
HP: Wishes

Our MC died after doing a good deed so he was given a second chance with some wishes to him from God. Stay tuned to read more how he live a fullfilling life. I don't own anything in this story except my MC. Everything else belong to J. K. Rowling.

Eternalladykiller · Films
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8 Chs

Chapter 4: the Inheritance test

The next day we go to Diagon Alley through the leaky cauldron.

As they say the place was trash bin after crossing the bartender and customers we to the back of leaky cauldron where that wall with bricks was.

After tapping on the brick we enter on old style world of the diagon Alley.

First place to visit was Gringotts bank.

A big building with two gaurds outside fully armored and carrying axes, that was the traditional view.

And also famous writing before the entry.

Enter, stranger, but take heed

Of what awaits the sin of greed,

For those who take, but do not earn,

Must pay most dearly in their turn,

So if you seek beneath our floors

A treasure that was never yours,

Thief, you have been warned, beware

Of finding more than treasure there.

After reading the poem and cringing a bit we finally enter the bank.

Long hall way with high tables on which goblins work.

And long queues infront of them.

After finding the shortest one we go there and wait abit for our turn.

After a while its finally our turn.

Rose said to them: "we are here to for an inheritance test"

The old goblin look at me and sneers, totally annoyed but still takes us to a back room.

He said: "100 galleon per test, many came before you but none succeeded, what makes you think you can.

Never mind just give some of your blood"

I said: "first i need an oath from you that my blood will not be used for anything other then inheritance test"

Visibly angry but still he still gives us the oath but with his custom sneer.

He gives me a knife which was covered in runes and bowl.

I cut my finger and let the blood flow into the bowl.

After a while when it seems that it was enough my injury on the finger heals.

Then magic started to flow in the blood and quickly all the blood was gone.

The goblin took out a paper and places it over the bowl.

It shins a bit and writing starts appearing on it.

He takes the paper and starts to read it.

His natural sneer quickly disappears and a serious look appears on his face.

Finally he give us the paper a and i read it.

It says:

Shawn Lightborn


Inheritance test:

From paternal side, heir to Black family by blood eligible for the lordship.

Heir to the Slytherin family by blood eligible for the lordship.

Heir to gryffindor family by blood eligible for the lordship.

From maternal side, heir to Nous family by blood eligible for lordship.

Heir to Rawanclaw family by blood eligible for the lordship.

Shawn's mind was blowns by all that was written on.

He looks at his mom but her mouth was also open a slight bit and eyes widened.

1st person POV

I looked at the goblin but he was already gone.

We waited for a moment and he tell us that there banks manger wanted to see us.

We were then guided to a well furnished office and there we saw there manager just entering his office he quickly invited us in.

After sitting down he introduced himself:

"My name is Ragnuk the king of goblins and manger of the Gringotts bank.

Nice to meet you Mr. Shawn "

I extending my handfor handshake and said:

"Nice to meet you too Mr. Ragnuk. "

Ragnuk gave a wide smile and shook my hand.

Ragnuk the said:"what would you like to do with all inheritances and lordships' Mr. Shawn and would you like to change your name to any of the families name?."

I said: "i will take the lordship of all the families and i won't change my name to any of them yet.

And additional could you not tell the ministry about me have these inheritances?"

Ragnuk said: " yes sure you can take the in lordship of all of them but it has never happened before,

I am not saying anything but it is a first for me to see one person being eligible for more then one lordship.

And it is allright if you want to keep you name for know.

And as for not telling the ministry thatvis alright. If you want us to tell them about you them we will tell them you don't then we will not."

I said: "great the you could tell them that a lord black has come but keep my identity a secret "

He said: " sure thing, and also for your families Account manager we only have the account manger of house black.

It because the account manger of other families are dead and there lines are also gone. We aree quite surprised to find that these ancient families still have heirs remaining."

I aaid: "its alright house Black's Account manger will be my full time manager.

He will manage all my accounts. "

"Could you call him for me please "

Ragnuk said: "Sure thing Mr. Shawn."

Hello guys this is my 1st novel so if there is any mistake or there is anything missing do tell me.

And here my discord channal link.
