
How The World Changed Us (Aizawa x reader)

The twin sister of the late Oboro Shirakumo, Y/n Shirakumo navigates life as a deaf Pro-Hero with her fiance, Shota Aizawa. A math teacher, she struggles through something she feared the most - motherhood. Fem!reader deaf!bakugo AU

strawberrysoda · Anime et bandes dessinées
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8 Chs

Back to School

After about a week of recovering from my injuries, and trying to wrap my head around the fact that I'm fucking pregnant, I finally returned to school...where I was promptly greeted with a lovely rush of children. Well, teenagers. Close enough.

"Where have you been Ms. Shirakumo?"

"We missed you!"

"Took you long enough."

"Those thighs..."


"Everyone calm down!"

I'm overwhelmed, and not sure what to do, so I promptly snap my fingers and trigger a thunder clap. That got them quiet quickly.

"Well hello to you all too, Mineta go to the principle's office, and I've been resting, and I missed you all greatly. Did I miss anything?" I spoke, gaining most of the classes attention, except for a sulking Mineta.

"We heard a rumor that," Mina whispered, looking around like this was going to be the end all be all for her, "that you're pregnant."

"Uhhh yeah, I can only guess who told you that one." I sighed, knowing damn well I wasn't going to be able to keep this a secret.

"YEEAAHH!" And speak of the devil.

"Really Mic? You had to tell them?"

"Well I didn't mean to, it just, sorta...slipped?"

"Right...anyway, lets get started with class, shall we? Where did Hound Dog leave off?" I spoke, gathering my papers for class.

"We just started trigonometry ma'am," Iida called out.

"Alright then, we will do a quick review for what you know, and we can start adding new stuff to the old," I spoke out to the class, their disdain obvious.

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"And that's a wrap for today, if you want to leave your math books with me, just put them on the self," I said, pointing to the selves next to me.

As the class gets up to put their math books on the self, some of the girls came up to me, asking a few questions about my pregnancy.

"How far along are you?"

"Do you have any cravings?"

"How bad is your morning sickness?"

Getting overwhelmed quickly, I try to get them to calm down so I can talk.

It didn't work.

I got lucky, however, when Mic walked in with lunch. The girls got quiet, which allowed me to answer some of the questions.

"To answer the questions I remember, I am 14 weeks along, I am only really craving sweeter, or colder things. Mostly ice cream. Morning sickness, well, it isn't really in the morning, to put it simply. Now go head to lunch," I said, overstimulated and hungry.

They waved by, and ran to lunch. Upon getting my lunch from Mic, I got very excited.

"How did you know this is exactly what I was craving?" I asked, confused, but not complaining.

"Just knew I guess," He spoke before sitting on the ground, me joining him on the floor, eating our lunch. He'd always been like a brother, ever since we were kids.

"I have an ultrasound appointment tomorrow. Do you wanna come with?" I asked him, mid-chew.

"What kind of question is that? Of course I'm going," he said, slightly smiling. "What about Shota?" He asked, worried he would get his ass handed to him.

"Good. I would have fought you if the answer was no. Pregnant or not. Also, he'll live."

"(n/n) no-"

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Sitting in the car, Mic driving since can't really drive in a wheelchair, we start to head home, but then I get the strongest urge for ice cream. Looking at Mic, I debate asking before he interrupts my thought.

"Whatd'ya craving now?" He asked, enthusiastic as always, even after a near 12 hour day of teenagers.

"Ice cream. Can we stop by the corner store?" I asked, almost begging, but trying to still hold on to the little shred of dignity that I have left.

"Yeah, sure," he said, turning left, and pulling into the lot.

He pulled my wheelchair out of the trunk, set it on the ground. He then walked over, picked me up, and gently set me down.

"Thank you Hizashi," I said, before I started to roll into the store, with the taller man following behind me.

At this point in his day, his hair had lost its banana-cockatoo form and he had put it up in a messy bun.

As I rolled into the store, I picked out a few snacks for me and Sho, along with two pints of ice cream: coffee for Sho, and (f/f) for me. With Hizashi behind me, we went up to the checkout, but noticed something off.

"Okay, you stay back here," Hizashi said, pushing me back to the furthest corner of the tiny store, "I'm going to go figure out what's happening, and I don't want you involved in your condition," he whispered, before going back to the front.

I didn't really see much, but I heard a lot of yelled, and what sounded like either Mic or the other person knocking over a stand.

Then a gunshot.

After a few minutes, the police showed up, and questioned me, Hizashi, and the shop keeper, whom was absolutely terrified. Everyone was fine, the gunshot came from the guy robbing the place trying to shoot Mic, but he missed, hitting the ceiling instead. He was arrested, me and Mic payed, and went home.

Shota was worried out of his mind like I was stabbed or something.

Well, as worried as a man covered in bandages and on firm bed rest can be I guess.

Overall, it wasn't a bad day though. I fed Shota, I had my ice cream, and Mic stayed until about 7 before Sho kicked him out.

I'm still fucking hungry though.

Published on 6/20/24 (d/m/y) at 4:10am est

Word count: 954

Hey guys! I'm really really sorry. School has ended, and I've been struggling with technology issues. I will more than likely slow down with the updates on here, and continue them on Wattpad, possibly Tumblr? But I had genuine fun writing this! Now, I'm really tired, it's 4am, and I have to be up at 7:30 to 8am. Love you all!


(p.s. Let me know about any inconsistancies, such as spelling, grammar, the tense (past, present, future) etc. I will try to fix them as I see them!)

strawberrysodacreators' thoughts