
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime et bandes dessinées
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44 Chs

Chapter 10: The Final Round

Now that I have both of my number tags, I returned to the rendezvous point where Nicholas and Killua were already waiting. We caught up and talked about what went down during the competition. We soon decided that we would hide for the remaining time on the island.

While looking for a place to buckle down, we found a hole in the ground that led to an underground cavern. Inside, there was a giant mole monster. With Killua and me using our strengths, we were able to take it down swiftly.

We shared stories about ourselves during the remaining time. Killua told me about his family, Nicholas shared his achievements, and I told them a little about myself as well. I used to live on an island and ventured out to come to the mainland. Soon, the day finally arrived, signaling the end of the fourth round of the trials.

An announcement echoed throughout the island: "All participants are invited to come back to the starting point of the test. Participants must make themselves known within one hour. After that, anyone who hasn't returned will be disqualified. Any tags stolen from now on will not be counted. Verifications will be made, and rule breakers will be disqualified."

Hearing this, Killua, Nicholas, and I left the cavern and slowly walked towards the starting point. We saw many of the applicants who had passed.

List of participants who passed:

Kurapika: Holds number cards 404 and 16.

Gon: Holds number cards 405 and 44.

Hisoka: Holds number cards 384, 80, 28, and 118.

Leorio: Holds number cards 403 and 246.

Gittarakur: Holds number cards 301 and 371.

Pokkle: Holds number cards 53 and 105.

Hanzo: Holds number cards 294 and 197.

Nicholas: Holds number cards 183 and 198.Killua: Holds number cards 99 and 199.

Bodoro: Holds numbers 191 and 34.

Yuuma: Holds number cards 15 and 362.

Dice: Holds number cards 100, 198, 89, and 72.

With all contestants now at the starting point waiting to be picked up, the only thing left to do was to think about the last trial.

Point of view switch to Chairman Netero:

Chairman Netero was speaking to the rest of the examiners on the blimp. "This is quite interesting. Out of 28 applicants, only 12 are left, and we have 8 new rookies. This year is very interesting, isn't it?"

"To be honest, I was surprised, Chairman," Buhara said. "Usually this doesn't happen with rookies passing."

"You're correct, Buhara. This usually does not happen. Often, there's a gap of years before we see any new rookies pass the exams. And then suddenly, like in this instance, we have a lot of new rookies with a great future ahead of them."

Menchi, hearing this, was surprised and asked her assistant how old the president was, whispering in his ear.

The green creature whispered back, "It's been almost 20 years that he's been telling me he's about 100, so I can only guess that he's probably past 120 years old."

Satotz then asked, "By the way, Chairman, what will the last round of exams be?"

Buhara exclaimed, "That's true. We haven't been told anything."

Menchi chimed in, "It's wonderful to talk of the great newbies, but the last round hasn't begun yet, you know."

"Yes, I know," the chairman said in a whimsical voice. "What I have planned for them is to have them fight in unusual ways. What I'm going to do is set up this round by starting a meeting with each applicant."

The examiners were very confused about what he was talking about.

Point of view switch to Yuuma:

Killua, Nicholas, and I were talking about our favorite games as Nicholas allowed Killua to play on his laptop, playing an RPG called Forever Knights. During this time, we shared laughs and smiles.

An announcement rang throughout the blimp: "All applicants, in a while, the president will receive you for a conversation. When you are called, please come to the first reception room on the 1st floor. Candidate 44, Hisoka, you're up first. We ask that you please come to the reception room."

From here on out, we'll be jumping through multiple points of view of different characters.

Hisoka's point of view:

Hisoka entered the room, his face calm and collected. He was met with the chairman sitting cross-legged at a table. The chairman asked him to sit down.

Hisoka obliged and sat down as well, cross-legged. He was the first to speak. "Don't tell me that this is the last round because that would be anticlimactic."

"I wouldn't say that there is no relation to the last portion of the exam. But I'm here to only ask you questions. I want to know more about you, #44. Here's the first question above all: Why do you want to become a hunter?"

"Well, if I was to be honest with you, I'm not really focused entirely on becoming a hunter. But holding the title provides some useful advantages. For example, if we harm someone, we do not receive most of the responsibility. It goes to the association, which greatly helps."

"Okay, let's continue. Among the other 11 applicants, which one retains the most of your attention?"

