
HP World: King of Darkness - God of Nothing

All rights go to their respective owners, I own NOTHING, not even the aglets of my shoelaces. OK, so the premise of this story is that there is no real premise, no real plan. It's just for fun and wish fulfillment. World travel will happen whenever I want. And it's probably a harem, most likely, check the tags. Never NTR, don't even think about it A hot pot for my ideas if you will. It will be updated if I have inspiration and it might even have some small breaks, I'll try to keep them short. But I'll always come back. This is just something that came into my mind while listening to the song The Fifth Angel by the band Beast in Black. Check them out if you like Berserk. Anyway might continue this story, might not, probably will, don't have the best track record with my last story. I kinda ran out of ideas and then I had to change my job while thinking about how to write it. Have fun.

Khalderas · Anime et bandes dessinées
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16 Chs

Chapter 3 - And so, they screamed

(1st pov) A.N. I'll stick mostly to this type of POV when it's just the MC.

'What the hell is going on?'

I heard the screams as I was walking through the forest so, as any person who is curious enough to ignore their safety, I went to investigate, slowly.

I slowly approached the source, all the while trying to make sure that I didn't step on anything that might make a sound. I had seen way too many movies in order to fall for that.

I had to change the way in which I went a couple of times, the screams were moving around, the victims were probably not caught yet and were probably running from their would be captors. I didn't quicken my pace nor did I just start running because I still didn't have all the answers yet.

As I came closer and closer to the disturbance, I could slowly start hearing voices.

'The people were probably caught. Damn, let's try and see what's going on' I thought. No sooner than that, I reached a bush and hid behind it, to see if I could hear anything clearly.

'Fuck, they're speaking in french, and quickly too. Can't understand shit' I cursed in my mind.

'That means I have to actually see what's going on'

Moving ever so slowly and ever so cautiously, I peered over the bush to try and see what's going on. The sight before my eyes answered many questions, some not even related to the events.

'Huh, seems I'm in Harry Potter, damn' Yeah, from what few of my memories remained, I knew that this world was inhabited by silly wandwavers that, more often than not, acted like sheep instead of acting like wizards should. They had access to mind-bending and world-shaking arts and they would always stoop low enough to place all their hopes on a child, barely a toddler. I mean, these people would one day propel their saviour to saint-like rank and then, the next day, they would turn the same person into Judas. I didn't know quite yet why that particular piece of information remained out of all my memories about the series, but, well, what can you do?

As to how I found out about where I was? Well, that was easy enough, the aggressors were wearing what looked to be medieval-era robes and they were each wielding a stick in their hands. I didn't need to take three guesses to recognise them as wands.

I was currently positioned diagonally with both parties so I could better see what was going on. The aggressors were 3 wizards and the victims were 2 blonde girls who looked to be around my age or even smaller, the girls seemed unable to move, they were probably hit by some kind of immobilizing spell. They had tears running down their cheeks and looked absolutely terrified of the situation they were in.

I continued to observe the situation so that I could confirm if my intervention was needed or not. I wasn't really about to place myself in danger just for anyone, even for 2 children, especially not with just the measly amount of power that I had unlocked. The wizards see to be arguing amongst themselves, with two of them on one side and tr colleague on the other. The two were sporting classic evil smirks while the third seemed a bit uncomfortable with one thing or another.

I crouched there, making sure to keep my body as unmoving as possible, while they continue their arguments. Then, I saw something that simultaneously chilled my blood and made it burn in rage.

The two wizards' smirks grew and one of them began to disrobe while the other two kept the whole situation in check.

I was fucking livid. If there was one thing I abhorred in all my life, it was rape. I mean, yeah, it was one thing to read that it happened or to see it in a hentai, because that was all fantasy for the reader and nobody actually got hurt so I could shrug my shoulders with a simple 'Meh'. Seeing it in real life, on the other hand, made me down right murderous.

'Screw safety, screw lack of power but most importantly, FUCK THESE GUYS' it was at that moment, that I decided to act, fuck the consequences, I needed to do something about it or it would mark me. I was not a hero, never would become one, I would never actively seek out to save each and every suffering soul, but to see shit like this happening before my very eyes, I just could not live with myself if I didn't intervene in some way.

So, mind made up, it was time to act. I needed a plan, a good plan, a smart plan, but I didn't have the time to actually make the best one, but still, I acted. I quickly looked around the wizards to see if I could find anything, meanwhile, the dipshit disrobed and dropped his trousers, finally pulling his filthy fucking member out. Of course he was already way above a half chub. Filthy fucking degenerate. He started approaching the girls.

