
HP: The Red Head

In the illustrious and magical world of Harry Potter, something has gone awry. The wheels of fate have been derailed, and one Ronald Weasley is just trying to survive.

Gunchi · Book&Literature
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Chapter Three - Thinking About the Future

The word explore is a massive overassessment, despite the fact I have spent several days within this body its memories do not come fluidly to me. It's like watching a movie every time I think of the past, excluding the ones I have experienced.

I can't very well go back inside when she just asked me to go outside, 'What does Molly want me to do: play like a child?'

After I finish sulking about there being nothing to do I look up and see Fred and George riding brooms.

I yell "Where did you guys get that broom?"

"Little bro those that ask questions"

"End up disappearing"

"I'm just going to find Ginny" I yell back before I head off

"I think she went south Ronnikins"

Once I'm a good distance away from Fred and George I start to levitate a rock, having it trail behind me low to the ground.

'Since arriving I haven't thought about the future, Ron is meant to play a role in the defeat of Tom Riddle.'

'He is one of Harry's first friends, and basically family, hell, when Ron left in the seventh book Harry became depressed. The kid was starved for attention, if the Weasleys didn't pick him up more dark wizards might have, well I doubt Dumbledore would have allowed that to happen.'

Regardless, I don't believe Tom will be defeated if I don't do something. There is also the prophecy to consider, I have no way of knowing if things like destiny can be defied' while I think I drop my rock and I pick up a heavier stone.

'Just me being in this world might make the prophecy completely invalid, or maybe nothing I can do will ever stop it. What if all I'm capable of is helping Harry defeat Tom'

'I have seven years to prepare for Tom Riddle's return, having Harry on my side will only help me in the long run'

'Not only that, would I be able to live with myself if I simply left Harry alone? No, I won't be able to stand by and do nothing'

'I may not know much about myself, but I believe I'm a good person. Making other people's lives better is the correct thing to do. I'm no {????? ?????}, ughhh, I'm no saint, I won't sacrifice everything for others, but helping people is something I'll do'. I started lifting two rocks while walking.

'There are many innocent people that could still be saved'

'I might be able to gather evidence to get Sirus out of Azkaban, when Percy returns from Hogwarts I'll need to reveal Pettigrew'

'I need to make some kind of plan for revealing that Scabbers is Peter Pettigrew'

'I doubt Percy would believe me, and Molly would think I'm trying to mess with Percy. The person I need to talk to would be Arthur Weasley, as Bill and Charlie likely do not have experience with animaguses besides Ms. Mcgonigal'

'Although Arthur works in the Muggle Artifact Department, his job in the ministry might help give me a disguise as to why I'm asking about animaguses, if I can get him to suspect Scabbers is an animagus, then he might try the Animagus Reversal Spell on a whim'

'Hopefully, Dumbledore can get Sirius black acquitted of all crimes and get harry an actual parent'

'There are other people I would like to help as well, such as Pandora Lovegood'

'I don't know the date Mrs. Lovegood died, but I do know Luna was 9 years old, I have at minimum 3 years before she dies if I'm lucky it will be closer to 4 years'

Her cause of death was magical experimentation 'I doubt she'll listen to some brat about safety, so I might have to gain her trust. Luckily Ron hasn't interacted with her much, the only time he ever sees her is if they get invited over for a party, and vice versa, so she won't think I'm acting out of character."

'There is also the added bonus of me learning more about magic. I don't know how trustworthy her beliefs in magic are, but she most definitely knows more than me.'

'Hopefully, she is not like Xenophilius who is not known for being an... accurate source of information'

'Even if she can't teach me anything I save a life, and if she some kind of genius I have so much to gain'

'For example, why do words, or numbers become magically? for the most part, they're just things humans made up and aren't real'

While I'm musing about magic I see Ginny playing with a girl in front of a house. 'Looks like I found Ginny'

As I approach she yells out "Why did you follow me?"

"Moll- I mean Mom told me to watch you today"

"Aren't you just going to disappear into your room or something?" she said more as a statement than a question.

'She must be mad that I'm ignoring her, she was the closest to Ron

"I was supposed to stay on bed rest"

"You just sneak out when grounded, you're different now"

'I guess I haven't been making a strong effort to hide it'

"I'm sorry for ignoring you"

"Normal Ron wouldn't say sorry"

'I need to work on my acting'

"I'm still your brother, you know that right? It's just that ever since the accident I've been different, and don't really feel like myself" 'that sentence is mostly true'

"I guess, will you start hanging out with me again?"

"of course I will"

"Anyway, Ginny, are you friends with Luna Lovegood?" 'I know that in the books they didn't become friends until their third year at Hogwarts, and this body doesn't remember them being close, but I might as well ask'

This time her friend answers "I know Luna, she lives that way" pointing westward.

"Why do you have a crush on her or something?"

'Ohh no I need to put a stop to this' "No, I was just curious"

"Why did you want to know?"

'I can't say her mom is going to die in three years so I'm trying to save her life' "I read the Quibbler, and I noticed that It was posted by Luna's dad"

"We don't have the quibbler, and you've been in your room for the past 3 days"

"Your brother has a crush on luna for sure"

'Why am I even getting embarrassed, she's just some kid'

"I'm going to tell Fred, and George big bro"

'That's not good'

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