
How The World Changed Us (Aizawa x reader)

The twin sister of the late Oboro Shirakumo, Y/n Shirakumo navigates life as a deaf Pro-Hero with her fiance, Shota Aizawa. A math teacher, she struggles through something she feared the most - motherhood. Fem!reader deaf!bakugo AU

strawberrysoda · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Good News?

After an hour or so of watching the news reporters go on about the attack, I noticed the black blob that was Shota's head move. Gently removing my hand from his bandaged one, I put my hand on his head and gently run my fingers though his tangled, messy hair. After having a second to wake up, he looks at me though bandaged eyes.

"Hi baby," I signed to him. But after a second, I realized that he couldn't sign back.

"One second," I signed to him, pushing the button to call in a nurse.

After about 10 minutes, a nurse, looking to be about mid 20s, early 30s, walks in, smiling. Looking at her, I point to my ears, but she doesn't seem to understand what I'm trying to signal. I realized that Shota was still next to me, so I looked over to him.

"Can you ask her for my aids?" I signed

I see Shota say something to the nurse, and she nods her head, says something, and then returns about 5 minutes later with my grey hearing aids in a small bag. I take the bag from her hand, and smile as I put them in my ears.

"Thank you." I tell the nurse.

"No problem. We have to go over your test results in about an hour, as we are still waiting on some results to return. But we will be back soon with them. In the meantime, would you like something to eat?" The nurse asks politely.

"Can I just have an oatmeal with a coffee?"

"I can give you the oatmeal, but the coffee might have to wait until the tests are done. But I can get you an apple juice or water instead."

Although I'm slightly confused and agitated, I mutter and affirmative, and she scurries out of the room to get my food. Judging by the bandages wrapped around my left leg, I would say I've probably broken something. I'm just glad they put me on morphine for the time being.

The nurse walks back in with my oatmeal and apple juice, and as appealing as it looks, the smell makes me want to puke. Looking around for a trash can, the nurse hands me a puke bag, as if she can sense that I need to empty my stomach from whatever the last thing I ate was. When I finally regain my bearings, the nurse moved my oatmeal to the other side of the room, and instead gave me my apple juice.

"Let's hold off on the food for the time being, and we'll just let you rest until we need to discus your test results," the nurse says, before taking the gross oatmeal out and walking out of the room. Taking this moment of piece, I fall back to sleep in a light slumber.

⊹₊⋆☁︎⋆⁺₊⋆ ☀︎ ⋆⁺₊⋆☁︎⋆₊ ⊹ 

When I wake up again, the doctor is standing in the room looking at her clipboard while Shota gently wakes me.

"We have to look at the results," He speaks with a raspiness in his voice, as if he hasn't spoken in days.

I sit up gently, while rubbing the sleep out of my eyes, feeling like a toddler.

"Well Ms. Shirakumo, we have good news and bad news. Which would you like to hear first?" The doctor asks me.

"The bad news please," I answer nervousness seeping into my words.

"Well the bad news is that you have a mild concussion, which is surprising considering how hard you fell. You also have a tibia and a fibula fracture in your left leg, and a broken toe in your right foot. Because of all of these, you will more than likely be out of commission for 3 to six months, and because of the concussion, you cannot go back to teaching until next Wednesday," the doctor spoke. It was a lot to process all at once. And I'll more than likely be in a wheelchair for at least 2 months.

"Would you like to hear the good news?" The doctor asked gently.

"Yeah, sure." I replied.

"Well, your baby was completely unharmed in the attack." She spoke smiling.

Me and Shota both turned our head, looking at the doctor like she just said she needed to go home to walk her fish and fold her dishes.

"O-our what?" Shota asked, as shocked as I was.

"I'll take from that reaction that neither of you knew." The doctor chuckled.

But it makes sense. All of the weird sickness in the morning, the odd cravings, the missed...the missed periods. How many had I missed? Have I really been so busy that I didn't notice?

"After we did and ultrasound and a blood test, we found that you're around 14 weeks along, or 3 months. We can make you an appointment to get an official ultrasound, and there you guys can discuss your options. I will send in a nurse with a wheelchair so we can discharge you both in a bit." She spoke, walking out of the room.

"T-there's a baby growing inside of me. Our baby." I spoke softly, still trying to process what just happened.

"Do you know what you want to do with them? I'll support you no matter what decision you pick," Shota said, squeezing my hand.

"I think...I think I want to keep them. I know it's unexpected, and I am terrified, but I think that's what I want to do," I replied, my voice cracking with tears rolling down my face.

"I'll be here no matter what. I love you so much."

It's good to know that regardless of the obstacles life throws our way, we still have each other.


And that one.


Yeah, we've still got Presentation Micheal.

Published on 2/20/24 (D/M/Y) at 12:42am est

Word count: 980