
HP: The Arcane Assassin

Edward, the friend of Merlin, Edward, the lover of Helena. Abraham, the disciple of Ezio, Abraham, the keeper of Apple. Raphael, the student of Hogwarts, Raphael, the Arcane Assassin.

EddyVirgil · Films
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7 Chs

Investigation II

After waking up and doing morning routines, I made three clones. Looking at the first clone I said "Start up the forge up in the North and start making our robes and weapons when you get the materials. Make it modern."

Looking at the second clone I said "Find Lily Evans, see if she is a reincarnation of Helena, and also check if James Potter did any kind of manipulation. Even after confirming that, keep an eye on them and their friends. If you need more hands, just replicate yourself." And finally, looking at the last clone I said "You need to find the one who has been snooping around our family. Find them, understand their intention, if it's dangerous to our family eliminate them in Brotherhood style."

Nodding at me all three clones apparated away from the room to do their jobs.

Looking at my sleeping sister, I muttered to myself "It's only seven in the morning, let her sleep more."

When I went out of the room, I was met with Trixy who was standing outside our room. When I indicated to her to be silent, she nodded and we both went out of the mansion.

"The magical animals that we have been raising are being prepared." Trixy told me.

Humming, I asked her "Are there any babies, or eggs?"

"There are plenty of them actually. Some wolves gave birth yesterday, and unhatched eggs are still in the incubation room. And some of the small animals are also there." Trixy replied.

"Good. Diana likes anything that is cute." Chuckling, I continued "show her the cute ones, along with the eggs." I told her.

"As you say young master." Trixy excused herself.

After an hour or two, I went back to our room and tried to wake Diana.

"You know Diana, you're going to get your partner today.... " Before I could finish she jumped from the bed and ran straight to the bathroom to brush.

Five minutes later, she came out of the bathroom while skipping towards me and hugged my legs. Then looking up at me she demanded "Upsy!"

Chuckling, I picked her up and carried her to the place where the magical animals were assembled.

Looking through all of them, her eyes shined whenever something cute was seen. I showed her to the rabbits, wolf pups, cubs, fawns, and every cute animal that were present. I also told her what each of them can do when they grow up to help her.

Even though she's five years old, she knows the importance of safety thanks to me, dad and mom giving her advice here and there. It was never a lecture, if it was then I'm sure that she would rebel, and I don't want that from my sister.

After the animal section, we went to the incubation chamber where the eggs are placed.

Looking at Diana I said "You have to observe every egg personally. After that we will get your partner. Okay."

"Okay!" Agreeing with me she bolted to the nearest egg and observed it for a moment then started to observe each egg for at least half a minute.

As she was in her own world, I asked Trixy who has been silent all this time "So anything new?"

Nodding her head, Trixy said "We will be getting two dragon eggs."

Hearing that my eyes went wide and I asked her "From whom?"

"A friend of mine. His name is Newt Scamander." Trixy said.

'That name, where have I heard it??' Snapping my fingers I asked her "Is he the one who wrote 'Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them'?"

"Yeah. He's the one." She replied.

"Why is he giving you dragon eggs, even if you guys are friends?" I asked as it's not common to give dragon eggs to anyone.

"Well... I helped him finish his book. It was fantastic, I had a good time researching magical creatures with a fellow minded person." Trixy said.

Looking at her I asked "Aren't you also a magical creature?"

"Yes I am. But, thanks to your ancestor, Edward Van Helsing, my ancestors were able to live among wizards and no-majs." Trixy said.

I nodded my head as I agreed with that, because the reason I did that ritual was to make Valerious, Shylock, Levin, Hunt, Drew and Andal to live on without worrying about loyalty and all.

Just then, Diana came back to me with a scrunched up face. Ruffling her hair I asked her "What's the matter princess?"

Looking at me with her big round eyes, she said "When will I get my p-p-p-artner?"

Smiling at her I asked "Did you feel anything while observing the animals and eggs?"

Nodding her head, she said "I did. I felt the same thing."

Hearing that Trixy muttered "Just like a young master, a young lady also has a dual partner."

Chuckling, I asked Diana "Which of the two?"

Squinting her eyes she said "An egg and an otter?"

Nodding my head I said "Let's go get them shall we."

Along with Trixy I went to pick up the otter she felt a connection with. After that we went and picked up the egg. It belonged to a snowy owl.

The moment Diana picked up the otter she scurried over to Diana's shoulder as Diana held the egg.

Looking at the picture of my sister with an egg in hand and an otter on her shoulder curiously looking at the egg in her hand, I took out the camera I had asked mom to buy and took her picture.

There was still time for the training and we needed to hatch the egg in order to bring her second partner. So I asked her "What are you going to name your otter?"

Contemplating for a bit she said "Pearl!"

