
C21 Etiquette

Beauxbatons | 2nd September 1985 | 10:55 AM

Charlus ran to his next class. He was very interested in getting the answers to his questions that he completely forgot that he had another class. He didn't even know where the class was. He had a map in his hand, and he was looking at it every few seconds.

When Charlus stayed back, Henri stayed back for him, but after looking at the time, Henri left because he didn't want to be late for his first class.

At last, Charlus reached the class. There was a stern woman in the class talking to the rest of the students in French. When he stood at the door with a panting breath, she looked at him.

"Looks like you are late."

Charlus looked at the watch clock in the classroom and found the time. It was 11:03 AM.

"I am sorry Professor. I was asking Professor Papillon some questions and I completely forgot the time. I will not repeat this again."

"You will address me as Madame Abadie. I will have a strong word with the creature about obstructing my students in the future. Meanwhile, take a seat. I will only allow you in because this is the first day."

Some of the students were laughing. He looked at them and saw Nasper Aubert at their head. He smiled at the entire group and went to an empty seat at the corner of the room.

Madame Abadie continued talking, "Etiquette is what distinguishes noble wizards from plebeians. In the course of this class, you will learn music, fencing, art, dancing, and manners, which I will undertake. Your first class will be on table manners."

She flicked her wand, and the other half of the room which was previously covered by a curtain was revealed. There was a long table made of oak with matching leather chairs.

"Pair up into twos, one girl with one boy. These pairs will be for the rest of the year, so I also request people to pair up with those of somewhat... equal status. The boy MUST ask the girl to be her partner formally, and only be paired after her consent." Madame Abadie looked a bit disgusted when she looked at some of the students.

Charlus got up from his chair and started looking for Fleur since she was the only girl he knew. When he couldn't find her, he started looking for the huge group that Nasper leaded. Once he saw a huge commotion, he went towards it.

"My dear Fleur, please be my partner. Our families were made for each other, and you will not be pleased by any other than geniuses like me."

Nasper was in the middle of the commotion, asking Fleur to be his partner. Madame Abadie was looking content with the scene in front of her. She clearly supported Nasper being paired with Fleur.

Fleur, however, was looking to escape the situation. She looked around and found Charlus. She waved at Charlus with a pleading look. Charlus smiled at Fleur and stepped forward.

He held his hand to Fleur and said, "Fleur, will you be my partner."

Fleur sighed with relief and said, "Yes."

Both Nasper and Madame Abadie had ugly expressions on their faces. Madame Abadie snorted and said, "Clearly, Ms. Delacour, you have no respect to my words. I clearly asked you to pair up with those of EQUAL status."

Fleur smiled at these words. She said, "Madame Abadie, the house of Abadie and Aubert are both simply Noble Houses, but the House of Delacour is an Ancient House, outranking both your houses. Moreover, Charlus here," Fleur hugged Charlus' arm, "is the heir to the Most Ancient and Noble House of Potter. Any insults aimed at both of us will require compensation to our families."

Madam Abadie was stunned. Normally, the professors were required to go through the names of the students before hand. But Madame Abadie thought she knew the names of all those belonging to important families, and simply did not care about common students. If she had done her job, she wouldn't have made such a blunder. She also failed to notice the Potter Crest on Charlus' Beauxbatons uniform, making it simply her fault for digging her own grave.

She changed the topic. "The boy will escort the girl to her chair and pull open the chair for her. Only after the girl is comfortably seated will the boy sit beside her. The boy will then assist the girl with lunch. You will eat lunch here and will not need to eat lunch at the dining hall."

Charlus took Fleur by her elbow and took her to a seat at the edge of the table. He pulled out her chair and let her sit before sitting beside her himself. Then he helped Fleur to a serving of Bouillabaisse before having some himself.

Meanwhile, Nasper was looking at that scene with fury. He was prepared to court Fleur but Charlus bloody Potter came in the way twice till then! He decided he would take extreme steps to ensure his success in courtship. He decided he would put Potter back in line.

Everyone got seated in a few minutes. Nasper sat down with a thin faced black-haired girl who he shared striking similarities with. Madame Abadie said, "No elbows on the table. Hold you knife and fork gently, and hold it like a pen."

Madame Abadie was in a very bad mood. She had been humiliated by a first year in front of so many people, and she could do nothing about it. So she released her anger on the rest of the students.

"What is this posture?! Sit firm and erect!"

The class continued, while the seniors were watching the first years quietly unknown to anyone except Madame Abadie.