
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Wind X Orb

The grand arena on the 250th floor of Heaven's Arena was buzzing with excitement. Spectators filled the stands, eagerly awaiting the battle between Yuuma and the formidable Floor Master, Jin. The arena, designed with various platforms at different heights, provided a perfect stage for Jin's aerial prowess.

 As Yuuma stepped into the ring, he felt the electric energy of the crowd, knowing this would be his toughest challenge yet.

Based on the data he stays long range but comes in close range when he attacks with his specialty. I should start slow for now and pay it by ear.

From the moment the match began, Jin wasted no time. With a swift motion he gathered wind, he took to the air, using his Aerokinetic Flight to gain a strategic vantage point. The wind whipped around him as he hovered above the arena, looking down at Yuuma with a confident smile.

Yuuma, fully aware of Jin's capabilities, activated his Orbital Orbs, readying them for both offense and defense.

"Let's see how you handle this," Jin called out, his voice carried by the wind. He extended his arms and launched a series of Wind Slashes towards Yuuma, sharp gusts of wind that could cut through solid rock.

Yuuma dodged and deflected the attacks with his orbs, each slash creating small explosions of air as they were blocked. Jin then swooped down, his fists spinning in a circular motion, generating a small twister around his wrist. This was his Tornado Fist, a technique that could both punch through defenses and knock opponents back with the force of the wind.

Yuuma formed a barrier with his orbs just in time to block the direct hit, but the sheer force of Jin's attack pushed him back several feet, causing him to skid across the arena floor. 

"That's stronger than I thought it would be. Yuuma thought to himself."

Recovering quickly, Yuuma knew he needed to think strategically and quickly. Jin's aerial advantage and wind-based attacks made him a formidable opponent, but Yuuma had his own tricks up his sleeve.

The battle intensified as Jin unleashed his Cyclone Kick, creating a powerful whirlwind on the ground in an attempt to trap Yuuma. Yuuma countered by manipulating his orbs into a protective sphere, enduring the onslaught of wind. As Jin prepared for another aerial assault, Yuuma sent out concentrated blasts of Nen, aiming to disrupt Jin's flight.

Jin, realizing his ground attacks were less effective, formed a Gale Barrier around himself and prepared for a decisive Whirlwind Dance. He dived towards Yuuma with rapid, spinning strikes, his body becoming a blur of motion. Yuuma anticipated this move and condensed his orbs into a single powerful Orbital Cannon, waiting for the perfect moment to strike back.

In an unexpected maneuver, Yuuma used his orbs to create floating platforms, allowing him to leap into the air and face Jin head-on. This sudden aerial maneuver caught Jin off guard, and Yuuma took full advantage of the surprise. He launched himself from one of the platforms and fired the Orbital Cannon directly at Jin.

The energy blast from the Orbital Cannon met Jin's wind vortex head-on, creating a massive shockwave that reverberated through the arena. Both fighters were sent tumbling through the air, but Yuuma managed to regain his footing on one of his floating platforms. Jin, despite his aerial advantage, struggled to recover in time.

A Week had passed since Yuuma's intense battle against the Floor Master, Jin, in Heaven's Arena. Yuuma had achieved his ten wins, solidifying his reputation as a formidable fighter. The buzz around his skills attracted not only fans but also individuals with particular interests.

One evening, as Yuuma and Nicolas were winding down after a day of training, they were approached by two individuals in the lobby of Heaven's Arena. One was a well-dressed man exuding an aura of wealth and sophistication, while the other had a confident, focused demeanor. The former was Battera, a multi-billionaire, and the latter, Tsezguerra, a Single-Star Jackpot Hunter.

"Yuuma," Battera began, his tone respectful yet urgent. "My name is Battera. I've watched your matches, and I must say, your skills are extraordinary. I'd like to discuss a proposition with you."

Yuuma exchanged a glance with Nicolas, intrigued but cautious. "What kind of proposition?"

Battera took a deep breath, his expression turning somber. "My wife is gravely ill. I've hired the best doctors, but all they can do is keep her on life support. I've heard of spells from Greed Island that can cure all ills and restore one's youth. I need you to go to Greed Island and obtain this card for me."

Yuuma's eyes widened. Greed Island had always fascinated him, and now, the opportunity to actually go there was presenting itself. But there was one condition he had to insist on. "I'll go, but only if Nicolas can come with me."

Tsezguerra, who had been observing the conversation, stepped forward. "I understand your loyalty to your friend, but Nicolas has not been vetted yet. We only have a single slot left."

Nicolas looked disappointed but understanding. "It's okay, Yuuma. This is a huge opportunity for you. You should go."

Yuuma shook his head. "If Nicolas is as good as I say, he should get a chance to try out."

Tsezguerra nodded. "We have tryouts in the coming months. If your friend impresses us, he can join you on Greed Island. But for now, the offer is for you alone."

Yuuma considered the offer. The chance to go to Greed Island was something he had always dreamed of. Despite the conditions, he couldn't pass it up. "Alright, I'll go. But promise me you'll give Nicolas a fair shot at the tryouts."

Tsezguerra smiled. "You have my word."

With that, the agreement was made. Yuuma was given details about the mission and preparations he needed to make. The departure date was set for two weeks later, giving him enough time to get ready.