As she named the other, she nudged her nose on Diana's cheek in affection.

Nodding my head I told her "Pearl is your partner from now on. You have to take care of her from now on and I'll be teaching you to make the magical space for your partners to reside."

"Okay big brother." She agreed absent mindedly as she observed Pearl as she ran from one end of Diana's shoulder to the other.

Then the three of us strode forward to the mansion, with Pearl now sitting on top of Diana's head and the egg in her hands.

As we were reaching the mansion, a galloping sound was heard from one corner of the estate. Hearing the sound, I smiled a bit and asked Trixy "Has she been behaving?"

Nodding her head, Trixy replied "She was behaving at first, but after Twilight came back from giving you the item, she has been a bit mad."

Chuckling, I said "That's so like her."

Diana looked confused as she didn't understand what I was saying, so tugging my pants she asked him "Who is she?"

Picking her up, I told her "As my dear princess has dual partners, so does your big brother."

Booping her on the nose, I continued "You have met twilight before, now you will meet my second partner, Hope."

Just as I said that, a black mare reached us and stood a couple of feets away from us.

Moving towards Hope, I placed my palm over her face and said "Sorry Hope, that I couldn't bring you to Hogwarts. But don't worry, you will visit Hogwarts with me in the future."

*Neighe* Hope neighed as she agreed with it. Still patting Hope, I asked "Let's go on a ride, shall we?"

Diana readily agreed as she hasn't ridden anything. Mounting my partner, along with Diana and Pearl, I went around the estate two to three times.

After the ride on Hope, Diana was beaming with smile as she experienced something new today, and she loved it very much.



"Hoo... I'm finished with setting up the forge. Now, I have to wait for Valerious to bring in the materials. So in the meantime I should check up on an old friend. If she's alive that is." Saying it to himself, Raphael went out of his forge and was met with the frigid cold of the North Pole.

Thanks to magic, he didn't feel that much cold. But he still needed his enchanted robes to stay warm in the chilly atmosphere.

Observing the area with his eyes he muttered while walking in one direction "Ice have been melting over the years, if this continues, for next four decades, the land

maas under the ice will be discovered by the no-majs and they will start an all out war to get their hands on this land. I should make the wards powerful enough to fool the eyes of technology."

After walking for some time and thinking up ways to avoid anyone from detecting the land mass and counter measures for it, he reached where wanted to be.

Standing at the edge of the ice mass, Raphael started to whistle in a unique tune and waited for a few seconds to hear a defining sound that travelled from the depths of the ocean, like the gates of hell opening.


Seconds later, tentacles shot out of the sea and a huge head accompanied it. Its eyes scrutinised Raphael, and as if it realised who he was, it wrapped its tentacles around him.

Raphael just stood there with amusement present in his eyes. Placing his hand on its head and rubbing it gently, Raphael asked "How have you been girl?"

*Kuooooo* It made sounds that are not understandable by most beings.

Looking at it, Raphael said "I'll be here for a while and we will have some fun my dear Rite the Kraken."

*Guroo* The Kraken was elated hearing that and made pleasant sounds, which would be horror filled sounds to humans.

Stroking the Kraken, Raphael said "Now, why don't we go for a swim?"

When the kraken blinked its eyes in confirmation, Raphael jumped straight into the cold water of the arctic ocean.

As soon as he touched the water, he turned into a killer whale and dived deeper, following him was the mightiest beast of the ocean, the Kraken.

Raphael played with Rite for over an hour in his killer whale form. They hunted together, collected some corals and brought them back to the surface and so on.

When the time passed three hours, Raphael got a magical signal indicating that the package had arrived. So, he went back to the surface after bidding farewell to his friend Rite.

Getting inside the forge, which is deep underground, enough to get some lava to melt metals and other ingredients in a controlled manner.

Looking through the package, Raphael muttered "Wand cores and woods are the first to arrive. Then I should prepare enough wands for my clones and for everyone else to do jobs with the ministry on their neck."

Stifling a laugh, Raphael started to send magic into each wood and core to know which would be suitable for his body.

After almost an hour of waiting, Raphael finished testing the woods and cores with magic and selected the ones with the most reaction.

Looking at the wood and core in his hand, he muttered "I should have known that they would be taking care of the Ash tree I planted all those years ago with my own magic, and my own bone fragments. Why did they preserve this? I have no idea, but I will find out. Well, there's enough to make three hundred wands that can be of length from nine inches to fifteen inches. Well then, let the crafting begin."

Right after he said that, two hundred clones of Raphael appeared in the forge, but it got cramped quickly, so he dispelled 150 clones and said "Let's make the wands for us boys!"

On that day, unknown to the people of the world and only known to Raphael and the World itself, two hundred wands that would protect the world from its enemies were born.