
HP: The Red Head

In the illustrious and magical world of Harry Potter, something has gone awry. The wheels of fate have been derailed, and one Ronald Weasley is just trying to survive.

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Chapter Four - Afternoon at the Burrow

~Author Comment~

"Please don't tell Fred and George", I beg Ginny as I'm following after her.

"Don't tell them you like Luna?"

"You know what I meant"

"I don't know what you mean"

"What I meant was don't lie, mom is going to get you in trouble if you do"

"I'm not lying"

"Yes you are"

"No, I'm not"

"Yes you are"

"No, I'm not"

I need to think of something fast, we have already passed the magic barrier that conceals the burrow, and it is now within my line of sight.

"Well it doesn't matter if you say I like Luna, because it's not true"

"Oh really?"

Please let this work. I then see the twins on broomsticks riding towards us


"Look it's the twins, since you don't care I'm going to tell them"

As they draw closer Ginny starts running towards them, I'm speechless now, and I resign myself to my fate. I Abruptly hear a magically modified voice yelling out.


Like an angel cast from above Molly is there, the two devils then turn around and leave me be.

"Ginny, what do I have to do for you to never mention Luna Lovegood?"

"Hmmm how about you become my butler"

Leafing through my memories I realize being Ginny's butler is not very… enjoyable; nevertheless, I don't have much of a choice.


"It's been so long since we played butler, I can't wait"

As we draw closer to the burrow I hear Molly Weasley yelling at Fred and George despite the fact her voice is no longer being amplified. The twins send us both pleading glances, and I pointedly steer Ginny away.


It took me 4 hours and 53 minutes to escape a coercive six-year-old. I walk outside of the house and wash off the thick droves of makeup on my face using the outside pump. Luckily the twins were locked up within the room, therefore they never got the chance to see my appearance.

After I finish washing up I was going to return to the burrow, but I halt my movement 'Fred and George are currently grounded in our room, even if I was to go upstairs it's not like I could practice magic'

'I can't start casting spells all willy nilly, and Occlumency is something that I'm yet able to do, I either need somewhere private for magic training or something I can do publicly'

"How about potion brewing?", I thought out loud.

That would normally be a great option; however, the Wesley's aren't the most affluent family, and I have no way of securing potion materials, 'I wish I was just at Hogwarts, if I was I could simply use the RoR'

I suppose I will have to try my best to hide my magic practice, but that will get harder when the summer arrives.

I began my practice out in the barn, the most difficult aspect of levitating an object was controlling said object. If I simply wanted something to float without any control it was a simple matter, more difficult was holding it still, or moving it in a controlled manner.

To practice my control I started by lifting a stick and ever so slowly I began to write my name in the dirt before I could finish even the first R I already dropped the stick.

"That's a lot harder than I thought"

'I suppose the friction the stick was encountering by being dragged affected the strain it took to maintain my levitation'

With three deep breaths I start working on my sloppily drawn R once more, then move directly for the O, 'it appears it's already less difficult to write, or maybe O's are just easy'

After I write each letter I must stop to recatch my breath, before continuing. After 2 minutes, a time that I will be improving, I was able to write out my first name in its entirety.

The rate at which I'm improving is honestly incredible, just lifting things up barely does anything. I believe that further supports my theory that wizards are basically endless supplies of energy. If it didn't give me a headache to continue practicing I wouldn't have needed to take a break, luckily there was a pump next to me and it was unnecessary to go inside.

I lay my back on the hay 'maybe I should get a job…'

'I doubt Molly, and Arthur will let me walk off into a muggle village, I might be able to get a summer one working in Diagon Alley'

'If I had some starting Capitol, I would be able to invest in up and coming businesses that I know will one day succeed. Whatever I should get back to training' I sit up, and I pick up the stick. I've grown tired of repeatedly writing the same 6 letters over and over, so I make an attempt at drawing the burrow, then trees, animals, myself, and anything that comes to my mind like that 3 hours pass.

"Ron Supper is ready", Molly calls

I walk back inside of the burrow, what greets me when entering the dining room is Fred and George moonily eating a stew, while Ginny makes a motion of zipping her lips, 'at least she keeps her promises'

Molly and Arthur walk in from the kitchen holding dinner for the rest of us.

"Ron you seem to be doing much better, so starting tomorrow you must start doing your chores again", Arthur tells me after taking his seat at the head of the table.

'If I remember correctly that entails me feeding the animals in the morning, it probably won't take too much time out of my day'

"Sure", I answer.

"Why do you two look so mopy" I tease the twins.

"They'll be starting lessons again tomorrow. The stunt they pulled today shows they have too much free time, and they must really miss doing homework", Molly answered.

After the twin's finish supper the twins go directly to the room.

"Hey Dad"

"What is it, Ron"

"I heard that some people can turn into animals, is it true?"

"Yes, but don't go becoming an animagus"

"I wasn't I was just curious, like how do you know if it's a person or animal"

"Well there are only seven registered animaguses within Britain, so it's most likely just an animal"

"What if they don't register?"

"Well then they'll end up in Azkaban"

'He's not going down the line of questioning I wish for him to be doing'

"But is there any way for someone to tell an animal and an animagus apart?"

"You can use Transersario Subcinctus to turn them back into humans. Are you afraid that an animagus is watching you?" he asked while giving a light chuckle.

'I may be able to use this'

"If I ever think there is an animagus can you do that magic spell for me Dad?" I did my best puppy dog eyes for good measure.

"Sure thing son"

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Gunchicreators' thoughts