaze with resplendent blue flames that danced with ethereal grace. The luminous energy, an embodiment of the purest essence of pyrokinesis, surged and pulsed within him, radiating an otherworldly brilliance that defied mortal comprehension.

With each passing moment, the intensity of the azure inferno grew, its heat scorching the air and distorting the fabric of reality itself. It was a manifestation of the pinnacle of pyrokinetic mastery, an unrivaled display of control over the element of fire. These extraordinary blue flames held within them a profound purity, untainted by any hint of impurity or darkness.

As Raizel's power reached its zenith, the encompassing sphere of radiant blue flames expanded exponentially, encompassing him in a magnificent display of raw elemental force. The very air crackled with unrestrained energy, while the ground trembled beneath the weight of this extraordinary power.

When the climactic explosion finally erupted, the force unleashed was cataclysmic, rending the formidable Level 5 barrier into shards that scattered like fragile glass. The sheer magnitude of the explosion bore testament to the boundless might contained within Raizel's pyrokinetic prowess, an unmatched pinnacle of elemental mastery.

The twelve squad captains were completely taken by surprise.

Captain Hitotachi, the captain of squad 8'The Trial-blazers' was completely overwhelmed by this spectacular display. "Impossible! Those Azure Flames, that was the purest form of Pyrokinetic elemental energy. What's more unbelievable is the fact that a mere teenager has complete control over it!"

As the billowing smoke slowly dissipated, Raizel stood there, an aura of undeniable confidence emanating from him. A smirk played upon his lips, a subtle yet unmistakable sign of his unfathomable self-assurance. In the aftermath of the cataclysmic surge of power, he remained unfazed, as if the unleashed might was a mere trifle, an inconsequential display in the face of his true potential.

His eyes, gleaming with an unwavering determination, scanned the surroundings with an air of superiority. The sheer audacity of his power seemed to have struck awe into the very fabric of reality. Raizel, a paragon of unyielding strength, exuded a formidable presence that commanded respect and inspired fear in equal measure.

The corners of his mouth curled upward in a smirk that spoke volumes of his mastery and dominance. It was a look that dared anyone to challenge his might, a silent proclamation that he was a force to be reckoned with. The nonchalant ease with which he had unleashed such a devastating torrent of energy painted a portrait of a being untethered by the limitations of mortal existence.

"Azure Blue... quite the colour don't you think?", Gazing upward at his adversary, Raizel's voice rang out, laced with an air of casual dominance. His words, delivered with a subtle edge of arrogance, hinted at a deeper understanding of the power he possessed.

"What do you say we get down to business real quick? It's rude to keep a gentleman waiting you know.", said Raizel as he looked at the girl.

A faint yet unmistakable smile graced the girl's lips, a gesture of acknowledgement that resonated with a profound understanding of Raizel's indomitable power. Descending gracefully to the ground, her movements radiated a silent confidence, as if she was ready to face the storm that Raizel represented. It was a moment that spoke volumes, where the unspoken language of warriors intertwined, recognizing each other as formidable adversaries on the battlefield of their extraordinary abilities.

"I suppose we can start right off the gate if you insist. However, let me ask you this... Do you prefer the easy way or the hard way?", asked the girl.

Raizel just smiled back casually," Hardcore would suit my style a lot better thank you."

The girl raised an eye,"My, my... I didn't expect that reply. I love your guts for such an answer. However, underestimating me would be a mistake worse than death. So be prepared!"

A surge of crackling electro elemental energy coiled around the girl, its dazzling brilliance casting an iridescent glow that engulfed the surrounding area. With each pulsating arc of lightning, the air crackled with an electrifying intensity, charged with the sheer power harnessed within her grasp. The ethereal tendrils of electric current danced with an unrestrained fervor, casting flickering shadows that seemed to bow in deference to the girl's impending wrath.

This formidable display of electro energy rippled through the atmosphere, causing even the most resilient of objects to quiver in its presence. The ground beneath her feet trembled as if in anticipation, bearing witness to the imminent devastation that her unleashed power could bring upon her opponent. Such was the magnitude of this electrifying phenomenon that the very fabric of reality seemed to twist and contort in response, as if yielding to the immense force channeled by the girl and her deadly katana.

"We'll see about that!", Raizel smirked.

Within the confines of the contestants' stands, a palpable tension hung in the air, reaching a feverish crescendo. Benjiro, Ming Yue, Nozel, and their fellow onlookers were acutely aware of the weighty atmosphere that surrounded them. It was as if the very fabric of reality strained under the weight of the crackling electrokinetic energy that permeated the arena, permeating every molecule and charging the atmosphere with a distinct scent of ozone.

Their collective senses were assailed by the sheer magnitude of this electrifying force, an overwhelming presence that left an indelible impression on their consciousness. The air crackled with an electric energy that sent shivers down their spines, while the scent of ozone mingled with their every breath, a visceral reminder of the imminent clash between the wielder of this formidable power and her unsuspecting opponent.

Benjiro paled,"Fuck this! That guy is toast! Why the hell did they have to replace Chiharu with... with her?!"

Ming Yue looked worried,"What's going on?! Such immense astral energy! This is not normal at all!"

Nozel gritted his teeth as he thought,"What will you do now, elder brother? Fight or flight?"

Nozel then looked at Ming Yue with a serious look in his eyes.

Ming Yue was starting to worry more,"What's the matter? Will everything be alright?! Why the hell are you silent? Say something!"

Benjiro intervened,"That chick isn't your ordinary go to school girl. She's the worst possible opponent you could dare to cross paths with. Count yourself lucky that you faced me instead. May the celestials have mercy on him"

Ming Yue was now half scared to death. Her mouth felt dry.

"That girl Raizel's facing is no ordinary trail-blazer. The 1st year's first ever Emperor-class grade-1 warrior using the electro astral energy... That's none other than the Lightning Empress, Raiden Mae."