"Well, I would say 99 and #15. I was hoping to fight them during the test, but they looked like they stayed away from me. But I'm pretty sure we will cross paths at some point," Hisoka said with a chuckle.

"It could be. Well then, here's the last question. Among the other 11 applicants, who do you want to fight against the least?"

"If I was to choose, I would say 405. I won't include 15 or 99, but to be honest, I don't want to fight either of them yet. But at least I want to fight 405. But you know, while we're on the topic, I really want to throw hands with you, Chairman."

"I see. Well, that would be all. Go back now, #44."

Various applicants' points of view:

Pokkle: "If I would have to say, 404. He has the most well-balanced build here. And to be honest, the least person I want to fight is number 44. He's definitely just too strong for me. I wouldn't stand a chance."

Killua: "The person I want to fight the most is Gon, 405, and also #15, Yuuma. They're close to my age, so it just makes the most sense. And the last person I want to fight is probably #53, the old guy. I think it would be boring fighting him."

Bodoro: "The person I want to fight the most is number 44. I don't really like him, but he's going to be an inevitable opponent anyway. Also, the least person I'm willing to fight is probably #183. He doesn't look like a good opponent. I'm really surprised he made it this far."

Gittarackur: "Interested in 99, least interested in 44."

Gon: "For various reasons, I would say 44. He's the only thing that's really going through my mind right now. Choosing from the other applicants, I have to choose the people I actually know pretty well: 15, 99, 403, and 404."

Hanzo: "The person I'm most interested in was originally 44, but I would have to say 99. He seems pretty skilled in assassinations. Also, I would least want to fight 44. I could just tell I have no chance of beating him."

Kurapika: "I positively see 405 would be a good fight for me, but I would not want to fight #44."

Leorio: "The least person i want to fight is Gon, and I don't really care who I fight."

Dice: "The person I most wanted to fight was number 15. The least person I wanted to fight was number 44. My reason is because he's a creep."

Nicholas: "I wanted to fight Leorio the most while the least I want to fight is Yuuma because obviously he's the boss."

Yuuma's point of view:

Soon it was my turn to speak to the Chairman. As I saw Nicholas exit, he seemed confident in the answers he gave. I was met with the old man once again. Seeing him reminded me of how strong he truly was. Even though he was canceling his aura with Zetsu, his goofy demeanor just showed how much he was trying to hide his true feelings.

"I'm surprised to see you, #15. I know you had a chance of passing, but here you are. So, my question for you is similar to the ones I gave the other applicants. Who are you most interested in fighting against?"

Hearing this response, I had to carefully think of my answer. After thinking it over, I chose Leorio. That's the person I most wanted to fight. And if I can choose another person I'm interested in, I would say Dice. Even though I met her for a short time, she seemed to have something hidden about her. I don't remember her from the main story either. So, did she die before, or did she go to the next exam the following year? Whatever the case, I'm truly interested in what she has to offer.

"Okay, you answered that question, #15. So who is the least person you're willing to fight?"

"The least I'm willing to fight is Nicholas. I've grown attached to the chubby fellow, so that's my answer."

"I see. Well, thank you for your answers. We will send an announcement your way once we're ready to land. In the meantime, enjoy the scenery and rest. You're going to need it."

I soon left the room, rejoining Killua and Nicholas on the laptop.

Point of view switch to Chairman Netero and the examiners:

"Wait one second. If I move this piece here... no. If I move it there, then I move this one there. Surprisingly, this is more crucial than I first thought. Okay, guys, there it is. It's finished. Have a look. I think it will be quite interesting."

All the examiners looked at the board, their faces in total confusion and surprise.

After the meeting with the examiners, the chairman went back to his main office where he spoke to his assistant.

"Sir, are you sure that you want to do it this way?"

"I couldn't be more sure. I think it will be an interesting competition. Plus, who knows, they might do something more in the future. Taking chances is what makes us hunters. So don't think too hard about it."


"Attention candidates, I thank you for your patience. We will arrive shortly at the place of the final exam. If you pass this portion of the exam, you will become a hunter."

Three days had passed since the end of the fourth round. I hoped everyone had rested well. We were now in a hotel managed by the Hunter Association. This place would be our home until the end of the final round of the Hunter Exam. This last phase was a series of one-on-one duels.

Edit: First match 

Gon vs Hanzo






Edit: The fights will change on a whim. So, just let me cook I've been writing for four days straight.

but you can still call me out for any inconsistencies within my writing it helps. 

