
How The Love Began

Our young woman named Xion travels back to her time to find everything different and even find love in a former villain read to find out was happens to her.

CAM_4402 · Fantasy
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5 Chs

3: Fathers Disapproval


Xion went home feeling conflicted inside after every little breakthrough with Zothiconuu. Her head was spinning; her heart raced when she thought about everything that happened, maybe there was hope for him.

She landed at her home; well she could call it many other things but preferred "home". Her father was talking to someone; seemingly one of his lackeys, they looked at her as she landed and this made her father look at her too.

"Where on kami's earth have you been a young lady." He said, sounding oddly more authoritarian than normal. She just shook her head and twitched her tail telling him it was none of his business. Her father was fuming now his ki spiked but settled as their talking resumed.

    "Hunny you know it worries him when you're gone this much we just got you back and he doesn't want to lose you again," Xenodia said this from the kitchen.

"He treats me like a child mother! I'm not a child and I don't need him to know my business!" She growled after that but sighed and began walking upstairs until her father came inside and stopped her half-up them.

"Xion I know you are not just flying around at night. Who are you seeing?" Batone had a commanding tone as he asked this obviously livid about her attitude she happened to show not even a minute ago. Xion turns to him and huffs in response. Xenodia came to the kitchen doorway to make sure a fight didn't break out between the two. 

"Yeah and mom knows who," Xion said this and he turned to Xenodia. A pleading look in his eye for her to tell him but it soon was covered up with anger.

"Xion just tell me." His voice commanded for him to be answered. Without thinking of how he would react, Xion blurted out Zothiconuu's name making her father pause. He looked kinda scared at the notions of his little girl hanging out with the murder but he snapped back to reality.

"You're not allowed around him, understand! If you do plan on seeing him again it better be to kill him!" His voice caused the house to shake. Xion now just as angry yells at her father all the things she didn't truly mean, she never wished for anything to happen the way it did. The whole thing ended with Xion with tears in her eyes, Xenodia in between her and her husband, and Batone yelling more at how Zothiconuu did not deserve peace and he needed to die to pay for his sins in hell.

Xion's pov

I pushed past my parents causing them to stop yelling at each other as they saw their "precious" daughter crying with my tail limp behind me as I slammed the door. They didn't say anything to stop me. It hurt more than them fighting. I flew away hastily, soon finding myself at a decently sized tree by where Zothiconuu was staying, and I fell into a dreamless sleep on one of the branches. Not caring if I might fall out of the tree in my sleep.

 I awoke to my teeth chattering from how cold I was. I shivered and began to rub my arms trying to fall back asleep. Before I could fall back asleep though I sensed Zothiconuu's ki below me. I peeked over the edge of the branch catching his ruby eyed gaze that was cased up to where I was.

Zothiconuu's pov

I looked up into the tree where I knew the little brat was. She peeked over the edge of the biggest branch catching my eye. Her turquoise eyes seemed to be puffy but I didn't care what for; before I could ask why she was sleeping in the tree and why she was here she jumped down huging me tightly as an unfamiliar noise came from her as her little frame began to shake with each sound she made. I tensed up. This hug didn't feel like the other ones. My hand on its own landed on her hair and started to run my fingers through it. The sobbing sound stopped as I did this; her puffy tear-filled eyes looked up at me.

         "Why are you here…" I said looking at her puffy bloodshot eyes. Her face seemed to be showing many things I never have seen on her face.

Then what she said next made my ki spike." My father wants you d-died he knows about me seeing you almost every night." I doubted what little trust I had for her at this moment. But something in how she said all that although it angered me greatly; her voice cracked saying it. but her speaking again, brought me out of my thoughts.

"But I don't want him too, I don't know why." She wraps her tail and arms around herself protectively. Yet she didn't seem scared about me being close to her. Why? then I noticed her shivering and her teeth Clattering. I turned to go back inside and called her.

"Come inside you're going to get sick out here…" She seems a bit shocked but follows me inside. I found a very old and tattered blanket in the rubble. My hands warmed it up almost burning the blanket but I controlled it; the brat seemed stuck in her thoughts as I put the blanket on her making her jump in surprise.

"Why did you come here... you could have gone anywhere else but you decided here. Why?" I asked her. She just looked at me with her ounce spirit-filled eyes looking grey and lifeless and more tears fell from them.

'Great… I don't know how to handle this at all.' I mentally face plumb at this thought. I stepped closer to her putting a finger under her chin to lift her face to look at mine. Her grey looking eye seems to get some of the fighting spirits back at me doing this.

    "What are you doing…?" I ignored her question running my thumb over her cheek. Her cheeks turned red as I did so and I seem to have gotten really close to her face. I smirked at this admiringly as the fighting spirit returned to her blue-gray colored eyes.

