
HP: Merge

His father constantly told Draco Malfoy not to touch an unknown artifact with his bare hands. And Draco has learned this rule perfectly... Yes, but who would suspect an ordinary black diary of something bad. Definitely not Draco Malfoy!

Walosan · Livres et littérature
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12 Chs

Chapter 7

"This is…" Pansy said in shock, staring at me with her eyes. The guys were not a step behind her. Only she had a lively and expressive expression on his face, then my guys would look more like shell-shocked warriors. They peered into my face from empty eyes.

Eh, I just broke the picture of the world to these kids. But it's also for the best. It is always easier to use legilimens on agitated and simply unsettled people. Still, magicians are not ordinary people, where a muggle will be completely defenseless from external influences, a magician will instinctively defend himself from aggression. Any magician has a passive mental defense, but strong emotions, coming out, tend to leave breakthroughs in this defense, which I'm going to use.

Actually, I took advantage of this, penetrating into the minds of three children at once. Even if it was a little hard, but I-Tom could pull off something else. It was now that I had bad skills. The increased energy reserve, as well as the change in this very energy, somewhat worsened my control. And I'm not Tom, I'm Draco. I don't have all of Tom's skills left, no matter what. Although it would be more accurate to say that they remained, but in weakened versions.

This will change as you practice. I am sure that I will be able to get back in shape in the next six months. But I want to do it now, because I didn't want to put it off. Hogwarts was waiting for me ahead, and there was Albus. I would not like to enter its territory without any preparation.

"Did you like it?" Smiling sweetly and narrowing my eyes, I asked what finally drove Pansy into a state of dull contemplation. Well, I can understand her. It is difficult to react adequately when your friend's face has changed dramatically right before your eyes. I remember the first time I stared at the effect of a polyjuice potion… Or maybe the disguise I chose shocked the girl…

Yes, that's probably how it was. Too much of my girlish version looked cute and beautiful… Well, what about it? It's still hard for me to control my body. So I did what was easier. And it was easiest for me to soften and round my own face a little. Actually, after such a metamorphosis, my face became girlish. A pretty and beautiful girlish face…

I'm not even surprised that Pansy was confused when I turned into a girl who is almost an order of magnitude more beautiful than herself. Well, what can I say, I was already quite feminine, and after smoothing my facial features a little and changing the cut of my eyes, I looked like a small version of Narcissa, only with lighter hair.

"Draco?" Pansy asked me, not too confidently. I just nodded, not going to cancel the transformation. Not that there was any sense in it, but I liked to cause a very special dissonance in the interlocutor. However, I can't keep my disguise for a long time… We will consider this an additional training.

"Beautiful…" the girl whispered, still in shock. Pansy gave out in shock, staring at me with her little eyes.

"I was also surprised when I took control of my body for the first time." I answered honestly, slyly narrowing my eyes, showing that I heard the girl's whisper. But I didn't embarrass her further. It was going to get too boring.

"Metamorphism also allows me to do something else." I proudly declared, translating the topic.

"Metamorphism?" The girl was surprised, distracted from her embarrassment. "I heard that in England only the Black family had something like this. This gift was extremely rare among them." Pansy showed some awareness, which somewhat surprised me. The last Draco did not notice any special intelligence or reading behind the girl. But apparently her parents still managed to get something into her head.

"You're right. It came to me from my mother, there is no doubt about it, but how do you know this?" I asked, looking through the girls.

And even if there wasn't much point in it, but I needed to improve my skills in mental magic. Yes, and it is useful for general development. Looking at myself from the outside, literally, because I'm looking through someone else's memory, literally trying on someone else's personality, it can be very useful.

I didn't realize it before, but after merging the personalities of Draco and Tom, it became quite obvious. If it had been otherwise, I would have perceived myself as Tom, purely due to more experience and mental strength, and the manipulations of the Director would have remained a mystery to me … And it wasn't difficult for me to rummage in the head of the girl sitting opposite. In mental magic, she was a complete zero, completely relying on a standard set of artifacts. And her trust in me played a role.

The girl in love subconsciously wanted me to notice her feelings. I noticed and even fully analyzed the origins of such a strange insanity, but I did not find anything. Apparently, the girl herself was so… obsessed with something specific. I was just lucky to become this "something". A little later, I will need to work a little on her consciousness so that she does not turn into a crazy maniac, driving away any female person from me. She can also be instilled with more humility.

"From the history of Hogwarts…" the girl modestly lowered her gaze.

I realized that she was blatantly lying. In fact, the girl has already managed to study the history of my family and all my famous relatives from A to Z. The little dreamer has already managed to think through almost our entire life together. She even had the "same" conversation with my parents in her dreams and nightmares more than a dozen times. This girl decided to learn more about my family just because of these nightmares of hers. She didn't even forget about my mother's family… an active girl.

"Heh. Do they still write about Phineas Nigellus Black in history textbooks?" I decided to play along with the girl, continuing the conversation. Suddenly, the girl's pop-up associations helped me to understand her better and better. It's good. Very soon I will be able to use this knowledge. I'll just restore my old skills and be able to collect useful toys.

Even though Pansy herself is not very attractive, over time she promised to turn into a pretty girl, but no more. Still, she can help quite well with the selection of future toys and servants. Draco, to my great regret, did not really follow life at school, devoting all his free time to the "war" with Potter.

But Pansy, as far as I know, was almost the main gossip of Slytherin. It will be necessary to use this hobby of the girl for her own acquaintance with the current situation at her favorite school. I'm certainly not going to spend all my time on children's games with Potter… and I've already thought out a plan for revenge.

Oh, yes! It will be just a gorgeous revenge. The main thing is that the boy does not break down after this. And then the hero of England already has mental problems. What can happen to the boy's psyche after my revenge? Maybe it should be postponed for a couple of years? Otherwise, it may turn out somehow too easy. And Potter will not be able to realize the whole background of what happened, and this is not interesting at all…