
HP World: King of Darkness - God of Nothing

All rights go to their respective owners, I own NOTHING, not even the aglets of my shoelaces. OK, so the premise of this story is that there is no real premise, no real plan. It's just for fun and wish fulfillment. World travel will happen whenever I want. And it's probably a harem, most likely, check the tags. Never NTR, don't even think about it A hot pot for my ideas if you will. It will be updated if I have inspiration and it might even have some small breaks, I'll try to keep them short. But I'll always come back. This is just something that came into my mind while listening to the song The Fifth Angel by the band Beast in Black. Check them out if you like Berserk. Anyway might continue this story, might not, probably will, don't have the best track record with my last story. I kinda ran out of ideas and then I had to change my job while thinking about how to write it. Have fun.

Khalderas · Anime & Comics
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16 Chs

Chapter 2 - Oh, hell no!


The egg cracked open and from its rapidly disappearing shell walked out a normal looking youth, the previous signs of the abuse that the body had suffered having vanished. Well, except the bloody clothes.

The boy, now named Femto groaned while stretching and cracking his neck.

"Ah, now that feels good! Nothing better than a body, souls are weird man" he said, satisfied with his circumstances.

"Now, two questions. One, how do I look, and two, when and where in Carmen Sandiego am I?"

He looked around and noticed that he was in a relatively sparse forested area. He walked around for a bit, trying to get his bearings and find some sense of anything close to an actual location.

"Damn, wish I paid attention to Bear Grylls right now, can't recognise a damn thing" Needless to say, he couldn't really make much of a forest so he resorted to trying the ole child ways of picking anything.

"Well, here goes nothing. Eenie, meanie, minie, moe, catch a n-

Nope, not going there" he caught himself before he wrecked himself.

So, seeing as nothing he tried was working out, he just spun around himself three times, thinking about E.T. going home and then stopped and went in the completely opposite direction.

"Aight ninos, let's Dora this" and so he went on his merry way all the while thinking on where exactly he was sent.

'I have no real hint or information as to where I am right now, all I know is that I am currently 9 years old, in a forest, at nighttime. There's a moon in the sky that looks like the same one back home, so that rules a couple of places out but still leaves me with a veritable shitton of possibilities. So, yeah, not much to see here'

His information was lacking so he just decided to keep going on and see what's what. A couple of hours slowly pass by with dawn slowly approaching when he spots signs of civilization in the distance.

'Finally, although I'm in tip top shape for a 9 yo, my feet hurt like a bitch from all that walking. Just a bit more to go'

He slowly advanced through the sparse trees until he reached the edge of what appeared to be a small village.

'Oh, damn, it's even worse than I thought...

I'm in France'

Well, how did he figure out where he was so easily? The signs and french words certainly did help and go a long way.

'Luckily I know bits and bobs of french but unluckily, I do not enjoy it' Femto groaned internally. Yes, he did know how to read french and could understand French speech on some level but he couldn't either speak or write it.

'I've had it in school for close to ten years, TEN FUCKING YEARS and I barely managed to reach this leve. Goddamn thing never stuck to me. Give me fucking permutations, matrixes or some shit and I'll get it after some time, but not French, never French'

While Femto internally grumbled and raged, he continued to make his way closer and closer to the French village until he finally managed to reach it.

At the same time, he was making an internal list of stuff that needed doing, first things first, he needed to find shelter for at least one night and then check on what he could currently work with, mainly, what his power/s were and how to access it/them.

Finding shelter for the night proved surprisingly easy. Nobody was around at what seemed to be the very late hours of the night 'or is it early hours of the morning?hmm'

Anyway, he found a house that had a shed nearby and said shed seemed to be empty from his quick look at it. So, Femto made his way inside. It was a dusty and old looking-smelling thing but it would do for a while, it certainly would.

Making his way inside he decided to look around for anything that could jump at him, lounge at him or be useful for him.

'Okay, let's take a looksee. Wood, old wood, burnished wood, dark wood, brown wood…

Goddamn, it's pretty much all wood, I'm guessing it's a properly named wood shed. Haha, get it? No? Imma see myself out'

Finding out, to his disappointment, that new clothes were still off the menu, Femto sat down in a more protected corner of the shed and started to think.

'Okay, now that I have some temporary reprieve, I can start trying to make sense of the world around me. Still, I'm surprisingly in good condition after having to walk for a couple of hours. I mean, I'm a bit tired and my legs are beginning to slowly scream at me but for a 9yo it's kinda decent' he thought while slowly stretching his legs, letting them get some rest from his previous gentle abuse.

