
Hunter x Hunter swordsman

Buck was a poor boy who dreamed of greatness but when his father was murdered he sought out revenge and ended up dying he was then transmigrated into the world of Hunter x hunter with a new world and fresh start will he be able to achieve his dream of becoming the world's best swordsman in a world filled with people with nen and magical beasts that have special abilities where he can die at anytime? Follow Buck on his journey in finding out he's in Hunter x Hunter and becoming the best swordsman while overcoming the obstacles in his way to achieve his dream.

Hunter931 · Anime et bandes dessinées
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17 Chs

Chapter 15 Needles!

Buck followed the trail left behind by the other participants while avoiding the battles he heard around the area with the magical beasts, when he was running he tripped on a branch on the road and fell forwards but at that moment he felt a strong gust pass over his head and when he looked up in front of him he saw a sharp silver needle sticking into a tree.

With barely avoiding the needle by pure luck Buck felt like he might have some sort of god overlooking him or some kind of plot armour for transmigrating

But that bubble quickly burst when he turned around and got up to see another three needles come at him, behind the needles he could see a man sitting in a tree firing these needles from what looked like a tree branch with a hole.

He knew this man made it to the fourth phase. Using his blowgun to poison targets making them easy foes while having the extreme patience to stalk his prey till they let down their guard

Buck felt like he wanted to just trip again and hope the needles miss but he didn't have time to dodge all of them so he turned his body sideways making it a harder target to hit by reducing the amount of surface area available to hit

The first two needles missed passing by him by mere millimetres while the third hit his shoulder, Buck would have immediately pulled out the needle as he knew it had poison on it but that wouldn't help solve the immediate problem of more needles being fired at him

Buck ran towards the tree where he saw the man with the blowgun while preparing his dagger in his hand

When he thought he was insufficient range he used his body to block the view of the dagger and quickly spun while releasing the dagger and getting hit by more silver needles in the process

The man was unprepared for the dagger coming at him and failed to dodge getting hit in his leg, "ahh damn it!" the man screamed as he fell into the shrubbery.

Buck quickly sprinted over towards where the man fell into the bushes but failed to see him in the bushes.

Buck swivelled his head trying to see if any shrubbery made a rustle or movement but couldn't see anything as his vision was blocked by the mist and began to get woozy due to the poisoned needles

Then in an instant, Buck became woozy and felt weak all over losing control of his limbs as they fell numb.

Buck collapsed to the ground barely keeping his eyes open.

That's when the man with the blowgun came stumbling over with blood dripping down his foot and a heavy limp

"Finally it took you a while to be affected, I poisoned the first needle that scratched you with my anaesthetic poison, I wasn't trying to kill you but you cost me the hunter exam with the dagger being thrown into my foot, Dont worry I won't kill you now but I can't say anything about the many magical beasts around here eating you alive while you are unconscious."

'I guess I should have bailed on the hunter exam and gone straight to learning nen after learning this world is hunter x hunter to better secure my chances of surviving in this world before I went to experience it and have fun exploring and adventuring, I should've known better considering who is participating in this hunters exam with many vicious characters who wouldn't bat an eye killing me'

The man began stumbling away leaving Buck passed out in the middle of the woods with strange sounds coming from within the mist which many creatures lurked.

Buck's eyes were getting harder and harder to stay open, he was straining himself to remain conscious in this forest

As his eyes were about to shut he saw a giant frog the size of two human adults leap out of the bushes ut in the next moment it fell from the sky to the ground just a few paces away from Bucks' body

Buck noticed one thing about the giant frog and it was the playing card stuck in its ass, giving Buck a bone-chilling shudder knowing who it belonged to

"Oh, my if it isn't another one I was interested in" Buck recognised that voice instantly followed by the creepy laugh that came out of the clown's mouth

'Hisoka!' was Buck's final thought as he finally lost consciousness

"My, my and here I was hoping for a chat along the way," Hisoka said while he licked his lips as he slowly approached Bucks's unconscious body, all while exuding more and more killing intent.

"He excites me so much, that look he has in his eyes when he first saw me was spectacular, but I have to wait. I can't let him die too early before he reaches his full potential, Muhuhuhu it's so delightful, there are so many with potential I'm so glad I came to this hunter exam"

Hisoka then slung Buck over his left shoulder like a sack of potatoes while his right shoulder was currently occupied by a Leorio who was half naked, his suit was tied around his waist leaving him bare-chested with a tie hung loosely around his neck

He then begins running towards the meeting point killing any beast or man that crossed his path, slowly bringing his killing intent back into himself


Hisoka made it to the crowd of applicants and the examiner, who was standing at the front of a large gate.

He drops off Leorio at a tree then spots Illumi and walks towards him while keeping Buck on his shoulder.

"Hi, Illumi. Guess what I found muhuhuhuh"

"It is another talented youth knowing you and your weird fetishes"

"Yes,'' Hisoka then puts Buck on the floor in front of Illumi. "Look at him and his potential although he doesn't look like much right now but I could see that he has very discerning eyes he managed to pick me and you out of the crowd back in the tunnel and made friends with your brother and this other kid I have my eyes on, isn't it so wonderful? He's been poisoned though and I don't know when he'll wake up. Can you do me a favour?" Hisoka then smiles while looking at Illumi.