

A girl from our universe is reincarnated into the universe of hxh with the powers of Gojo and Athanasia come follow the adventure with Mia. (I DO NOT OWN HXH EXCEPT MIA. THIS IS MY FIRST WORK SO THERE MAY BE ERRORS)

Avid_3899 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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14 Chs


The match was about whose candle goes out first the prisoner said it's not mentally and physically tasking but it's not quite right as there is a possibility of candles being tampered then he showed two candles to Gon one short and the other long and like a no brainer Gon chose the longer candle but when the candle was lit the flames of the candle began to grow bigger after some time had passed.

Gon and others became shocked at that.

"Ow Ow Ow.", wax was beginning to drip down Gon's hand.

After staring at the candle for a while Gon smiled widely and said," If the fire is this strong, then a little breeze won't extinguish it." And then Gon leaped forward very fast and put out the prisoner's candle and like that Gon won the match.

"Smart move Gon.", I said praising him.

"Good job gon now three of us have to win then we can advance.", said Leorio.

Kurapika's fight was next with blue kappa mutant prisoner.

"Look, I've killed nineteen people but it bugs me that it is an odd number I'm glad I've gotten to meet number twenty.", proudly said the prisoner while showing the heart tattoos on his chest then he continued to blabber about how dangerous he is then it is decided that it will be a death match where they will fight till other dies or surrenders.

"I forgot to mention that no weapons are allowed.", the prisoner said.

Then kurapika threw aside his nunchaku-like wooden swords then the match began.

The prisoner threw a heavy punch to Kurapika which he deflected but the place where Kurapika was had a hole in it then the prisoner turned around and we saw a black spider tattoo on the prisoner's back.

After seeing that tattoo Kurapika stood up the floor, he felt very different than before.

"I'm Majitani, one of the Phantom troupe's four kings consider that punch as my hello this is your last chance to surrender I'm still willing to…", then he became quiet after looking at Kurapika's face.

Kurapika in an instant reached in front of Majitani and lifted him by his chin and while Majitani was saying he surrenders Kurapika punched him so hard that Majitani was knocked unconscious.

"First, a real Phantom Troupe tattoo has the member's number on the spider. Second, they don't bother counting how many they've killed. Third, never mention the troupe again. If you do, I'll kill you.", Said Kurapika.

'He's so scary right now.', I thought seeing this scene in front of me.

"You okay Kurapika?", cautiously Leorio asked.

"Yeah, I'm not injured.", replied Kurapika.

"Is it safe to be around you?", asked Leorio.

"I knew he was weak and that tattoo is fake but as soon as I saw that spider, everything in my sight became red. Actually, to tell the truth, even when I see a real spider I enter a frenzy.", said Kurapika.

"You should have told us sooner.", replied Leorio.

"But that means the rage in me remains as strong as ever. I suppose I should be happy.", said Kurapika while sitting by the wall.

Seeing him like that I felt very sad for him I do not understand how he feels as I have not lost my loved ones till now but I don't want to see him being consumed by his anger and revenge. Before I could go to Kurapika, Kilua stopped me and shook his at me to leave Kurapika alone.

Then up next is Leorio's turn though we couldn't see the prisoner's face as the person still had the hood on.

"Okay, my turn toss that guy out, and let's begin the match.", said Leorio.

"We can't move him yet, because his match hasn't been settled.", said the prisoner.

"What do you mean?", asked Leorio.

Then checking Majitani's pulse the prisoner said," He's still alive he was only knocked out. Did you forget? This was a death match. The fight doesn't end till one contestant dies or surrenders. He's still alive and hasn't surrendered yet."

"But didn't Majitani surrender before he was knocked out?", I questioned.

"Technicalities.", said Killua. I hummed as a reply.

"Okay then, hey kurapika! Go and finish off that worthless trash.", said Leorio.

"I refuse he had lost his will to fight the moment I punched him I will not fight someone who's lost ", replied Kurapika.