Quickly, I acted. During my observation, I saw a stone as big as a fist so, I did the only move that I was semi-proficient in.

I fucking levitated that shit and threw it in that guy's nutsack, bursting it apart.

"AAAAAHHHHH" he screamed, a bit higher pitched than he would probably sound normally.

His friends were quick to act, one of them whipped his head around, searching for me, but he couldn't find anything. So, the other one held his wand high and uttered a spell. I quickly felt a wave of magic passing through my body, and then I knew, I fucked up.

It was probably some kind of search or reveal spell because the wizard that cast it, quickly motioned in my direction to the other guy, the one still standing. His partner in crime quickly turned and looked in my direction.

Barely wasting a bit, he fired a small chain of spells towards me, leaving me no other option but to quickly get out of the way. Problem was, this lead to me being out in the open and facing 2 wizards and one moaner.

Remember how I said that that was the moment that I had fucked up? Yeah, things weren't looking for lil' ol' Femto, no they were not. For one thing, I was at that moment, 9 years old with barely a week of magic training which resulted in me being able to feel my magic and throw some shit around, secondly, I wasn't a fighter in my last life. I had barely any martial training, except one year in highschool where I had done martial arts, but what I learned there basically amounted to knowing how to throw a punch and how to utilize the whole weight and power of my body when kicking. Good, but not nearly good enough.

Still, I wasn't going to let these medieval minded little cunts rape the two girls. Fuck the consequences.

Knowing that I was probably in way over my own head, I fell back on an already established pattern. I moved my hand forward and clenched my fist, thus picking up the rock from before, it still had blood on it and what seemed to be a testicle hanging on by the sack. I threw the testi-rock at one of my foes, the one who detected me.

There were a couple of problems with my plan, needless to say. On one hand, I had only practiced controlling relatively small objects in a calm and safe environment. The stone still flew, not as fast as before, sure, but it still moved. On the other hand though, I might have gotten too overconfident by thinking that all wizards were sheep, sure, the majority of the population probably were, but the ones in front of me were more than likely trained to fight in some way or another.

The stone flew, but due to my lack of training my direction was off so instead of striking the guy's head, I only struck a shoulder. Good hit, sure, but he had 2 of those things. He grunted in pain but didn't make any other moves. His partner launched a couple more spells but I barely managed to duck in time for them to miss me.

After the whole debacle, we stood, glaring at each other, they probably stopped because they were surprised to see a young child like me standing up to them while I stopped because I didn't know what the fuck to do.

The staredown was broken by another yelp of pain from their now-eunuchized partner. Both of them looked at him for barely a second, it was enough for them to turn around and glance at him. I took the opportunity to use my magic and throw another rock. It.didn't.work. Both of them quickly turned around and, with a wave of their wands and some spells being uttered, created 2 small shields that made my stone glance off of my intended target.

'Of course it couldn't work a third time, should have learned after the second, damn it' I cursed in my mind.


Both wizards, with a flick of their wands shot two white lights towards me. I moved to evade the first one and succeeded, but the second one, seemingly aimed at the position where I would dodge, struck me straight in my sides.

'Why didn't they kill me? Why didn't they hit me with something worse?' was all that I could think about at that moment. Hell, all I could do was think. Being hit by that spell made me feel like I was stuck in water, only the water didn't move when I tried to move.

The two quickly came up to my spell frozen body and dragged me up. After a quick look at my face, they dismissed it. They dragged my body towards the two crying girls and, with two kicks to the back of my knees, which promptly snapped due to the spell, brought me down a literal peg.

'ARGH DAMN IT' while I couldn't move, I could still feel the pain of my two shattered knees. It was the most painful thing I ever felt in my life.

Now, there I was, standing on my shattered knees being supported by two douchebags and being face to face with the two girl. They were crestfallen, their eyes red and terrified from too much crying. I heard the guys speak between themselves, even if I knew the language properly I couldn't understand them due to the pain.

I heard them laugh. It was not an evil laugh, it was downright a mad one.

One of them fired another spell at me and the other let me go, I didn't fall, the spell probably made sure that I was stuck in that position.

Then they moved, one of them fired a couple of spells at their downed companion, stabilizing his condition while the other moved to the girls.

Then I realized it.

I realized what they intended to do.

They wanted me to watch.

They wanted me to see them while they raped the girls.

They wanted me to see the direct results of my failure.

He arrived at the girls, and, with one swift movement, tore apart the dress of one of them, leaving her only in underwear.

Rage began to dull my pain.

The other guy moved with him and tore the other girl's dress as well.

I could barely feel anything else besides utter madness.

They moved to remove the girl's underwear.

I snapped.

