
Chapter 40 - Isla's birthday party

"What are you getting for Isla?" Declan asked curiously.

It was almost time for them to leave for Isla's party and Declan's curiosity had been eating at him for days. He wanted to know what Faun was getting for her.

"Chocolate chip cookies." Faun said proudly, carefully placing his gift on the centre table. "She said she really liked them at the picnic so I decided to make them…" He trailed off, narrowing his eyes at Declan. "Don't tell me you haven't gotten anything for her."

"I already did." Declan replied dryly.

Now that he had found out what Faun had gotten for Isla, he couldn't decide if he was relieved or not.

Faun still looked at him suspiciously. "Isn't it time to leave yet? I don't want to be late for Isla's birthday party."

"Fine, let's go." He agreed reluctantly. "We don't have to be the first to get there." He grumbled under his breath.

Faun hadn't even asked when his birthday was, yet here he was, baking for Isla and rushing to go to her party.

He wasn't jealous, not in the least bit.

They took a cab to Isla's place, Faun bent over his phone the entire ride.

"What are you looking at?" Declan finally caved in to the urge to ask, holding open the door for Faun to get out of the cab.

He had offered to help him hold the cookies but Faun had insisted on carrying them himself, it only irked him the more.

"I'm texting Isla." Faun vaguely answered him, still engrossed in his phone although they were literally in front of Isla's house.

"You're what?" He spluttered, Isla coming out the front door before they could even get there.

"Faun! You're here!" Isla cheered, hurrying to him.

"Happy Birthday, Isla!" Faun said brightly. "I got you this."

Isla collected the package after hugging him, her eyes wide as she sniffed around it. "Is this what I think it is?"

Faun touched his ear. "You said you really like them so I made some." He muttered shyly.

A vein ticked on Declan's forehead; behind them, strobe lights were going off inside Isla's house. There was no missing the muted sounds of music and lively conversation.

Firstly, how did Isla get the chance to constantly text Faun in the middle of her own birthday party? How did they even get each other's contacts? Actually, they had met a number of times now so it wasn't hard to figure out.

But now they were both ignoring him, Isla taking all of Faun's attention.

"Happy Birthday, Isla." He grumbled, shoving his present right in between them when she tried to hug Faun again.

Isla's eyes were bright with happiness. "You got a gift for me? Thank you so much, Declan."

"Don't sound so surprised." He grumbled some more, looking away.

Lou peeked out of the front door at this. "What are you all doing outside? Come on in!" She invited cheerily. "I'm not built for socialising." She added quietly, looking worn out.

"My bad!" Isla hurried back, her gifts in her hands.

Declan and Faun followed right behind her.

"You actually got her something?" Faun directed at Declan, gravitating closer to him as they stepped through the front door.

"You too?" He accused but his tone was much gentler now that he had Faun all to himself.

Two birthday parties in a week was the limit, after this, they would spend the rest of the month just hanging out in the cottage.

It didn't matter that there hadn't been an actual party for Faun, it counted as well.

Declan wasn't surprised at the amount of people that turned up, Isla was a social butterfly. She didn't attract people though, she went right into their personal space and dragged them.

Faun didn't know Isla that long so he was surprised at the people milling about, they spilled out the back porch where the sun was preparing to set.

The lights were bright though so it didn't feel like the day was about to end, if anything, it felt like it was just beginning.

Faun was worried at first that Declan would leave him to go talk to other people but he should have known better. Even though the people attending the birthday party were Isla's friends, Declan seemed almost hostile with them.

They found an empty couch in a corner of the room to sit, Isla and Lou off to do some socialising.

"You should make some more friends." Faun nearly bit his tongue off to say.

He was actually worried about Declan, if he hadn't been around, he would have been spending his entire time by himself.

Nevermind that Faun himself had lived his entire life that way, it was exactly why he didn't want that for anyone else.

It was a horrible way to live, having no one around you.

He couldn't stay with Declan forever, it was best if Declan had more people that cared for him around him.

Declan stared at him with dead eyes. "You're one to talk."

"Don't lump me in with you." Faun fired back, his soft green eyes turning to slits. "We're different."

Declan made an unintelligible sound. "Not that much." He muttered to himself.

"What did you say?" Faun asked curiously, staring up at him.

"Nothing." Declan muttered, getting up to his feet. "I'll go get us drinks." He immediately said, diverting Faun's attention.

"Awesome!" Faun cheered his suggestion. "Grab me something sweet too."

"Sure, just stay right here." Declan reached out to pat his hair, expecting Faun to move away but he didn't and Declan found himself staring at his hand as he melded into the crowd.

Faun sat quietly, unable to see Declan as soon as he left.

Without Declan by his side, the room suddenly seemed bigger, the people louder, their laughter grating on his sensitive ears.

His skin started to crawl, if he ears were out, it would be pressed tightly against his head; he hated houses.

But he would be fine, Declan was coming back, he said to wait right there.

A few moments later, somebody walked up to him but it wasn't Declan. It was a different person, a man.

He had bleached blonde hair and wore gaudy jewellery, his cologne was overwhelming and it irritated Faun's nose.

"Hey, I noticed you were all alone…" He started to speak, sitting uncomfortably close to Faun.

Faun cringed away, looking around impatiently. Where was Declan??