
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime & Comics
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33 Chs

York New City Part 6: Feud

Yuuma's journey on the 200th floor of Heaven's Arena was a series of grueling and exhilarating battles that tested his skills, resolve, and the depths of his Nen abilities. After his intense match against the Dark Knight, Yuuma knew he had to stay sharp and continue honing his techniques. With each victory, his reputation grew, and so did the challenges he faced.

Second Fight: The Strategist

Yuuma's second fight was against a fighter named "The Strategist," known for his tactical prowess and ability to read his opponents. The arena was filled with tension as the match began. The Strategist used his Nen ability, "Mind Games," which allowed him to create illusions and manipulate the battlefield to his advantage.

Yuuma focused on maintaining his Ten. He used his Orbital Orbs to sense his opponent's movements. The battle was a mental chess game, with Yuuma dodging illusions and countering with precise Attacks. After a prolonged exchange, Yuuma managed to break through The Strategist's defenses with a well-timed critical hit, securing his victory.

Third Fight: The Beastmaster

In his third fight, Yuuma faced "The Beastmaster," a fighter who could summon and control various animals through his Nen ability, "Wild Dominion." The user transformed his nen into a multiformed beast , charging at Yuuma from all directions.

Yuuma utilized his Orbital Orbs to create barriers and deflect the attacks, while also using his enhanced physical abilities to strike down the summoned beasts one by one. The Beastmaster's control over the animals was impressive, but Yuuma's relentless assault eventually forced him to surrender.

Fourth Fight: The Elementalist

Yuuma's fourth opponent was "The Elementalist," a fighter who could manipulate the elements through his Nen ability, "Elemental." The arena was a whirlwind of fire, water, earth, and air as The Elementalist launched a barrage of elemental attacks.

Yuuma adapted quickly, using his Orbital Orbs to create shields and counter the elemental onslaught. He closed the distance with a combination of agility and precise punches, eventually landing a devastating blow that knocked The Elementalist out cold.

Fifth Fight: The Dancer

In his fifth fight, Yuuma faced "The Dancer," a nimble and elusive fighter who could manipulate her nen to create clones of herself. The arena was cloaked in darkness, making it difficult to distinguish the real Dancer from her clones.

Yuuma relied on his En to sense the real opponent and used his Orbital Orbs to light the arena up with barrage attacks, dispelling the clones. The fight was fast-paced and intense, but Yuuma's superior control over his Nen abilities allowed him to overwhelm the Dancer and secure another victory.

Sixth Fight: Hisoka

As I was training with Nicolias, I was sent a notification of my next opponent. The person I least wanted to fight was now my next opponent. Hisoka!

Nicolias was shocked but supportive.

I was shocked but not surprised I knew this moment would come sooner or later. So the only thing I could do was prepare for the fight. It was a week away and this would give me enough time to prepare a strategy to face him.

The week came and went. 

The announcement of Yuuma's next fight sent a ripple through Heaven's Arena. He was set to face Hisoka, a notorious and formidable fighter known for his sadistic love of battle. The anticipation was palpable as the day of the match arrived. The arena was packed with spectators eager to witness the clash between the rising star and the seasoned veteran.

Yuuma entered the arena, his heart pounding with a mix of excitement and apprehension. Hisoka stood on the opposite side, his predatory smile never leaving his face.

"Yuuma, I've been looking forward to this," Hisoka said, his voice dripping with anticipation. "Let's see if you're as delicious as I think you are."

The referee signaled the start of the match, and Hisoka wasted no time. He launched himself at Yuuma with blinding speed, his Bungee Gum ability already in play. Yuuma narrowly dodged the initial attack, feeling the sticky strands of Bungee Gum brush past him.

Yuuma responded with a flurry of punches and kicks, using his Orbital Orbs to enhance his strikes. Hisoka dodged effortlessly, countering with his own brutal attacks. The arena echoed with the sounds of their clashes, each fighter pushing the other to their limits.

Hisoka's Bungee Gum was a constant threat, and Yuuma had to stay on his toes to avoid being ensnared. He used his Nen abilities creatively, forming barriers and projectiles with his orbs to keep Hisoka at bay. But Hisoka was relentless, his grin widening with each exchange.