(3rd POV)


The would be rapists' entertainment was broken by a bestial roar. They quickly turned their heads around and what they saw made them shiver. Where once was a simple boy now stood the same boy but with one terrifying difference. From his eyes and his mouth that seemed to be stuck in an insane rictus, black liquid came out. The boy had somehow broken through their spells. How? That they didn't know.


The boy roared once again, but it was like the sound wasn't even coming out of his mouth, no, his mouth was still stuck in an insane grin, white teeth showing through the black liquid. The roar seemed to be coming from everywhere around them, it struck their souls directly and left them there at the mercy of that..that thing.

The thing moved.

It didn't jump nor did it run. It went towards them at a steady pace akin a trained general striding on the battlefield, it could command respect and awe, if it weren't for that damn grin and maddened eyes.

The wizards tried to move, truly, they did. But the only thing they could do was watch as the monster approached them, leaving a trail of bubbling black behind him.

Quick yet slow at the same time, the beast reached the first of the wizards, the one who took out its now healed kneecaps.

The monster looked straight into the eyes of the wizard, as if judging him. Alas for the rapist, it seems that he was found unworthy.

The child's hand rose and cupped his head, almost gently, like a mother would touch their offspring. It gave off the illusion of love, care and affection, but that was all that it was, an illusion.

The monster brought his head forward, his nose almost touching with the wizard's, who could only hopelessly look into his eyes, hoping against hope to find a chance at salvation. He found only eyes glowing with power that seemed to eat all the light in the world, he was staring straight into the abyss, and the abyss was staring back.

It shouldn't have been possible, but the boy's grin grew even wider, not that his victim could see it. Then, it happened.

The boy's fingers seemed to grow longer, where once he only touched his face, the wizard now felt the fingers on the top of his head.

Then, pain.

The boy's nails dug into his skull, reaching his brain while he felt something liquid pouring in his head. After what seemed like an eternity, the boy moved.

He quickly drew his hands in a wide arc, bringing them to his sides ripping his skull and body apart. The boy then left then kept the two parts of the body to his side, only for him to unceremoniously drop them a second later. He then stood with his arms held high as if basking in the glory which he had brought upon himself.

The girls were staring wide eyed at the whole scene. Even if they were able to move, they could not while the remaining two captors were staring in fear.

The boy moved to the other wizard, the one who was for now, whole. The wizard could only stare as a dark hand, eerily big on such a small body, grasped his face with nails piercing his skull and then clenched. His head burst apart like a ripe melon and then fell on the ground.

The monster moved, for his mission was not yet over. He went to the remaining wizard who was now still on the ground from his previous injury.

The boy loomed like a shadow over the wizard, eyes aglow. He stretched his arms with fingers wide open towards the last rapist. From his fingertips the black substance materialized and, like spears, pierced the wizard, seemingly ending him.

(1st POV)

I could only watch as my body responded to my want in saving the girls. I could only look upon which I had wrought upon the wizards, their pain and suffering. I could only watch and enjoy it thoroughly. These scums deserved nothing less.

Once the three were dead, my body was slowly coming back under my control. I looked at the two girls while feeling a bit sad that I probably traumatized them. It was probably better than being raped though.

Using the power of my currently diminishing state, I pointed 2 fingers in their direction, sending a beam of power that would nullify the spells placed on them. Then I began to move only to stop when hearing shouting in the distance. I looked around and, sure enough, people were coming from behind the trees.

My body instinctively tensed, ready for a fight only to stop when I heard a french word that I absolutely recognized.

"PAPA!" shouted one of the girls while looking at someone who seemed to be their father.

I relaxed a bit but then began to feel lightheaded, probably from what happened just a few minutes ago. I needed to get out of there, I couldn't trust anyone in my vulnerable state. Who knows what they might do.

Responding to my wants, now that the girl's situation was over, my body moved on it's own and disappeared from the woods, leaving behind baffled faces.

I arrived in what seemed to be a cave, exhausted and fastly falling asleep. My last thoughts before darkness took me were twofold between 'Void, we need to speak' and hoping that I didn't scare the girls too much and hoping for the best for them.

Falling unconscious, I didn't notice two waves of magic hitting me and disappearing. That would come much later.

(3rd POV)

Meanwhile, back where Femto disappeared.

"Mes cheris, ca va? Ca c'etait quoi?" asked the father while hugging his girls.

"Oui papa, nous le serons…. Et ca c'etait notre magnifique sauveur' answered one of the girls while the one nodded gently.

A.N Chapter 3 is out, a bit longer this time. Hope you enjoyed. Leave your comments down below

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Khalderascreators' thoughts