
Before return

Lucie and Henry were on their way to a meeting room at Sinclair. Henry was hidden from the muggles, attending the meeting in order to instil ideas into the minds of the scientists present. He didn't have enough magic yet, so he didn't have the control he wanted over other minds, but he could do a lot.

They reached the meeting room. Inside there were three male and two female scientists. Henry had already taken over the company with his underground connections. The scientists here were the leading names in the UK in the fields of computers, machinery, and software.

Henry would instil a brief insight into their minds about future developments, and use legillimency to gain their loyalty to the company. This would be his last transaction with the muggles for the Christmas holidays.

Since Lucie served as the director of their shell company, Henry had already communicated to her, his goals for the future. Although he was in no hurry for developments, he needed to work early to develop his sphere of influence.

The meeting lasted about two hours. Henry had achieved what he wanted by making slight changes to their minds. After the meeting, Henry used legillimency again to edit memories of himself from Lucie's mind. After Henry had finished, he materialised. He sat in his parents' house, wondering if he had left any traces of his actions behind.

"Jarvis, analyse the trace of magic left and the possibility of investigation," Henry said in his mind.

"You used legillimency and various spells on 17 people, sir. The magical trace left by the spells will disappear within three weeks. Since the Ministry of Magic in the muggle world does not track magic cast by adult wizards, the probability of an investigation is 8%," Jarvis said.

"Why is the probability of investigation close to ten per cent Jarvis?" asked Henry.

"Sir, even though the Ministry of Magic doesn't pay attention to the muggle world, it is known to have placed charms that can detect magic in certain parts of England because of Tom Riddle's attacks. The calculation is that the people you have cast spells on will be detected when these areas are checked," Jarvis said.

Henry shook his head. He had chosen the best way he could to stay hidden. The risk was nothing compared to the risks he had taken before. Even if they recognised the magic, they couldn't follow him. For six months, Henry would have no contact with anyone he had cast a spell on. When he did, he would make sure they were not being watched.

"Jarvis, make sure you have Mark I's memories before you go to Hogwarts. Make sure his character development goes according to plan. I don't want the change to go unnoticed when I take complete control," Henry said.

"Don't worry, sir, I will take the necessary action," Jarvis said.

"Any progress on the cloaking at Hogwarts?" Henry asked.

"Sir, I have been able to examine three per cent of the charms in the castle. I estimate that half of the charms on the castle would need to be examined to create the charm you want," Jarvis said.

Henry was lost in thought. He didn't want to hide like he used to. There would be too many tools and spells to follow. Hogwarts castle was known to have developed a small mind due to its magical nature. It certainly wasn't sophisticated enough to keep an eye on a student's privacy.

Henry sighed deeply. "I understand Jarvis, let's continue as we have so far. Use Mark I's emotional state as an excuse to focus on gathering more information. Your secrecy is the second. It needs to be completed by the end of the class. If not, I will have to make a change of plan," Henry said.

"Understood sir, I will keep you updated," said Jarvis.

"Is the case complete?" asked Henry.

"Yes sir, the targets you requested for the first release have been achieved," said Jarvis.

Henry then took out a black briefcase from his bottomless bag. He put the briefcase on the floor and opened it. There was a ladder leading down from inside the briefcase. Henry wasted no time and examined the inside of the briefcase. He was mesmerised by the space charm.

He examined the meeting room, the parts for the house elves, and finally the parts for himself. Jarvis' achievements always impressed Henry. He knew he could do it himself, but it was hard to do it as flawlessly as Jarvis. Jarvis's fine control of his body, not to mention his fine calculation of his magic, allowed him to do so much in so little time.

"Jarvis, how's the progress on the bodybuilding rituals?" Henry suddenly asked.

"Sir, there are only theoretical books on the subject in the Hogwarts library. Aside from the lack of information, I need to study magical animals to create a superhuman ritual. Not only that, I need more research and experimental data for the differences in human and wizard anatomy." said Jarvis.

"I understand Jarvis, set the completion time as the first half of Year 5 and adjust your schedule accordingly. Make this goal the first priority after the third year." said Henry.

"Let's not waste any more time, take over and do the necessary shopping. Don't forget to drink the potion while shopping," said Henry.

"Understood sir, have fun," Jarvis said, and Henry's eyes flickered for a brief moment. After Jarvis took over, Henry entered the training simulation. Jarvis was to go to Diagon Allay to shop for the materials needed to accomplish Henry's goals.

He would buy books on various subjects, as well as various magical animals and plants. They were the ingredients for experiments in potion and ritual development. Henry no longer had money problems. He had converted the money from his insurance into galleons. He even bribed the goblins not to leak information about his fortune.

Jarvis drank the polyjuice potion and then went to Diagon Alley. His first stop was Flourish and Blotts. Apart from school books, there were many books of magic. Jarvis bought every book he deemed necessary. He knew he would attract attention, but his identity and clothes were just for this shopping trip. He placed 350 galleons of books in the bottomless bag and continued shopping.

He went to the Magical Menagerie for animals and bought different kinds of animals for 148 galleons. The shopping was shorter because there were not more types of magical animals available. After animals, he moved on to potions. After buying some potions and ingredients at the Apothecary, Slug & Jiggers Apothecary, he finished shopping for potions.

Jarvis didn't stop there and visited a few second-hand shops on the street. Although he focused mostly on books, he also bought some charmed items. Even though the items he bought only had review value, Jarvis bought them. Jarvis knew that Henry didn't care about money and only wanted to achieve his goals.

After spending a total of 2470 galleons, he proceeded to Knockturn Alley. His first stop was Borgins and Burkes, where he bought many books and items and spent 4300 galleons after a hard bargain. Then he stopped at a shop on the street selling potions, animals, bones and second-hand goods. When he finished shopping, his total expenditure was 8347 galleons.