
Chapter 41 - not the life of the party

"Hey, I got you a drink." The strange man offered Faun another drink that he just happened to have been holding.

Faun took it and used the opportunity to put some distance between them. He had no intentions of drinking it.

Firstly, he wasn't taking anything from strangers and secondly, he couldn't even take alcohol.

"What's your name?" The strange man asked with a creepy smile, moving closer.

"Please go away." Faun muttered in disgust, cringing away.

His smile dropped faster than a broken light bulb. "Now, now, that's no way to treat nice people." He said in a quiet but harsh voice, cruel lights coming into his eyes as he held Faun's arm tightly.

Someone tapped his shoulder and he looked behind him to find beastly grey eyes staring down at him, he was stunned so badly that he let go of Faun.

"What's your name?" Declan threw his question at him.

"I-I w-was jus… just trying to make friends, I-I didn't m-mean any harm." The strange man stuttered, his shifty dark eyes looking for an escape.

"Now, now, that's no way to treat nice people." Declan continued on in a cold voice, clearly listening in on their conversation for a while.

The strange man's eyes went wide with expressive panic. "I-It's Howard… I-I-I… My name is Howard." He said in a rush.

"Too late." Declan muttered darkly, darkening his jaw.

He was already done with the creep after the first punch, he didn't want to disrupt Isla's birthday party so he went straight to Faun instead.

"Are you okay?" He asked quietly.

Faun could almost feel the repressed emotions, he was fine, just a little shaken up, but one look in Declan's stormy eyes told him Declan wasn't.

Behind them, Lou had caught sight of what had happened and strode over.

Faun had rushed to Declan as soon as he came for him, inspecting his knuckles, he'd be pissed if it was bruised.

"I'm so sorry about this." Lou said in an odd voice.

On the other arm of the couch, Howard was still curled over himself in pain, cupping his jaw.

Faun looked up in worry as well, it was still strange for him to have so many people caring for and protecting him; he also hadn't seen Lou get mad before, it was terrifying.

She dragged Howard off the couch by his hair. "Oi! Assface, I told you what would happen if you show up here, right?" She said to the man wincing in pain in her hold, her voice dropping a couple octaves.

"L-Lou ple-please w-wai…" He tried to calm her down but Lou was deaf to his words.

She lifted his head higher and then smashed her knee into his face; his nose was definitely broken.

An otherworldly scream got torn from Howard attracting attention, no one seemed to be on his side though because Faun could hear people muttering, 'It's that Howard again' … 'Such a creep.'

Declan was paying little attention to the ruckus happening behind them, his entire attention on Faun. He had tossed the drink as soon as he got his hand on it, checking Faun over although he kept insisting that he was just fine.

"Do you want to go home?" Declan's quiet voice dragged Faun's attention from the chaos happening behind them; Lou was angrily dragging Howard out with clear plans to kick him out of the party.

His eyes went wide, even if he didn't want to leave the party which he absolutely wanted to by the way, but… Declan had asked if he wanted to go 'home'?

Of course, he always wanted to go home.

"Yeah." He said breathily, his heart rate finally slowing down now that Declan was back, the walls stopped caving in on him too.

Isla hurried over before they could leave, looking traumatised like she was the victim.

After lots of apologies and hugs, Declan finally had enough. Without missing a beat, he put his arm around Faun and guided him out of the stifling party.

Lou was already waiting for them. "Finding a cab is going to be annoying, just take my car." She suggested, tossing Declan her keys which he caught with ease.

"I'll come over for it later, Isla will want to come too I'm sure." She added with a grimace. "Oh well, take care of your boyfriend." She said only for Declan's ears.

"Back at you." Declan tossed at her, already heading for the car.

Faun had long recovered, he had come face to face with many near death experiences in his short life, a creep bothering him didn't even make it into the top 10.

"Do you know how to drive a car?" Faun asked, his tone half curious, half teasing.

Declan glanced at him, he was sufficiently calmer now that Faun was safe and clinging to his arm. "No, I hope you do." He said seriously.

Faun was horrified. "Wait! Really?" He looked up at Declan, his anxiety shooting up at the calm look on his face. "Shouldn't we get Lou…"

Declan just ruffled his hair, opening the passenger side door for him. "You're so cute when you're flustered."

A pout immediately formed on Faun's face, crossing his arms grouchily after getting seated.

Declan's response was a quiet chuckle, he went around to get in the driver's seat, sobering up again.

"You don't have to be so worried, I'm quite sturdy." Faun immediately said, picking up on his mood swing.

The dark expression on Declan's face only got darker, like he was picturing the reasons why Faun had to be sturdy.

Faun winced and decided that the best thing to do was remain quiet, it was better than worsening things with every word he spoke.

The path that led to the cottage wasn't big enough for the car to fit through so Declan had to park outside the woods.

Faun hoped it would be safe there, making a move to leave the car.

"Wait." Declan's voice stopped him.

It was dark now and the forest looked menacing; Faun was grateful all over again that he didn't have to sleep out in the wild.

Declan walked around the car to open his door again, Faun made no comments, still wary of Declan.

He wasn't worried that Declan was angry at him or would lash out at him, he just didn't like him being so upset.

Now he could understand why Declan knew absolutely no one at the party, parties were clearly not their thing.