
Hunter A Hunter

Hunter A hunter is a fanfiction about man that is summoned to the hunter world.

The_Weeaboo_Lux · Anime & Comics
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44 Chs

Phase 4

"Now you guys go ahead. I'm going to get my other badge from 362, a young monk-looking guy. You guys go ahead. But once you guys are finished and I'm done with my task, we'll rendezvous back here at the starting point. Happy hunting."

Nicholas and Killua nodded and headed off into the forest, ready for the hunt.

I took a deep breath, scanning the dense forest around me. The foliage was thick, making it hard to see too far ahead. I knew I needed to stay alert; the island was crawling with other participants, all eager to secure their own targets and points.

Recalling what I knew about number 362, I began to formulate a plan. The monk-like participant had a calm and disciplined demeanor, which meant he wouldn't be easy to catch off guard. I needed to approach this with caution and strategy.

I moved silently through the forest, my senses heightened. Every rustle of leaves, every distant bird call, could be a clue—or a distraction. I made sure to keep my own badge well hidden under my shirt, not wanting to give any potential pursuers an easy target.

After about 3 days of careful tracking, I caught sight of a figure sitting cross-legged in a small clearing. It was 362, meditating peacefully. His calmness in the midst of the chaotic exam was almost unnerving.

I observed him for a few minutes, formulating a strategy. Charging in recklessly would only alert him, and a direct confrontation might not go in my favor. I needed to use the element of surprise.

I quietly circled around the clearing, making sure to stay downwind. I found a spot behind a large tree, giving me cover while I planned my next move. I picked up a small stone and tossed it to the opposite side of the clearing, aiming to create a distraction.

As the stone hit the ground, the monk's eyes snapped open, his gaze shifting towards the sound. I took that moment to spring into action, moving swiftly and silently towards him. My goal was to snatch his badge before he could react.

Just as I was within arm's reach, the monk spun around, faster than I anticipated. His hand shot out, blocking my attempt. "I sensed you the moment you entered the clearing," he said calmly, his voice steady.

I gritted my teeth and leapt back, putting some distance between us. "Impressive," I admitted, my heart pounding. "But I'm not giving up that easily."

The monk stood up slowly, his movements fluid and controlled. "A true hunter never does," he replied.

We began to circle each other, each of us waiting for the other to make a move. I could feel the tension in the air, a mix of anticipation and determination. This was going to be a tough fight.

I decided to test his reflexes, launching a feint to his left before quickly pivoting to his right. He saw through the move, effortlessly blocking and countering with a swift palm strike. I managed to dodge, but just barely.

We exchanged blows, each of us pushing the other to their limits. His strikes were precise and powerful, each one aimed to incapacitate. I relied on my agility and quick thinking, dodging and countering where I could.

Realizing that a direct approach wasn't working, I decided to change tactics. I activated my Nen, focusing my aura to enhance my speed and strength. The monk's eyes widened slightly, acknowledging the shift in my strategy.

I moved in again, this time with renewed energy. My strikes were faster, more forceful. I managed to land a few hits, but he still blocked most of them with ease. He countered with a powerful kick, which I barely managed to deflect.

In the midst of our battle, I noticed a slight opening in his defense. It was fleeting, but it was there. Summoning all my strength, I launched myself at him, aiming for that small gap. My hand shot out, grabbing at his badge.

For a moment, time seemed to freeze. Then, with a swift and decisive move, I yanked the badge free. The monk's eyes widened in surprise, and he stepped back, his calm demeanor breaking for just a second.

I held up the badge, my breathing heavy. "Looks like I got it," I said, a grin spreading across my face.

The monk nodded, a faint smile appearing on his lips. "Well done," he said. "You have proven yourself. I will not chase you but i hope we will have a rematch in the future. if you do get a chance come to my temple in Harza."

With the badge in hand, I quickly made my way back towards the starting point. The forest seemed a bit less menacing now, the thrill of victory giving me a renewed sense of energy. I couldn't wait to meet back up with Nicholas and Killua, eager to share my success and hear about their own hunts.

Nicholas and Killua ventured deeper into the dense forest, their senses on high alert. The Amori brothers were known for their teamwork and cunning, making them formidable opponents. Nicholas, with his laptop at the ready, was constantly updating Killua with the latest information he had gathered on their targets.

"According to my data," Nicholas said, his eyes focused on the screen, "the Amori brothers tend to stick together. If we find one, the other two won't be far behind."

Killua nodded, his expression serious. "Let's hope they haven't moved too far from where they were last spotted."

They continued to move silently through the underbrush, their eyes scanning the surroundings for any sign of the brothers. The forest was alive with the sounds of wildlife, but Killua's trained ears could pick out any unusual noise—a snapped twig, a rustle that didn't match the wind.

After about 2 days of searching, they came across a small clearing. Nicholas motioned for Killua to stop. "According to my last update, they were seen in this area," he whispered.

Killua nodded and crouched down, using the cover of a large bush to survey the clearing. His sharp eyes scanned the area, looking for any signs of movement. He spotted something—a slight glint of metal reflecting the sunlight. He focused, and there they were: the Amori brothers, crouched low and discussing their next move.

"They're here," Killua whispered to Nicholas. "Stay back and be ready. We need to separate them somehow."

Nicholas nodded, slipping his laptop back into his bag and pulling out a small device. "I have an idea. This might create enough of a distraction to split them up."

Killua watched as Nicholas set the device on the ground. It was a small, remote-controlled noisemaker. Nicholas activated it, and it emitted a sound similar to a large animal crashing through the underbrush, coming from the opposite direction.

Amori and his brothers Imori, and Umori Immediately stood up, their attention diverted to the noise. "What was that?" one of them whispered.

