
Chapter 12 : Unforeseen Magic



Harry had been congratulated of course but did it ever pass their minds that maybe he should be trained too now that Adrian was? No, of course it hadn't. And it didn't matter in the least that he was clever beyond his years and thirsty for knowledge; he just wasn't Adrian. Severus had been there when Harry found out he wasn't going to get a wand as his brother would; he saw that sparkle go out in the boy's emerald eyes and that almost lead to hexing James and Sirius on the spot. Only the look that Harry sent him, a pleading look, a look that conveyed all his need to get out of his family home's kitchen where that confrontation had taken place, stopped him as he drew his wand.

"Are you all right Sev?" Harry asked concerned as he noticed the clenched eyes of the man that had become his guardian.

"I'm fine Harry. Just remembered something." He smiled at the boy who still looked at his drawn wand with large sad eyes. Severus smiled fondly at the sight of his eyes; he had managed to spare Harry the need of glasses, a fate that his brother would fall under. It was a potion he had come up with, researching for days and nights when he realized Harry's eyesight was failing. James would never allow him to use such a potion that was made by himself -brilliant as it may be- and Lily would unfortunately never trust it if it wasn't approved by the Ministry's Potions Division; it was something that they had never managed to agree on, bending the rules a little bit when needed.

Still, he would have abided her wishes if he wasn't convinced that the potion should be consumed during the first moths after the symptoms became obvious; the Ministry needed at least six months before giving approval and that would have been too late. Besides, he was not interested in going public with the potion just yet. He was still working on some improvements on the basic formula so it would cure all types of eye failure and mot just myopia.

"Can you show me how to make a Blood Replenishing potion now Sev?" Harry asked smiling softly. Severus chuckled; that had been the point of today's exhibition. He was trying to make Harry forget of the fact that he wasn't going to train along with his brother by training him a bit on his own. Besides, it wasn't his fault that the boy absorbed any and every information thrown his way like a sponge! The room that Harry was using in Spinner's End was filled with books on Herbology, Potions and Astronomy and everything else Severus had found that could give him the basics on magical theory in a way a seven year old would understand. He had after all taught the boy how to read himself two years ago, as the plan was both Potter boys would be home schooled before attending Hogwarts.

"Of course I can." He said twirling his wand. "I promised after all."

"You're the best Sev!" Harry exclaimed and hugged him, making Severus smile again; if only his students could see him now!

"Yeah, yeah kid. Whatever you say." Harry giggled excitedly and run to put his dragonhide gloves on as Severus lit the fire again. "And while we're on it, tell me Harry; why did I put out the first fire even though I knew you would use those puppy eyes of yours to blackmail me into brewing yet another potion?" Harry giggled again and turned said eyes full force on the young man who rolled his own eyes at the boy's antics in turn.

"Because of the Ashwinders. There had been ingredients of magical properties that had fallen in the flames that were, on their own account, lit with a wand." Harry explained as Severus smiled proudly. "I guess you didn't want the house to blow up?" Harry concluded approaching with the ingredients Severus had left on the table by the fireplace for him.

"Exactly Harry." Severus said taking the ingredients from Harry to begin explaining which was which. "Now if only those dunderheads I have for students could remember that, I wouldn't have to deal with all those molten cauldrons after every lesson." Harry giggled again. "Yet again, I trust they would find another way to destroy said cauldrons; their imagination sometimes surprises me!" This time he joined Harry chuckling softly himself. It was an hour later when the final ingredients had to be added in the potion when it happened;

"So I stir seven times clockwise and one time to the opposite direction?" Harry asked concentrating on the bubbling potion.

"Exactly; now if we did everything right -which of course we did- the potion will change colour from the green that it is now to a dark red. That's how you'll know it's done." And he smiled at the small gasp the boy made as, after a few stirrings, the potion became noticeably browner. "And now, if you keep going that way, soon…" His sentence was interrupted by a loud croaking sound; a Hogwarts' owl had just entered from the window and flew over the two wizards, intent on delivering its letter in time. Severus felt that something would go wrong before it happened and still didn't have time to react; the owl flew over the fireplace knocking a vase filled with mandrake root inside the boiling potion. Severus only managed to shout Harry's name when the reaction began; a huge pillar of green flames rose from the cauldron, scorching everything it came in contact with and spreading as the mandrake root boiled. Severus's only coherent thought was to protect Harry as the flames spread to the rest of the room. He had managed to grab his wand when a bright blue shield unfolded in front of them both.

He turned his eyes to Harry and what he saw made him drop his wand in shock; the boy had extended his hands forward and was the sole reason why they weren't being burned to a crisp by the flames. He was the one conjuring the shield. The flames died down, leaving the wall over the fireplace black with smoke. Severus turned around to find the rest of the room completely unharmed. Harry's hands fell at his sides and he breathed in deeply. A smile of pure relief etched in his face, only to disperse into thin air as he turned to Severus. The young man was left speechless.

