
How The Love Began

Our young woman named Xion travels back to her time to find everything different and even find love in a former villain read to find out was happens to her.

CAM_4402 · Fantaisie
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5 Chs

4: The Hope


    Xion finally made it to her parent's sides as Batone held Xenoida in his arms, she looked weak but alive. Batone looks up from his wife as Xion comes forward, but is ignored as she looks her mother over for injuries. While this happened the demon Towa was preparing to kill them, yet before she could do something the air changed it felt as if lightning had struck close by. Suddenly something had hit Towa causing her to fly back but she recovered seeing that it was what had hit her.

"Where did that attack come from?! YOU!?" Towa was outraged. He was still in his base form as he clashed with Towa; their clash caused a shock wave to make what pieces of rubble that were holding on from the hole in the wall fall. Xion had to put up a ki shield to protect the three of them. Xenoida started to come as the ground around them shook from the fight.

    "Mom! Your ok does anything hurt!?" Xion asked, panicked as her mother sat up slowly. As she did this though Batone pulled her back to him holding her close.

    "Eep..!" Xenoida looked up to her husband smiling.

    "Honey I'm fine. Just scratched and bruised." Batone relaxes his grip but still keeps his hold on her as he looks over to the fight growling. Xion ignores the growl and stands up letting the ki shield fall.

Zothiconuu's pov

"Where did that attack come from?! YOU!?" Towa questioned and screamed before I kicked her away.

"One of the few remaining Saiyans. Forged in the pits of hell and I will not allow you to harm the lesser life forms!" I said with a flame that roared loader inside me as I spoke.

"I will take it from here Towa… we are one and the same… you are infused with incredible demon energy. But the difference between us is I'll see the end of this day" the male explains to me.

"So is that's the reason I am so powerful…?" I asked before I looked at my hands.

"Regardless of where it's from! I will make this power my own, evolve it unil I have no handicaps, in my own way, with my own potential, and I will do it by destroying you!" I said, smashing my fist into his face until we both crash-landed back down to earth. The sound waves caused by the clash was heard from miles away in the distances as it continued to echo through the trees that haven't been burned by the fire the two demons caused. The clash seemed endless as the man started getting the upper hand on me; he tossed me into the ground making the decently sized crater from before bigger. My eyes were shut to keep the dirt out of them. As I opened them I saw a metallic sheen in front of me the sword that the halfling carried was within my reach. I took this opportunity to make a plan in my head. Before things get even more horrible than they already are.

Xion's pov

The fighting seemed to take hours until Zothiconuu was in the crater and the demon was preparing his finishing attack. Yet in the blink of an eye, the body of the demon was on the ground and the other was screaming about revenge. I smiled as Zothiconuu soon turned around to face us as his red eyes flickered in the light of the dying forest fire. Me being me had ignored my aching body as I got up and stumbled to him.

"Thank you-" Was all I could say as my body lost all the energy that was left and the wounds started burning.

Zothiconuu's pov

Xion's words were lost as she fell onto me startling me as I held her body while it became dead weight from exhaustion. Her little frame compared to me was tiny; I pushed away these thoughts to see she had minor wounds on her stomach and sides, taking this moment I brought out a bag of Senzu beans out of my gi. I began propping Xion up to face me as I put one in my mouth but before I could transfer the Senzu bean into her mouth Batone started saying things but I ignored him. While rolling my eyes I kissed Xion pushing the Senzu past her lips making sure she swallowed it.

Xion's eyes opened startled as a coughing fit made her whole body shake in my arms. Luckily it didn't take more than a minute for her to calm down from it. Xion noticed I was holding her and pulled me down to kiss me briefly; this moment didn't last because Xion's father started walking over and he was fuming. Again I ignored him as I pulled away from the kiss to receive a whimper of protest from Xion making me smile as I helped her up. Her father was still fuming as He looked back and forth between us. I still had a smile on my lips as I leaned closer to Xion to whisper in her ear.

"Here… give this to your mom." I gave her a senzu bean and she ran to give it to her mother. While batone stayed standing in front of me with glaring daggers but I just kept my eyes on Xion's little frame as she gave the senzu bean to Xenodia.

Xion's Pov

I gave my mother the senzu bean and after she recovered she hugged me tightly. I looked back to see my father staring Zothiconuu down while he just kept his eye on me. I smiled at him giving a thumbs up and I earned an awkward smile in return that made me laugh as I continued to help my mom up and out of the ruined house.

"I guess we have to rebuild." I sighed as I said this out loud. Hearing the deeper male voice behind me say.

"I-if I help it should be quicker." Zothiconuu's crimson eyes drifted away as he said this like he was a child asking for something he knew he probably wouldn't get.

"I'm not letting you do anything. You probably brought those monsters here." Batone said his words, making my blood boil and itching to punch him.

"Batone hush let him do what he wants he offers his help!" My mother said as loud as she could and was answered with a huff of disapproval but nothing more as Zothiconuu stepped closer to the house. Soon rifts with several hands were repairing the house; I swore I blinked then the job was done and the rifts disappeared. With Zothiconuu looking tired yet his eyes made him look happy as a spark was there.

"Good enough-" Was all my father said as he held Xenodia bridal style in his arms before walking in. I huffed and walked up to the tall man hugging him. And asking him questions hoping he wouldn't leave but he did evently and I headed into my home ready for an ear full that never came, my father and mother had fallen asleep together in their room. Leaving me to sleep in my room, but sleep never came. My dreams were haunted by past events, and I woke up in a pool of sweat more than once. I eventually gave up on sleeping, settling for coffee and reading as the night hours passed until sunrise. 'Let us just hope tomorrow will be better.' I thought to myself.

a senzu bean is a thing that repairs minor injuries.

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