"Let's check it out," another replied.

As they cautiously moved toward the source of the noise, Killua and Nicholas sprang into action. Killua moved with lightning speed, aiming to isolate the youngest brother, Imori, from the group. With a swift, silent approach, Killua tackled Imori to the ground, covering his mouth to prevent him from making any noise.

Imori struggled, but Killua's grip was firm. "Quiet," Killua hissed. "You don't want to make this harder than it has to be."

Meanwhile, Nicholas kept an eye on the other two brothers, Amori and Imori. They were still distracted by the noise, moving cautiously through the underbrush. Nicholas used the opportunity to sneak closer, positioning himself to intercept them if needed.

Killua quickly subdued Imori, securing his badge and tying him up with a rope he had brought. He then signaled to Nicholas, who nodded in acknowledgment. With one brother down, they only had two more to go.

Nicholas and Killua regrouped, whispering their plan. "I'll take on Amori," Killua said, his eyes gleaming with determination. "You handle Imori. Use the element of surprise and strike quickly."

Nicholas nodded, steeling himself for the confrontation. They split up again, each moving stealthily toward their respective targets. Killua approached Amori from behind, moving like a shadow. When he was close enough, he launched a quick and precise attack, aiming to disable him before he could react.

Amori was taken by surprise, but he was quick to recover. Their movements were fast and fluid, each one trying to gain the upper hand. Killua's agility and speed gave him an edge, and after a series of swift strikes, he managed to disarm and knock Amori and secure his badge.

At the same time, Nicholas confronted Imori. Using his quick thinking and resourcefulness, Nicholas set off another distraction with his device, momentarily disorienting Umori. Seizing the opportunity, Nicholas tackled Umori, wrestling him to the ground and snatching his badge.

With all three badges secured, Killua and Nicholas regrouped, catching their breath. "We did it," Nicholas said, a satisfied grin on his face.

"Yeah," Killua replied, his eyes still scanning the forest for any potential threats. "Let's get back to the starting point and meet up with Yuuma. We've got what we came for."

They moved swiftly and silently through the forest, making their way back to the rendezvous point. The hunt had been challenging, but their combined skills and teamwork had led them to success. Now, all that remained was to reunite with Yuuma and prepare for the next phase of the Hunter Exam.

The forest was eerily quiet as Killua and Nicholas made their way back to the rendezvous point, the badges of the Amori brothers securely in their possession. The sun had begun to set, casting long shadows across the ground, and the dense foliage added to the sense of foreboding that hung in the air.

As they approached a clearing, a figure suddenly appeared before them, seemingly out of nowhere. It was Hanzo, the ninja, his expression cold and calculating. Killua immediately recognized him and tensed, knowing that this was not an opponent to be taken lightly.

"Well, well," Hanzo said, his voice dripping with sarcasm. "If it isn't #99 And who is this? Your little sidekick?"

Killua narrowed his eyes. "What do you want, Hanzo?"

Hanzo smirked. "I'm after badge number 197. And I believe you have it."

Nicholas, standing beside Killua, could feel the tension in the air. He knew that Hanzo was a dangerous opponent, and this confrontation could turn deadly very quickly.

Killua stepped forward, his stance ready for combat. "You're not getting it without a fight."

Hanzo's smirk widened. "I was hoping you'd say that."

The two engaged in a fierce battle, their movements a blur as they clashed. Hanzo's ninjutsu skills were formidable, but Killua's agility and speed matched him blow for blow. The fight raged on, neither combatant giving an inch.

Despite his best efforts, Killua found himself struggling to keep up with Hanzo's relentless attacks. Hanzo's experience and tactical mind were evident, and he began to gain the upper hand. In a desperate move, Hanzo suddenly shifted his focus from Killua to Nicholas, who had been standing on the sidelines, ready to assist if needed.

Hanzo's hand darted out, grabbing Nicholas and holding a kunai to his throat. "Give me the badge, Killua, or your friend here gets it."

Nicholas's eyes widened in fear, but he tried to remain calm. Killua's heart raced, and he clenched his fists in frustration. He knew that Hanzo was using Nicholas as leverage, and the thought of his friend being harmed because of him was unbearable.

"Don't do it, Killua," Nicholas said, his voice trembling but determined. "Don't give him the badge."

Killua's mind raced. He knew that he had to make a decision, and quickly. His loyalty to his friends and his desire to protect them outweighed his own pride and the desire to win this confrontation.

"Alright, Hanzo," Killua said, his voice steady but laced with anger. "You win. Just let him go."

Hanzo's grip on Nicholas tightened for a moment before he smirked and released him. "Wise choice," he said, extending his hand for the badge.

Killua reluctantly handed over badge number 197. Hanzo took it, a satisfied grin on his face. "Pleasure doing business with you," he said before disappearing into the forest, as silently as he had appeared.

Killua rushed to Nicholas's side. "Are you okay?"

Nicholas nodded, his breathing still a bit shaky. "Yeah, I'm fine. Thanks, Killua."

Killua sighed in relief. "I'm sorry, Nicholas. I couldn't let him hurt you."

Nicholas gave a weak smile. "I know. And I appreciate it."

The two of them sat in the clearing for a moment, catching their breath and processing what had just happened. Despite losing the badge, Killua knew that he had made the right choice. Protecting his friends was more important than any number of points or badges.

"Let's head back," Killua said finally, helping Nicholas to his feet. "We still have a rendezvous with Yuuma."

Nicholas nodded, and together they made their way back through the forest, their bond strengthened by the ordeal they had just faced. They had lost a badge, but they had gained something far more valuable—trust and friendship.