

A girl from our universe is reincarnated into the universe of hxh with the powers of Gojo and Athanasia come follow the adventure with Mia. (I DO NOT OWN HXH EXCEPT MIA. THIS IS MY FIRST WORK SO THERE MAY BE ERRORS)

Avid_3899 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Chapter 12


(There will be mentions of death, abduction, small mention of sexual assault, and self-harm)


"I'll for sure secure a win for us guys.", I excitedly told them before running to the platform.

The opponent and I both arrived at the same time the prisoner was still wearing his prison cloak and it felt like I was being observed very carefully as if I was being looked through a microscope.

"hey, pretty little girl it looks like you're hiding quite a bit of pitiful emotions behind your smile." the prisoner said while removing the cloak and throwing it aside.

He looked around the age in his late 30s having shoulder-length curly lavender hair, obsidian-colored eyes, and sun-tanned skin.

"W…why do you say that mister?", I asked wanting to appear unfazed by what he said just now but I stammered. 

'What did he mean by that?', I thought mulling over his sentence. 'It's not like I showed any hint of the emotions on my face or anything.'

"Oh, nothing you will get what I mean soon enough. Well, then my bet is that if you will break out my illusion in under 30 minutes you will take the win otherwise I'll win.", the prisoner said.

"Okay mister but will you be allowed to harm me in the middle of it?", I asked worriedly as I would not have the consciousness to counter his attacks while being under the illusion.

"No I will not be harming you in any way while you're under the illusion little girl.", he answered.

"Then let's get started, shall we?", and I was under the illusion without any warning.

(17 June,20_ _)  3rd POV

On the spiral road of the hill, two cars were being driven at a very fast pace. The car at the front was red and the car at the back was white. It was very hard to drive properly as it was raining heavily after around ten more minutes of fast driving the red car finally reached the highway but it collided with a lorry truck and crashed into the wall on the inner side of the highway and smoke started coming from the car, the couple at the front were unconscious bleeding heavily. A child's cry was heard and it was heart-wrenching as it was a cry of fear and help because the child was being forcefully carried by a man and thrown in the white car.

(1 hour later)

The girl was shivering in a corner of the room and was a crying mess. One of the men shouted at her saying," Shut the fuck up brat or you'll get a hell of a beating." The little girl immediately stopped crying though she was still hiccupping. 

Mia was watching these all while floating in the air as an invisible spirit. She was reliving the worst day of her life. 

Mia's POV

Today was the end of my school sports day and my uncle and aunt came today to pick me up as a small gathering was being held today in my grandmother's home and my baby cousin was with my parents and grandmother.

I was very excited as we had not had any family gatherings for two years. As we were crossing the forest part of the journey Uncle noticed a white car was following us since we departed from the school and then he sped up to get rid off them though we were not successful as my uncle and aunt died and I was abducted and was made to do some disgusting things which still affect me today.

Seeing myself getting beaten in the illusion I thought about my resolve after almost recovering from the trauma in my past life , to never be in this kind of situation but if it happened again then I would end my life

I then used my magic powers in my brain to cancel out the illusion and reverse curse technique to protect it from any repercussions from canceling out the illusion.

"My you canceled out my illusion within five minutes and here I was thinking that I would win this round.", said the prisoner.

I did not want to talk as I was not in the mood and could snap at anyone right now.

Then we were told to spend our 50 hours in the room which gambled away. We all began to walk towards it though my group was sneaking a look or two on my form as I was too quiet.

After entering the room Kurapika asked about the technique that Killua used to kill the prisoner.

I not wanting to socialize right now went ahead to the floor couch beside the book rack and slept while listening to songs.

'Oh god please let me not have a nightmare.', after praying that I slept ignoring the stares I got from the group.'