
HP: Merge

His father constantly told Draco Malfoy not to touch an unknown artifact with his bare hands. And Draco has learned this rule perfectly... Yes, but who would suspect an ordinary black diary of something bad. Definitely not Draco Malfoy!

Walosan · Book&Literature
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12 Chs

Chapter 8

I started actively restoring my skills when I dealt with "friends". The inability to properly control my own strength exasperated me worse than the students from Gryffindor. My fear of the director motivated me to do it well.

I value my own skin too much for laziness to have any effect on my mood. Although, I was not lazy in principle. Tom crushed this feeling in himself in his early childhood, and it was quite easy for me to repeat this feat. Draco, after all, was also quite an active nature, unable to do nothing for more than twenty minutes a day.

I devoted the rest of the summer to self-development precisely because of this. Well, also because of the awakened ability. Metamorphism beckoned me with its possibilities. At the same time, my mother, seeing my constant transformations, was very happy. Apparently, the woman really liked that I inherited something from her and her family. And I didn't mind pleasing her.

Still, I inherited a lot of feelings from Draco's past. And the boy loved his mother no matter what. And even though she sometimes infuriated him with her obsession, but the orphan in me was only glad of such attention. My inner magician was just rejoicing. Still, I really got something unique, the ability to control and change my body the way I wish. Not limited to potions and artifacts. Opportunities inaccessible to the absolute majority of magicians promised to be an excellent trump card in life.

It can be said that my life was filled with training and a certain calmness. It was a really great time, but I still couldn't call it the best. Draco's memories contained much more wonderful times. And my problem with arousal has not gone away. I still couldn't keep my snake in a calm state. And my gaze slid lower and lower than Narcissa's body. She was still a really beautiful woman. She did not wear robes at home, preferring even strict, but dresses.

It was only natural that, always excited, I kept staring at my own mother. And the fact that she noticed my attention was quite natural. Women have always been sensitive to such things, and I couldn't really hide myself. It's hard to hide your interest when a snake in underpants is trying to break its shackles, and I'm already openly thinking about it... with his own mother. Especially, this desire was aggravated by constant being alone with this woman... the situation became really exciting and embarrassing.

Lucius was always disappearing somewhere outside the estate, and my mother wanted to be with me. Apparently, the recent stress has stirred her up a lot. Even without mental magic, I understood that the woman was just afraid of losing sight of me. Too much fear still wouldn't let go of my mother. This only added piquancy and emotion to the whole situation.

Well, what about it? I-Tom and Narcissa know quite a bit. She quite attracts me. And a relative, in the full sense of the word, is not perceived. Age, of course, repels me a little, but that's exactly what a little. With constant pressure in my pants, I would not agree to this.

Why, the only thing that still holds me back from mentally influencing my own mother is Lucius. My father will definitely notice the strangeness in our relationship, and I could not tolerate his relationship with her ... still, I am a possessive… And you should not forget about magic contracts. I wouldn't be surprised if my parents' relationship revolves around just that contract. Yet Narcissa's excessive submissiveness seems to hint at this. And it's not too rare a practice in pureblood families.

Vaughn, my father is also going to conclude some kind of contract between me and Pansy. At the same time, the girl herself knows about it and even agrees to such a thing. But my father didn't even hint at this to me. Most likely, he still considers me a small child, but there are other options.

This whole situation clearly requires further reflection. I would not like to make my mother Squib, or even kill her altogether, because of a banal desire to attach my penis at least somewhere. Only I am ready to spend my father quite consciously. I don't know why I have such... dislike for my own parent, in theory, he deserved the maximum of strong resentment, but no. Some part of me almost burns with hatred towards him ... the subconscious, most likely, manifests itself… Well, or Tom's pride and ambition make themselves felt.

Oh, there he is.

Lucius Malfoy stumbled into my room with something wildly pleased and delighted. I don't know what cheered him up so much, but his behavior somehow makes me uneasy. I have a feeling that this person has come to "please" me.

"Draco." My father turned to me, forcing me to break out of my own thoughts and cancel the transformation.

Well, he really came to my soul. But there are only three days left before Hogwarts…

"I want to make you happy. Very soon you will be engaged to the eldest daughter of Greengrass." Lucius reported, causing me a sharp pain in my head… And then a bright flash in consciousness, bringing with it the awareness of his words.

"Daphne?" I asked wearily, taking control of my own emotions and pushing the thirst for blood to the edge of consciousness.

I didn't want to give in to every second impulse, but I was fully convinced of my own confidence in killing my father. His ability to decide something for me froze my whole being, raising insane anger from somewhere in the depths of consciousness. It was just disgusting to feel dependent on a magician who was not even able to stand up to me in direct confrontation.

"Yes, you should have known her from Hogwarts. As far as I managed to find out, you didn't communicate too closely, but it's not too late to fix it." The man smiled, showing some awareness of his offspring's life at school.

But this news didn't worry me too much. I suspected that Lucius was watching his son's every move even at school... he would have to act even more carefully in the coming school year. But all this later. Now I needed to understand what kind of problems my own father was driving me into.

Fortunately, Draco's memory was still true to me. I perfectly remembered the blonde girl, who was distinguished by a particularly cold disposition and, as I saw now, considerable experience in mental magic… and her family was more than worthy. Even if the girl's father was just the nominal head of the family, putting all the power in the hands of his wife, which seemed frankly strange to me. But their main specialization aroused serious interest in me. The only hereditary necromancers in the country, except the Black family, are strong.

Perhaps if they had supported my Alter Ego, Voldemort, then he could have come to power much easier and without much terror. Their family had a lot of influence, although they pretended to be ordinary suppliers of ingredients, but, apparently, something did not suit them that Tom.

Yes... still, Lucius had a reason to be happy. It would be nice to be related to such a family. Also, the girl promised to grow up to be a beauty… I really understand the joy of my father, but my anger from this did not decrease much…

"Don't let me down, son. This marriage promises to be very expensive for me. Why, if it weren't for the awakening of another ability in you, the most you could count on is the youngest daughter. Don't miss your chance." My father said as he left my room.

It seems that he noticed my thoughtfulness, so he left me time to think.

Although, I feel that very soon I will have a detailed instruction on how to treat my future wife... as if I won't figure it out myself. It's better to let him tell me how to calm the raging Pansy, that he can go crazy after learning about my engagement…

Damn, but I may not be able to get away from such an honor. Magic contracts are very difficult to break, especially if you don't kill one of the participants in the contract... and I don't dare touch the Greengrass. Not in the next five years. I know almost nothing about necromancy, and fighting with magicians whose abilities are unknown is suicide…

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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