
Chapter 13 : Journey with Merlin



"Sev, are you all right?" Harry repeated for the second time that evening.

"I… you… Yes, I'm fine Harry." Severus muttered staring at the boy and plopping on the floor unceremoniously.

"You don't look fine, Sev." The boy stated with the disarming simplicity only a child could master.

"I'm just surprised." He explained.


"What you did just now… Have you ever done anything like that before?" Severus asked as Harry started at him perplexed.

"Accidental magic? Lots of times." The boy stated, not understanding what Severus meant.

"No, Harry what I meant was, have you ever done anything like that shield before?" The black eyed elaborated.

"I don't think so?" He looked at Severus worried. "Why? Is that bad?"

"Bad? No." The potions' master stated. "It's advanced; I have never heard of any form of accidental magic displayed in such a way."

"Oh." Harry offered, not really knowing what to say.

"Harry, do you mind if we took a small trip to Hogwarts?" Severus asked after some consideration. "I think the Headmaster should hear about this."

"Okay." The small boy readily agreed as Severus pushed his body off the floor.

"And what about the wall?" Harry asked, his eyes widening, as he took in the almost burned down fireplace.

"You're all that matters now Harry. The bloody wall can fall down for all I care." Severus offered, fixing the fireplace with his wand just enough to make it usable and summoning some floo powder from his room, given the one next to the fireplace had been used up when the cauldron exploded. He extended his hand to Harry who was looking at him with a soft smile on his face.

"Thanks Sev." He said as the older wizard threw some powder in the flames.

"For what?" He asked distracted as Harry hugged him once again.

"For caring." Severus was left speechless yet again, staring at the boy.

"Of course I care kid. Hey look at me." He said softly as he kneeled to face Harry who was looking at the floor, avoiding his eyes. "I will always care. I love you kid." Harry's eyes snapped back at Severus's filled first with shock and them brimming with tears. It was the first time Severus had said that to the boy, even if he had admitted it to himself years ago.

"I love you too Sev!" Harry stated holding onto the young professor tighter, making Severus shed a tear of his own. "I wish you were my Dad." The boy whispered startling the man out of his wits.

"Harry I… you already have a Dad." He stated with a heavy heart, knowing deep down that he wished for the exact same thing. Not because Harry was Lily's son, no; just because Harry was Harry.

"I know."

"And as much as it hurts to give it to him, he loves you; all your family does." Severus added with a sad smile.

"I love them too. But sometimes I just don't like them very much." Harry admitted, tears flowing down his face, breaking Severus's heart a little. He just didn't have anything to answer this time. "Don't you want to be my Dad?" Harry asked disarmingly.

"More than anything kid."

"Then why can't you?" Harry asked timidly, his eyes boring into Severus's. Why couldn't he really, he wondered. He couldn't be his biological father of course, but a father figure? Wasn't he already one?

"Harry you already have…

"I know James is my father!" Harry shouted shutting his eyes as tight as he could, new tears cascading down his cheeks as he shook with furry. "I know okay? But he's not my Dad!" He snapped his eyes open and Severus was left staring at him, not knowing what to say. "He's Adrian's Dad; he plays with him, he takes him to Quidditch games, he teaches him stuff. He doesn't do that for me. You do. He is my father but you're my Dad!" Harry exclaimed. "Why can't you be my Dad?" He whispered, his voice broken. This time it was Severus's time to hug him. He felt something hot trailing down his face and only Harry's trembling hands wrapped themselves around his torso did he realize it has tears.

From all the things he could have ever expected from a seven year old that hadn't even made the list; he still didn't dare to believe it. Could the boy really feel that way? Obviously yes, he could. And in that case, what could he say? There was only one option that remotely made sense.

"Okay Harry." He pulled back and looked the boy in the eyes, his voice thick.


"If you want it too, there's nothing else in the world that I want as much as being your Dad." And as the held each other once again, happier than they had ever been, eyes shut, crying tears of joy, they had no way of noticing a soft white aura surrounding them both. As it often happens with those things, the light was gone the moment their eyes opened.

"Are we still going to Hogwarts?" Harry asked after a few moments making Severus laugh, a full-blown laughter that had been unused since before the war.

"Yes we are." Severus answered wiping the boy's cheeks from any traces of tears. Hand in hand they walked into the flames and on to Hogwarts they went, landing carefully on the floor of Severus's office.

"It was about time you two appeared." A voice said surprising both of them and causing Severus to draw his wand and stand protectively in front of Harry and the source of said voice. His eyes widened, a reaction mirrored by Harry who was peeking behind Severus's protective form. "I almost believed I miscalculated."

"Who are you?" Severus asked threateningly as he stared at the smiling man with the dark blue eyes in the portrait; the portrait that was supposed to be empty. He was old, probably as old as Dumbledore, with long, luxurious robes in the same colour as his eyes. His white hair and beard could give Albus a run for his money and his whole stance spoke of power.

"Now that's the question!" The man exclaimed chuckling. "I was bornMyrddin Emrys, but most people simply know me as Merlin." And observing the wide eyed wizards in front of him, the man in the portrait smiled wider and, with a polite bow added; "Merlin Ambrosius, at your service."

