
HP: The Arcane Assassin

Edward, the friend of Merlin, Edward, the lover of Helena. Abraham, the disciple of Ezio, Abraham, the keeper of Apple. Raphael, the student of Hogwarts, Raphael, the Arcane Assassin.

EddyVirgil · Films
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7 Chs

Hogwarts IV

Sitting inside the RoR were Raphael and Helena. They were observing the castle through the surveillance system created by Rowena that is above the wards of Hogwarts under the control of the Headmaster.

Looking at the screen, Raphael asked "Was your mother a reincarnation of someone from the modern age?"

"Why do you ask?" Helena asked.

"Well this setup is eerily similar to the security system of the no-maj." Raphael told her.

"I do think so. Not only my mom but other three too, that's what I believe." Helena mused.

Chuckling, I said "As if."

"It's a possibility you know." Helena said, a little miffed.

Shaking my head, I said "If they were, they would have stored or made something like the RoR that have similarities to the modern age."

"I know. But what I am saying is. They might be the reincarnation of someone but they're memories were erased by death properly. Only mother escaped from memory erasure or her memories were also erased but she remembered some snips and bits to make this room." Helena gave a possible explanation.

Hearing what she said, Raphael fell silent as he started to think 'In my second life, I didn't remember anything about my past life, but I did have the Multilingualism talent and I always thought that it was an inborn talent. Maybe I was multilingual because of my first life. This is interesting. Does that mean we will forget everything from our past life but we would still have something that no one could explain as other than talents? Then does that mean that the talent we have are all the hard earned skills from our previous life?'

As Raphael went into the rabbit hole of life, death and reincarnation, Helena observed him with a smile while thinking 'He's always like this. Thinking so deep that his face goes into a wide grin.'

Suddenly, Raphael stopped thinking and looked at Helena and asked her "Hey do you think that you got reincarnated?"

Helena thought for a second and said "That's possible. And since I died way before you died I think that my reincarnation might be running around here somewhere, looking for knowledge and more....." She stopped there as if realisation dawned upon her.

Looking at that face, Raphael asked her "You know her right? Your reincarnation?"

Nodding at me she said "There was this Gryffindor child who was engrossed in studying magic and also falling madly in love with a boy from her own house."

"Who are they?" Raphael asked with anticipation in his face.

"Lily Evans. I heard that she is going to marry the boy I was talking about, James Potter next year. And I also heard that they were both in the Order of Phoenix, led by Dumbledore."

"The headmaster?" Raphael asked.

"Yeah. I hope she found her true love." Helena said with a sad smile.

"Why the face?" Raphael asked her.

"It's just that, the boy had used something to make her fall in love with her." Helena replied.

"A love potion?" Raphael asked her

"No, it's not love potion. It was something else, and since I can't interact with magic, I couldn't tell what he did to her." Helena said.

"Did this James act alone or did he have help?" Raphael aske since he wanted evidence to make sure that there is nothing amiss in their life.

"He acted alone. He did have two friend who were always with him, but I have seen James alone with Lily before she fell in love with him."

Hearing that, Raphael started to think 'I should meet this Lily. If it's somekind of mind manipulation then I have to free her from it. And I'll have to look into the two friends of his'

Suddenly he asked her "Hey, is Dumbledore a passive resistance or aggressive resistance?"

"He doesn't allow his people to kill enemies. He believes that everyone can have redemption." Helena said.

With a scowl on his face, Raphael said "Some people do, some don't. It will bite him in the ass in a couple of years, I'm sure of that. And there are a lot of Death Eaters inside Hogwarts that have been tampered with Soul magic by that little shit."

"Heh.... I think that only you would call him little shit. Then again in your eyes, he is a little shit. No doubt about it." Helena said while chuckling.

"When I get back into my full power and create somethings that would be beneficial for me, I'm going after him. No way I'm leaving that shit head alone to wreak havoc and have the no-maj know about us. I don't want the burnings to happen again in a modernised way." Raphael said.

"What are you on about?" Helena asked, confused.

"You don't know what has happened in the no-maj society. They have weapons of mass destruction that can wipe out a city at their fingertips. They have surveillance systems like this one." Pointing at the screen Raphael continued "Within three or four decades, they will find us. And they will do experiments on us to understand how magic works. They won't stop until they get what they want."

"Are you sure about that?" Helena asked with a frightened face.

"I'm sure. I've been reading entertainment books from all around the world and let me tell you this. In all of them, there are some powerful people, and humans are afraid of them but at the same time curious. Now, they get their hands on one of the weakest members and do experiments on them, then they make weapons that can neutralise the powers. Now you tell me, if the same thing happened to witches and wizards, would we be able to fight them without our magic? Not at all. That's for sure." Raphael finished his piece.

Looking at the calm face of Raphael, who just said that the magic world might end in a couple decades, Helena couldn't help but ask "You are not afraid?"