Yuuma responded with a flurry of kicks, using his Orbital Orbs to enhance his strikes. Hisoka dodged effortlessly, his movements fluid and graceful. He countered with a series of rapid punches, each one imbued with deadly precision. The arena echoed with the sounds of their clashes, each fighter pushing the other to their limits.

Hisoka's Bungee Gum was a constant threat, and Yuuma had to stay on his toes to avoid being ensnared. He used his Nen abilities creatively, forming barriers and projectiles with his orbs to keep Hisoka at bay. But Hisoka was relentless, his grin widening with each exchange.

"You've got potential, Yuuma," Hisoka taunted, his eyes gleaming with excitement. "But potential isn't enough to defeat me."

Yuuma knew he had to think outside the box. He focused his Nen, creating a series of glowing orbs that hovered around him. With a mental command, he sent the orbs hurtling toward Hisoka, each one carrying a powerful charge. Hisoka evaded them with ease, his body twisting and contorting in impossible ways.

"Is that the best you can do?" Hisoka sneered, flicking his wrist to send a strand of Bungee Gum snapping toward Yuuma.

Yuuma deflected the attack with a well-timed kick, using the momentum to close the distance between them. He launched a barrage of strikes, each one aimed at exploiting a perceived weakness in Hisoka's defense. Hisoka parried and countered, their movements becoming a blur of speed and power.

The crowd watched in awe as the battle raged on, the intensity of their Nen creating a tangible pressure in the arena. Yuuma's mind raced as he searched for an opening, a way to turn the tide in his favor.

Hisoka's attacks grew more aggressive, his sadistic glee evident in every strike. He conjured a set of playing cards, each one razor-sharp and infused with his Nen. With a flick of his wrist, he sent the cards flying toward Yuuma.

Yuuma evaded the cards, using his orbs to create a protective barrier. But Hisoka was already on the move, closing the distance with a burst of speed. He lashed out with a kick, catching Yuuma off guard and sending him sprawling to the ground.

"You've got spirit, Yuuma," Hisoka said, his voice filled with dark amusement. "But is it enough to save you?"

The fight reached a fever pitch when Yuuma managed to land a critical hit, sending Hisoka crashing into the arena floor. The crowd erupted in cheers, but Yuuma knew better than to let his guard down. Hisoka rose to his feet, wiping blood from his mouth with a twisted smile.

"Impressive, Yuuma," Hisoka said. "But can you handle this?"

Hisoka's aura flared as he unleashed his full power. The intensity of his Ren was overwhelming, and Yuuma felt the weight of Hisoka's killing intent bearing down on him. But Yuuma refused to back down. He focused on his own Nen, pushing his ten to withstand the pressure.

The final moments of the fight were a blur of motion and energy. Yuuma and Hisoka traded blow after blow, each one more devastating than the last. Yuuma's Orbital Orbs glowed brightly, forming a protective barrier as he launched his ultimate attack.

"Orbital Cannon!" Yuuma shouted, unleashing a concentrated blast of Nen energy at Hisoka.

Hisoka countered with his own attack, using Bungee Gum to redirect the blast back at the cost of his arms. Seeing this I blocked the attack taking it head on. The collision of this Nen attack created a shockwave that shook the arena, leaving both fighters momentarily stunned.

As the dust settled, Yuuma and Hisoka stood facing each other, both battered and bruised. Hisoka's grin never wavered, even as he acknowledged Yuuma's strength.

"Well done, Yuuma," Hisoka said, his voice filled with genuine admiration. "You truly are a worthy opponent. But it seems our time is up."

Hisoka was bleeding from his missing arms as he fainted with a disgusting smile on his face.

The referee stepped in, declaring the match over. The crowd erupted in applause, awed by the incredible display of skill and power. Yuuma, shocked at his victory, was pleased to see the villain known to be the strongest in the world was defeated by him. 

Back in the penthouse, Nicolas greeted Yuuma with a wide grin. "Boss, that was incredible! You held your own against Hisoka!"

Yuuma smiled, feeling a deep sense of satisfaction. "Thanks, Nicolas. But we still have a long way to go. Let's keep pushing ourselves and see how far we can climb. I want to face these floor masters."

