
HP: Wishes

Our MC died after doing a good deed so he was given a second chance with some wishes to him from God. Stay tuned to read more how he live a fullfilling life. I don't own anything in this story except my MC. Everything else belong to J. K. Rowling.

Eternalladykiller · Films
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8 Chs

Chapter 5: No-nose is alive!

After a while an old looking goblin enters the room and introduces himself.

"My name is Ironback and i am the account manager of house Black"

"Its nice to meet you Mr. Shawn."

Shawn says with a smile on his face: "nice to meet you to Mr. Ironback. And it will be pleasant to work with you."

" i have something to talk about to you Mr. Ragnuk."

"What can i help you with Mr. Shawn" Ragnuk said.

Shawn says: " its about Voldemort"

Everyone where first stunned then there was some fear on their faces.

Ragnuk with a serious face said: "what would you like to say. He is already dead but people still can't say his name i am open ear if you have something important to tell me."

Shawn says with a dead pen look: "He is alive."

The two goblins and Rose where totally horrified.

"How do you know that. Who told you that?.

Look if this is some kind of joke then you better be prepared for what is coming for you.

This not a subject to joke about." Rose yelled at Shawn.

Shawn POV.

"What i am saying is the truth." I said

"Don't give me those looks i can't tell you how i know about it but it is that truth. If you don't believe me i am willing to take an oath on my magic." I said.

At this moment i think both goblins have already recovered from there shock and they have serious looks on there faces.

Ragnuk said to me: "then i have to make ask you to do it Mr. Shawn. I want an oath proving this information."

I said: "Alright then, I Shawn Lightborn(Black) swear that what i said before is the absolute truth and there is no falsehood in it. I swear it on my magic."


A small light was glowing on my finger.

They were a bit surprised about my wandless magic but the information i provided was too much important for it to effected them.

All of them are now wearing grave and serious look on their faces.

Ragnuk said with heavy tone mixed with slight fear: "we have to inform the ministry and especially Albus Dumbledore. So they can prepare for inevitable."

I have to say it. I really have to, haha i am having so much fun watching there changing faces. I might just laugh out loud in this 'grave situation'. Haha.

And the way he just said those word i couldn't hold my self back.

"HAHA HAHA HAHA. Sorry sorry laughing like but after what you just said i could not hold my self back. HAHA HAHA."

"Let me just ask you some Mr. Ragnuk. Who is the most powerful wizard according to you?."

Ragnuk at first was taken aback from me laughing but when he heard my question he quickly said : "Albus Dumbledore. Of course."

Its my turn to talk now hehe.

"Then tell me will not know already that he is alive?

Why would he withheld that info?.

Maybe he has grown too old."

Ragnuk said : "what you said makes sense. But if he already knew he should have told it to us and everyone else, maybe he did not know about it."

I Said with a mocking tone: " OH! That old goat damn well knew. Was so fucking blind that he couldn't even see that the child he is holding, the one you all call 'ONE-WHO-LIVED.' Is a living Hocruxe."

"He knew all of it he just didn't wanted anyone to know about it. Why would he keep little Harry away from everyone?.

Who was he afraid of the dead eater?

He is the most powerful wizard as you have said .

He could take care of them easily.

He took away Harry because he wanted to prepare him to again fight No-nose when he comes back.

As for his plan and what he is think? Who know?."

Everyone had a thoughtful expression on there faces.

Then suddenly my ear was pulled and oh boy it was painful. Too much pain.

"HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT HOCRUXE?" My mom yelled at me not giving even a knut about the info i just revealed.

Well it seems to her even if the world is damned as long as i am fine she is ok with it.

Well that's my mom for yah. Am proud of her.

Hoho hoho.

"Ouch ouch ouch let go please it hurts mom."

"NO! TELL ME HOW DO YOU KNOW ABOUT IT. I WANT TO KNOW IT RIGHT KNOW." well as you have thought mom yelled.

My ears a ringing now and there is also pain.

I have to salvage the situation or my ear might drop of with this pulling.

"Mom, i can't tell ya about it but i promise i won't do any thing that is harmful to our little family. I promise. Promise. Promise. So could now let go of my ear please."

Mom gave me a glare and a long stare game started between us. But she is still pullin my ear.

I badly want to say, 'Ouch atleast let me go mom then we can have a staring contrest.'

But can't, cause if I did then my situation might get worse and i will get a beating right here.

Oh my regards to Marlins bushie beard Ragnuk came to my rescue.

"Cough! Mam i believe we should let Mr. Shawn continue his talk. Cough! You can have this discussion with him afterwards"

'DAMN TOU RAGNUK! i thought you were there to save me not kick me in abyss. This is not the end of damn it.

I will get you for this you old green short freak. King of Goblins or not i have to return this humiliation to you 10 folds, no 100 fold you damn shorty. Muhawhaha."

I was having dark thought about how to get back at that damn Shorty.

Hello guys this is my 1st novel so if there is any mistake or there is anything missing do tell me.And here my discord channal link.


If you have any suggestions then tell me there. Ok! bye have fun reading