The chairman explained the rules: "One victory, and you pass the exam. That's it. In other words, in this tournament, winners quit the game one by one. The principle of the pyramid is to designate the loser, not the winner. Do you understand?"

I raised my hand. "So will there only be one elimination?"

"Correct," the chairman confirmed. "This is exactly how it was designed. Consequently, each person has at least two opportunities to win. Any questions?"

Bodoro asked, "Why isn't the pyramid well balanced?"

The chairman responded, "That's a logical question. These groups were chosen using the results you had in the previous rounds. Simply put, those who performed better up until now have a better chance to pass."

Killua, clearly unhappy with the explanation, protested, "I don't like this. I think it's biased. Explain to us how you counted the points at least."

The chairman replied with one simple word, "It's a secret."

Dice, hearing this, grew agitated. "Why are you being so nonchalant about this, old man? This is our potential career."

The chairman sighed and elaborated, "Let me explain differently. The way we calculate the points lies in an absolute secret. Yet, I can still give you some explanations. The evaluation is based on three essential points: Strength, Mind, and Charisma. Strength includes speed, suppleness, resistance, and the use of the five senses. The evaluation of the mind regroups the use of resistance, depth, and creativity. Finally, charisma is the hardest to quantify but crucial for a hunter."

He continued, "Hopefully, this puts your mind at ease. Now, back to the rules. As I stated before, they are simple. Weapons are allowed. Pushing your opponent to quit also gives you a victory. However, if you kill your adversary, you will be disqualified. The only disqualified candidate will be designated, and the exam will end. On that note, let the first round begin. The first match: #405 Gon vs. #294 Hanzo."

Gon and Hanzo stepped forward as the referee announced, "I'll be the referee for this match. I wish you the best of luck."

Before the match started, Hanzo asked the referee, "You were the one following me during the last phase of the exam, right? You were quite good at your job. I hardly noticed you."

The referee smiled, "Oh, so you saw me."

"Of course I did. I also noticed that each candidate was being followed by a juror during that round. I must thank you. If I was so well-placed in the pyramid, it's thanks to the reports you gave them, right?"

"You're correct about that, #294."

"But there's something I'd like to know, Mr. Ref. The condition to win is making my opponent quit, right? And there won't be a countdown if he's unconscious, right?"

"You're correct about that, applicant. Quite smart of you to catch that."

"Well, if you're done asking questions, begin the match."

As soon as the match started, Gon ran away from Hanzo, but Hanzo, swift as ever, caught up with him in an instant and struck his neck with a swift chop. Gon struggled to stand, and Hanzo pulled him up and struck a pressure point to wake him from unconsciousness.

Hanzo looked at Gon with concern. "Look, kid, you're not in the best shape. That wasn't a normal hit. Plus, you can't react. It's only my experience talking, but we're at different levels. You should quit."

But Gon, defiant as ever, yelled, "No!"

Hanzo sighed and struck him again at the neck, causing his brain to shake. "Listen, kid, I really don't want to do this to you. If you listen to me now and quit, you'll get another chance."

"No," Gon repeated stubbornly.

The fight continued for 30 minutes straight, with Hanzo knocking Gon unconscious and reviving him repeatedly. Gon never spoke the words to quit. Frustrated, Hanzo decided to break his limbs.

"I really didn't want to do this, but you leave me no choice. I'm going to start breaking your arms and legs. Quit now, or I'll dislocate your arm."

"Do it. I'm not scared," Gon responded defiantly.

"Alright, you asked for it," Hanzo said, dislocating Gon's arm with a swift movement.

Gon screamed so loud that the whole room was stunned. Hanzo looked at him with a mix of admiration and frustration. "You're strong, kid, I'll give you that. But what about when I dislocate your other arm? How will you fight in the next match?"

Gon, in pain but undeterred, struck Hanzo with a swift kick to the face. Hanzo, caught off guard, did not dodge the attack, and his nose bled.

"Okay, kid, you really made me upset. No more games. You see this hidden blade? I'll start cutting you piece by piece. So this is my last warning. Quit. Get another chance to fight."

Gon, hearing this, said, "No, that's not happening. You're not gonna cut me, and I'm not gonna quit. How about we find a different way? Because I really want to win."

Realizing that this fight would only lead to more problems, Hanzo decided to quit, admitting defeat. Gon did not like this and Hanzo knocked him unconscious again.

The next fight: Kurapika vs. Dice.