With their resolve stronger than ever, Yuuma and Nicolas continued their journey in Heaven's Arena, ready to face whatever challenges awaited them on the higher floors.

After a month of intense training and relentless fighting, Yuuma finally achieved the coveted ten wins on the 200th floor of Heaven's Arena. This accomplishment granted him the right to challenge a Floor Master, an honor reserved for only the most skilled and determined fighters. But before he could sign up for his matches, a surprising invitation came his way.

Juri, the sister of Rubi and one of the fighters Yuuma had faced previously, approached him with a shy smile. "Hey, Yuuma. Congratulations on your ten wins. How about celebrating with a date?"

Yuuma, caught off guard but intrigued, agreed. They decided to meet at a restaurant on the 210th floor, a place accessible only to participants with ten wins. The elite status meant Yuuma could eat there for free, a perk he was eager to enjoy.

The restaurant was a luxurious establishment with stunning views of the city below. The atmosphere was elegant, and the aroma of gourmet food filled the air. Yuuma and Juri were seated at a corner table with a panoramic view, the city lights twinkling like stars beneath them.

"This place is amazing," Yuuma said, taking in the surroundings. "Thanks for inviting me, Juri."

Juri smiled, her eyes reflecting the city's glow. "I thought it would be a nice way to celebrate your achievement. Plus, I wanted to get to know you better."

As they enjoyed their meal, Juri began to share a bit about her past. "I come from a place called Jappon," she said, her voice tinged with nostalgia.

Edit: there was some confusion about Jappon so here an explanation. Being the home country of sushi, ninjas, and haiku, it is the fictional equivalent of real-life Japan. Hanzo and Basho come from this country. this is what's known about Jappon currently.

"My family owned a dojo there. It was a small but respected school of Bifuu martial arts. I trained there since I was a child."

Yuuma listened intently, fascinated by her story. "That sounds incredible. Why did you leave the dojo?"

Juri sighed, a hint of sadness in her eyes. "It was a tough time. The dojo couldn't keep up with the modern demands and eventually had to shut down. My sister and I decided to come here, to Heaven's Arena, to prove our family's martial arts legacy is still alive."

Yuuma nodded, understanding the weight of her words. "That's a lot of pressure. But you're doing an amazing job. Both you and Rubi are incredible fighters."

Juri blushed slightly, appreciating the compliment. "Thank you, Yuuma. It means a lot coming from you. I've seen how hard you work, and it's inspiring."

They continued to talk, sharing stories and laughter. Juri's warmth and sincerity made the evening enjoyable, and Yuuma found himself opening up about his own journey. He told her about his Nen training, his goals, and the challenges he faced along the way.

"I'm glad we got to do this," Yuuma said, smiling at Juri. "It's nice to take a break and just enjoy the moment."

Juri nodded, her eyes twinkling with a mix of excitement and gratitude. "Me too, Yuuma. And I have a feeling this is just the beginning of something great."

As the night progressed, they finished their meal and decided to take a walk around the 210th floor. The floor was designed like a beautiful garden, with lush greenery, sparkling fountains, and serene pathways. It was a stark contrast to the intense battles they were accustomed to.

They walked side by side, their conversation flowing effortlessly. Yuuma felt a sense of peace and connection with Juri, something he hadn't experienced in a long time. It was a refreshing change from the constant training and fighting.

Eventually, they found a bench overlooking a serene pond. They sat down, the silence comfortable and filled with unspoken understanding.

"Yuuma," Juri began, her voice soft. "I know the battles ahead will be tough, but I believe in you. You're destined for greatness. Just remember to stay true to yourself."

Yuuma looked at her, gratitude filling his heart. "Thanks, Juri. Your support means a lot to me. And I promise, I'll give it my all."

They sat there for a while longer, enjoying the tranquility of the moment. As the night drew to a close, they made their way back to the main area, both feeling a renewed sense of purpose and determination.

"Good luck with your upcoming match, Yuuma," Juri said, giving him a warm smile.

"You too, Juri," Yuuma replied. "Let's both give it our best shot."

With that, they parted ways, each ready to face the challenges ahead. The date had given Yuuma not only a chance to relax but also a deeper connection with someone who understood the journey he was on. As he prepared for his match against the Floor Master, he felt more focused and determined.