
How to (supposedly) survive a zombie apocalypse [Completed]

This is basically a translation made with Google of my original history. I will change some things, but is basically the same. -The image and the histories I make reference don't belong to me (obviously). -I made this history with the purpose to entertain, so don't burn my house if you get offended please. -If I have any mistake or I can improve in something, tell me, I'm here to learn

Grim_Jester · Anime et bandes dessinées
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47 Chs

I'm starting to hate Walmart

When I arrived, the first thing I noticed is that there is a zombie at the entrance, which is not a good sign.

'Well I have to admit I've been very lucky lately' I thought as I sighed wearily.

From what I can see it's an O+ since he has fungus all over his body.

"Any ideas?" I asked lazily.

"H-how can you be so calm, we have a zombie in front of us" Emily said with a little fear.

"This is an O+, they are quite clumsy and very slow so everything is fine" I said in a calm tone.

"By the way if you see a zombie with a mushroom covering its head don't even think about killing it" I said with a warning tone.

"W-what happens if we kill him?" Kyle said in a concerned tone.

"Didn't you read it on the internet?" I asked a bit confused.

"M-my phone ran out of battery a long time ago and this Walmart was too far to go by myself" Kyle said a little embarrassed.

"Don't worry, it was a good decision" I said with a comforting tone.

"As for the zombies, if you kill one of those they will explode and cover an area of ​​500 meters around with spores that turn you into a zombie" I explained seriously.

"You should also stay more than 3 meters away from them, since being close for a long time can also transform you into a zombie" -Ken.

"S-so what are we s-supposed to do with this one" Kyle said a little more scared.

"I distract him and you hit him in the legs from behind" I said as walked towards the entrance with my bat on his shoulder.

"O-ok" Kyle said approaching the entrance as he held his bat.

We have to hurry, it must be 5:00 PM more or less and I don't want to be out at night.

These zombies are especially resistant to knives and bullets, but they are not as resistant to strong blows especially to the legs.

They are quite heavy, so their legs are their weak point.

Apparently they are specially made to make you waste your bullets.

Also these zombies are almost harmless, if you stay away from them.

Being close, the zombie quickly noticed my presence and started walking towards me.

From the outside I may look like a badass hero, but inside I am ready to escape at any moment.

When the zombie was about 6 meters from me, the brat hit him hard on the back of the legs with his bat and the zombie fell to the ground unable to move.

"No exceptions" Kyle said with a bit of nervousness.

"Haha, I got the reference" I said with a nervous little smile.

These zombies are tougher than an ordinary human so there's no way the damage would be serious, that hit just knocked him to the ground.

Upon entering I realized that the Walmart is messy and there are several things lying on the floor.

"I'll go to the warehouse to get ammunition, you guys find the hose and whatever you need" I said as I went to the warehouse.

"Ok man" Kyle said as he reached for the hose.

This brings back memories of my origins, I just hope there isn't a girl in the back of the warehouse.

Something that bothers me is the sound of some birds around, it confuses me a bit, but it is not much of a problem.

After going in and searching for a while in the boxes, I was able to find more ammo for the Weekend, took 7 magazines and stuffed them in my pockets.

"I love my roomy pockets" I said with complete satisfaction.

As I left the warehouse I started walking around and was able to find something quite interesting.

'Strawberry candies?' I thought as I looked at the bag of candy.

'The girl will probably like them, but I should stop spoiling her' I thought and then entered a dilemma.

Meh, as long as I doesn't overdo it, I can spoil her a bit.

After taking the bag of candy and putting it in my pants, I went looking for the brats and found them in the weapons section.

"Did you find anything interesting?" I asked with a bit of curiosity.

"We already found the hose, now we're just looking for a gun for Emily" Kyle said as he showed the hose.

On his side the brat was inspecting a pistol she was holding.

"That reminds me, where did you get that bat if you didn't come to Walmart?" I asked with a little doubt.

"I-I once did H-Harley Quinn Cosplay at a comic con, so I already had the bat," Kyle said with a bit of pity.

"*Pfffff* Y-you dressed as Harley Quinn? Hahahahaha is the most hilarious thing I've ever heard, hahahaha" I said while laughing uncontrollably.

"H-hey don't t-tease at least I looked good" Kyle said red with embarrassment as he saw Ken crying with laughter.

After laughing for a few minutes I realized that it is time to go.

"Well, it's time to get out of here" I said noticing it was getting dark.

"About time, I need to try this new toy" Emily said as she left the Walmart

But suddenly, a very quick shadow rushed towards her and rammed her from the left side.

At that moment I could only think of a zombie capable of moving at that speed.

'An AB+' I thought in panic.