Two Weeks Later

The day had come for Yuuma to embark on his journey to Greed Island. He stood with Nicolas at the entrance of Heaven's Arena, bags packed and ready to go. Battera and Tsezguerra arrived to see him off.

"Good luck, Yuuma," Nicolas said, a mix of excitement and sadness in his eyes. "I'll be training hard and will join you as soon as I can."

Yuuma nodded. "I know you will, Nicolas. We'll meet on Greed Island soon."

Battera handed Yuuma a small device. "This is your ticket to Greed Island. Follow the instructions, and it will take you there."

Yuuma took the device, feeling a surge of excitement and anticipation. "Thank you. I won't let you down."

As Yuuma activated the device, he felt a strange sensation as his body was transported into the game. The world around him shifted, and he found himself standing in a lush, vibrant landscape, unlike anything he had ever seen.

Welcome to Greed Island, a voice echoed in his mind. Your adventure begins now.

Yuuma stood in the verdant landscape of Greed Island, taking in the sights and sounds of this surreal, fantastical world. The air was crisp, and the sky stretched endlessly above, painted in shades of blue and dotted with fluffy clouds. Birds chirped melodiously, and the foliage swayed gently in the breeze.

"Welcome to Greed Island," a voice called out, drawing Yuuma's attention. He turned to see a woman with a friendly smile and a calm demeanor approaching him. "I am Eta, and I'll be explaining the rules of the game to you."

Yuuma nodded, ready to absorb all the information he could. This was the start of a new adventure, and he needed to be prepared.

"First," Eta began, "there are two primary spells you need to know about: 'Book' and 'Gain.' When you say the keyword 'Book,' a binder will materialize in your hands. This binder is used to store your cards. Try it now."

Yuuma said, "Book," and instantly, a binder appeared in his hands. It was a sleek, leather-bound book with blank pages awaiting the cards he would collect.

"Excellent," Eta continued. "Now, for the spell 'Gain.' When you say 'Gain' while holding a card, the item will materialize back into its physical form. However, be aware that once you use 'Gain,' the item cannot return to its card form. Go ahead and try it with this sample card."

Yuuma took a simple card from Eta, which depicted a small, decorative statue. He held the card and said, "Gain." The card glowed briefly before the statue materialized in his hand.

"The objective of the game," Eta explained, "is to collect all one hundred restricted cards. These cards can be anything from items, beasts, or even NPCs that you acquire throughout the game. Each card is ranked based on its strength, value, and difficulty to obtain. The ranks range from H to SS, with SS being the rarest and most powerful. Additionally, each card has a conversion limit number, indicating how many of that card can exist in the game at one time."

Yuuma listened intently, understanding the importance of strategy in collecting these cards. The game was not just about strength but also about wit and planning.

"As you progress," Eta added, "you will find that some players might try to track or challenge you. Be cautious and always be aware of your surroundings."

With a nod, Yuuma thanked Eta and began his journey into the open field ahead. As he walked, he felt a tingling sensation, as if eyes were watching him. His senses heightened, and he scanned the area, ready for any potential threat.

Suddenly, a man appeared, holding a book similar to Yuuma's. The man smirked and used a card. "Trace!" he called out, causing a magical aura to surround Yuuma. "Now I can track you at all times," the man sneered.

Yuuma narrowed his eyes, his expression darkening. He released a wave of killing intent, a tactic he had learned from Hisoka. The intensity of his aura sent a shiver down the man's spine. Terrified, the man used another card. "Return!" he shouted, and in an instant, he flew back to a previously visited location, disappearing from Yuuma's sight.

Yuuma relaxed, satisfied that he had scared the man away. With the immediate threat gone, he looked toward the distant city, its silhouette visible against the horizon. Determined to gather information and resources, he made his way to the city.

Upon arriving in Antokiba, Yuuma marveled at the bustling streets filled with merchants, adventurers, and locals. The city was alive with activity, and he felt a renewed sense of excitement. As he walked through the market, his stomach growled, reminding him that he hadn't eaten since entering the game.

He found a quaint restaurant with a sign outside advertising a challenge. Intrigued, he entered and was greeted by the chef.

"Welcome!" the chef said cheerfully. "We have a special challenge today. If you can eat your meal in 30 minutes, not only will you not have to pay, but you'll also receive the 'Galgaida' card."

Yuuma's eyes lit up at the opportunity. "I'll take the challenge," he said, taking a seat.

The meal was brought out, a feast of various dishes that smelled delicious. Yuuma took a deep breath and started eating, savoring the flavors while keeping an eye on the clock. He ate quickly but efficiently, not wanting to waste a single moment.

As the 30-minute mark approached, Yuuma finished the last bite and leaned back, satisfied and full. The chef clapped in delight.

"Congratulations!" the chef exclaimed. "You've completed the challenge. Here is your 'Galgaida' card."

Yuuma took the card gratefully and added it to his binder. With a full stomach and a new card in his collection, he felt ready to tackle the upcoming monthly tournament. He knew that every step he took brought him closer to his goal, and he was determined to succeed.

As he left the restaurant, Yuuma couldn't shake the feeling that his adventure on Greed Island was just beginning. The game was vast, filled with challenges and mysteries, but he was ready to face them all head-on. With his skills, determination, and a bit of luck, he was confident that he would achieve his objective and uncover the secrets of Greed Island.