Cocking an eyebrow, Raphael replied "No. I had known this would happen in my past life, so I made sure that my family and friends all knew how to handle no-maj weapons for attacking and defence."

"Then what about the rest of the magic society?" Helena asked.

"That was not my problem, but now it is. How can I let my only lover's reincarnation be killed off in a couple of decades? I'll make sure that she and the line survives."

"You're not going after her?" Helena asked with a smirk.

"If she is manipulated by this Potter boy, then I would go after her, she is reincarnation of yours after all and I like them ripe." Raphael replied with a wicked smile.

"I know. And I know that you were always leering at my mother when you were in seventh year." Helena said with a wicked grin that didn't match her face.

Sighing, Raphael said "True. I did like her, but at the same time I respected her more than Godric, my master."

Giggling at him, Helena asked "Then why did you reject me?"

"Because I was not into little girls." I told her what I had told thousand years ago.



In the great hall of Hogwarts, students of all houses were sitting on their seats and the staff were sitting on their table above the steps. The staff were observing the students who were sitting at their respective house tables. The heads of the four houses were distributing the time table for this year to the prefects from each house.

Albus Dumbledore was observing the sixth and seventh year students of Slytherin to find any of the Death Eaters present. He knows that there are some students who have got their mark from Voldemort, but he doesn't know who they are. After observing them for a few more minutes, Dumbledore started to observe other houses one by one.

'I am sure that there won't be anyone in Gryffindor that would become a Death Eater. Even if there are rumours flying around saying that Sirius is a Death Eater, knowing him, he would kill himself before becoming subservient to Voldemort. But his brother is a different matter. That boy joined their ranks this year and since he is not doing anything drastic means that he was ordered not to do anything.' Shaking his head, Dumbledore looked over to the Hufflepuff table and found an odd sight. One of the Puff was sitting alone as his other housemates were giving a wide breadth. Dumbledore decided to investigate what is going on with that kid, 'His name was Raphael Van Helsing I believe. Van Helsing, he must be the descendant of Gabriel Van Helsing, the one who was above the alpha werewolf and had succeeded in controlling the beast inside him. Did Voldermort recruit him and his family? I will have to look into it.'

As the heads of the houses returned back to their seats, the new Hufflepuff House Head Pomona Sprout sat on the right side of Dumbledore and Gryffindor House Head Minerva McGonagall sat on his left side, Slytherin House Head Horace Slughorn sat next to Minerva and the new Ravenclaw House Head Filius Flitwick sat next to Pomona.

Looking at Sprout, Dumbledore asked "Pomona, why is the student Raphael sitting all alone? Is everything alright?"

The question piqued the staff's curiosity, because from their memories, they know that this is the first time happening.

Sighing, and knowing that her colleagues were interested in the story behind the action of the entire Hufflepuff students, she spoke "Fear was gripping them, and Mr. Van Helsing asked why they fearing You-Know-Who."

"Understandable. He is a muggle born, so it's natural for him to not know about the terror of You-Know-Who." Slughorn said.

"But that is not why they are distancing from him." Pomona said.

Raising an eyebrow and thinking that the kids have come to the same conclusion as he did, Dumbledore asked "Then what may it be?"

Sighing in defeat, Sprout said "He said You-Know-Who's name in front of the students."

Hearing what Sprout said, everyone stopped what they were doing and looked at Sprout to make sure that they heard right. Seeing the looks coming towards her, Sprout nodded her head and said "The prefect was the one who told me and she doesn't need to make a lie like that."

Getting the confirmation, all of them looked towards Raphael who was eating his breakfast while reading the time table he was given. As if sensing their gaze, Raphael looked up to them and gave them a sweet smile, then went back to read the timetable.

Right then, a huge bird came into the Great Hall through the opening for owls to come in and the huge bird swooped down straight towards Raphael under the surprised gazes of the staff and fearful gazes of the students. The bird flew down and stood on the table in front of Raphael. Without looking at it, Raphael tossed a fresh piece of meat into the air and the bird snatched it in an instant and gave out a loud screech.


Looking at the bird, Raphael said as he took the box that was dropped by the bird "Did you have a good hunt?"

*Screech* The bird screeched again as it spread its wings that were at the least six feet from one end to the other end. Which made the Hufflepuff students move out of its way, but there was curiosity in their eyes as they looked at the majestic bird.

As Raphael was scratching its chin, Sprout came towards him and asked "Mr. Van Helsing, is this your pet?"

Nodding his head, Raphael said "No Prof. Sprout, Twilight is not a pet. She's my partner."

"Understood. But you will have to be mindful about the other students and their pets." Sprout said as she motioned her hand to show the other students and their pet cats and toads.

"I'll change the place where I will meet Twilight." Raphael told her.

"Good. And make sure that your Martial Eagle doesn't eat other students' pets." Sprout said as she went back to the staff table.

"Understood Prof. Sprout. Have a good day."