'Time to think about how to access some of my powers. How do I know I've got powers? Of course my boys and gal down there unlocked my potential with them. I could have had the full might of a primordial being at my fingertips from the start but man, I wanna have fun. I don't want to walk everywhere and curbstomp little shits to dust. Heh… on second thought…. Nope, no, still no'

While thinking everything through, he put his right hand on his chin, as if a thinking pose could actually guide him.

'AHA!' he snapped his fingers, surprisingly, it did.

'Of course I have to try meditation, seeing on the inside, looking underneath the underneath and all that jazz' thinking so, Femto got into a comfortable position, closed his eyes and started looking.

He was not about to sit in a lotus or some shit like that 'Cause man, that's just uncomfy a f' so he simply sat with his back against one of the shed's walls and hi legs comfortably stretched outwards.

'Let's do this'




'It's not working'

No, it most certainly was not. The problem wasn't in the fact of meditation, no, that might actually work. The problem resided in the fact that Femto was quite scatterbrained and couldn't actually 'empty his mind', no, his mind was constantly jumping around from one idea to another.

'I should have known that normal meditation is just not for me. I mean, even back home I couldn't fall asleep without thinking of some plot ideas or some made-up fanfiction in my mind. I just don't work with a calm and tranquil mind. What to do, what to do…'

His answer came up a bit later, and it came, not with a bang, not with a whisper, but with a…


[Binding System to host… Initializing process]






"OH HELL NO!" Femto yelled.

[Progress at 1%...2%]

"Void! You walking bag of calcium, I know that you can hear me! Stop this shit right here, right now!" Femto angrily said, his stare seemed to burn through the wood shed's walls. He knew that his creations would watch over him, heck they've been doing so for all his life.


"My lord!" Void's hurried voice was heard in his mind. "What's wrong, my liege?"


"That right there Void, what the fuck, a system?!"

"But, my lord, a lot of fanfictions and novels on your previous world had a system, what's wrong?"

"Void, my sweet calcium demon, I've read so many system novels where the MC turned out to be nothing but a system slave that I've just about had it! I mean, come on, 'MiSsIoN AsSiGnEd, GrOpE YoUr TeAcHeR; Mission Failure Penalty: DEATH" Femto droned on. He absolutely despised system slaves, in those fics the main character turned out to be the system. Why? Because the system gave the missions, you couldn't really say no, cause death or impotence or system lock or some shit. So no, he was not dealing with all of this. He refused.

"Also, Void, I'd like to explore and grow my abilities at my own pace, in my own time and not because I have some level progression stuck at 99/100 making my inner gaming complexionist quick up a fuss. No thanks"

"My apologies master, it shall be erased"

[Progress at 30%.....31%..... ERROR…SYSTEM IN PROCESS OF BEING EXPUNGED]

"It is done, master. No more systems, never."

"Never. Now, go be on your merry watching of Meflix, Void. I'll figure it out myself"

"Very well, my king. Have fun!"

"Ciao, old boy"

With that whole debacle finished and the future nightmares averted, Femto got back to thinking.

'Hmm, if meditation is not my style, I just have to find it, I just have to….will…it…. EUREKA!' Femto grinned in excitement.

'I mean, it's my power, I do what I want so, here it goes' making up his mind, Femto looked once again on the underneath, but this time, he was not going to meditate, no, he was going to WILL his power into manifestation with the sheer might of the Baba Yaga.

Scrunching up his face in concentration, an act that looked hella cute on his face, young Femto willed himself and his power to manifest.

And, lo and behold, it did. He could sense a pool of power that was centered around his head. It was both lying still and slowly moving, kinda weird when he thought about it.

'Okay, now that I'm on to something, let's try and test this bad boy out' he opened his eyes and looked around, and, seeing a small piece of wood lying around, he extended his hand towards it and willed his power to act.

He could sense his power moving at a snail's pace, but still in motion. He concentrated and furrowed his brows. It was a very slow process but, finally, after a couple of minutes, the piece of wood trembled a bit and then… stopped.

'Haaaa, this is harder than it looks but I'll keep trying'

And so he did.

A couple of days flashed by and during this time, Femto would split his attention between avoiding the eyes of everyone that could have seen him, stealing some food from the people that owned the place and practicing with his power. He wouldn't take much, just enough for him to eke out a living and he never stole from the same place twice, he didn't want to starve a family or something, he didn't have many morals, but he did have some.

'It may not be much, but it's hard work'

Like this, a week had gone by with some progress being made, not a lot, but some, and it was time for Femto to move around more and explore. He took some food to ration and left the village after night had just fallen.

He trekked through the forest for a couple of days until, on one particular night while he was walking and thinking, something happened.

He heard screaming.

A.N Second chapter out, hope you enjoyed it.

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