"screw that! Then what do we do? they are claiming that the match has not ended.", said Leorio. After arguing for a while it was decided that they will gamble as time as their chip, each will gamble 50 hours and one bet loss equals 10 hours loss they each will take turns deciding what to bet on, the first being if Majitani was dead or the alive and Leorio put a bet on Majitani being alive.

After that Leorio went on the platform to check whether Majitani was alive or not by checking his pulse and it was concluded that he was alive and we got a lead.

"It's bad. It's possible that he isn't going to wake up.", said Killua.

"What do you mean by that?", Kurapika.

"Remember when that woman walked near the guy on the floor? I thought then that he was already dead but on second thought they'd obviously prefer him alive, but by remain unconscious if he doesn't wake up their sentences will be reduced to 72 years.", saying that Killua looked towards the woman, and Leorio.

"Well, now it's your turn to decide what to bet.", said the woman to Leorio.

"Now then how about we bet whether he is conscious or not?", said Leorio.

"but how are we gonna test if he is conscious?", asked the woman.

After the woman said that Leorio started to lift Majitani leaning him on his shoulder and bringing him near the end of the platform and said," I'll just toss him off the edge. If he's actually unconscious, he'll fall to death."

After saying that he let go of his hand from Majitani's shoulder then Majitani started flopping around saying he was alive.

'Ptt… It's so funny to watch him flopping around like fish out of water.', I thought finding it funny and I guess I couldn't control my expression Killua looked at me and said," Don't make that weird face.", While giving me look that said 'has she lost it'.

After that, I somehow calmed down though the woman had taken off her hood and was saying that they bet on whether she is a man or woman.

"But how will we know if the answer is wrong or not?", Questioned Leorio.

"I'll let u examine every part of my body.", said the woman.

Leorio looked like a pervert after hearing that.

"Leorio will bet that she is a man.", said Kurapika.

Then he really said that he bet she is a man.

Gon didn't understand why Leorio didn't choose the obvious answer.

Then Leorio got to inspect the Woman's body though Gon and I didn't get to watch it as Kurapika and Killua blocked our view with their hands respectively.

Then it was Leorio's turn to decide the bet and he went with rock-paper-scissors.

Then Leorio lost the game even though the woman said that she will use paper.

(score 100 prisoner's side: 10 on our side)

"Hmp, what was that pathetic game?", mockingly asked Tompa.

"What was that? Tsk, I can't argue with you on that.", said Leorio turning his back to Tompa.

Now next turn is Killua's, as we were talking a big sound came from the other side and out came a man huge looking man with pieces of wall on his hand who seemed kind of depressed.

"Damn it! I should have won my round", exclaimed Leorio.

"Don't give up before u even know what the contest is.", said Killua to Leorio looking annoyed.

"Killua you should not fight him Johness the Dissector the worst mass murderer in Zaban's history. He chose his victim randomly it was a famous case 146 people young, old all of them were brutally murdered by him bare-handed.", said Leorio.

Hearing that Killua walked towards the platform calmly after reaching in front of Johness he asked," So, how are we gonna do it?".

"How are we gonna do it? I believe you're confused. This will be a one-sided massacre I just want to hear you scream I will tear apart your bod...", he suddenly stopped and touched his left chest and continued" W what I'm cold."

Killua was now standing behind him holding his heart.

" T that's my …. Heart G give it … back", while saying that he was walking towards Killua then he fell down on the floor then Killua put the heart on his palm.

"Who is he?", asked Leorio.

"That's right. You guys don't know Killua comes from an elite family of assassins.", said Gon.

"I'm back.", saying that Killua walked towards us.

"Nice match Killua.", I complimented him while watching Leorio getting scared of killua.

"I…it was nothing", said killua turning his head to the other side.

'CUTEE.', I thought watching that.

"At last my turn.", I said excitedly.

'Who will be my opponent I wonder?', I pondered over this question.

But I didn't know that I will relive my nightmare.