Xion's pov

After he put the blanket that was surprisingly really warm around me. He got closer to me and asked me why I was here but I couldn't answer. I stayed silent; again he surprised me by lifting my face with a finger under my chin to look at him. Tears still filled my eyes. As a few slipped out again his rough-skinned thumb ran along my cheek brushing away the tears that fell, his face got ever so closer making me feel confused and flustered. As he stopped a bit away from my face, noses touching a knowing smirk appeared on his face as he got closer.

I came to my senses and I stepped back wiping my face with my hands. His hand dropped back to his side as he looked at me as his smirk grew a bit bigger.

"There that spirit brat." He said, sounding oddly happy. He got closer to me and kissed my forehead as he went and sat on a clear patch of ground and pointed to the couch.

"Sleep you need it…" I trudged over to the broken couch and laid down on it looking back at Zothiconuu his ruby eyes almost seemed to glow in the dim light as he looked at me from where he sat. I smiled and covered up with the warm blanket feeling more tired than ever after crying. My sleep was dreamless but peaceful.


Xion slept soundly as Zothiconuu stayed up most of the night making sure no one followed her here. It was almost dawn and Xion woke up seeing Zothiconuu asleep sitting against the wall. She took the blanket and covered him up. She left looking for food, finding a nest with dino eggs taking two of them and headed back quickly.

She landed at the ruined house and started making a fire while looking for things to cook with. her findings led to two fairly clean metal sheets and a bigger one she could cook on. when the fire was hot enough she cracked the eggs onto the sheet of metal and surprisingly did not burn the eggs.  As she cooked Zothiconuu smelled the food and awoke to xion outside over a fire with eggs cooking. He noticed she didn't seem to be affected by last night's events.

Xion finally notices the tall male beside her." Morning Zothiconuu I made eggs." She smiled and he just nodded sitting down with one leg bent so he can rest his arm on it. She picked up one of the sheets of metal beside her, putting more than half of the eggs on it and handed it to him.

"For letting me stay the night." Her smile was so grateful as she felt the metal lift out of her hand and he took it and began to eat it with his hands. Xion laughed a bit as she grathered the eggs that were left and ate.

After they both finished eating she asked him questions that caught him off guard. "Zothiconuu what are we? What am I to you? To me, we seem like a couple." Zothiconuu was confused not knowing or remembering much about relationships. He just let himself speak off a whim.

"I don't know. Someone worthy to keep around in all this when it is better to stay by yourself." His answer surprised her and her eyes lit up.

"So boyfriend and girlfriend," she said happily.

"I don't know what that means really but maybe we are partners." Xion looked a bit shocked but it turned into a smile as she got closer to him. Zothiconuu closely eyed her every movement already on the defensive. Xion's lips connected with his; he wrapped his arms around her pulling her closer deepening the kiss. It took them a minute but they pulled away panting and her tail mindless wrapped around his arm. He looked at her tail.

"Why is your tail wrapped around my arm?" Zothiconuu asks, looking at xion.

"Oh sorry, it has a mind of its own sometimes." The tail uncurls and she wraps it around her waist but it came unwrapped in a protest.

Xion let out a sigh at this but was soon spooked as Zothiconuu touched her tail. This caused her body to stiffen and fall against him.

"Hmm… you ok?" He asked her as he ran his hand along her tail as it went limp in his hand. She couldn't speak, her entire body was frozen but this touch didn't hurt; unlike human kids pulling on her tail when she was younger. Zothiconuu stopped moving his hand but kept a gentle hold on Xion's tail.

"I-I-I… can't m-m-mu-move…" her breathing was harsh as she forced her voice to work. Her saying this didn't stop him. It made him more curious as he continued to rub her tail getting closer to the base of her tail and as he did so making her jolt a bit, causing Zothiconuu to stop and let go of her tail.

Xion's breath was labored as she mumbled." I haven't built up a resistance to people… touching my tail." Her voice was strained as she spoke looking up at him still leaning against his chest.

Xion's pov

I felt small against Zothiconuu but I didn't mind. My throat felt sore from speaking but I smiled as I looked at him. His hand lifted to my head and he ran his fingers through my hair.

"Sorry… like I said I don't remember much so I didn't know this would happen…" Zothiconuu turned his face away obviously flustered but he kept his hand in my head running his fingers through my hair.

  "I think I like you more than just 'I like you' Zothiconuu and I might have a plan to get my father off our backs." He looked back at me with a questioning look raising his eyebrow.

"I could tell him I came to my senses and I won't see you again, but I would see you in secret." I made air quotes with my hands at the word "senses" even though Zothiconuu may not understand what it means. He shook his head but sighed giving me something that seemed like a smile.

"Worth a shot…" I smiled back giving him a quick kiss as I got up. My quick kiss seemed to have caught him off guard making me laugh in response.

 "Ok… but he will find out eventually Xion he won't stop until I'm dead." he looked away, getting up from his spot on the ground as his ruby eyes shone with anger. He looked back at me when he was on his feet.

    "Zothiconuu can you come with me… I would feel a lot safer knowing you would be nearby."

Zothiconuu's pov

    As I stood up completely Xion asked me to come with her. My response was a simple nod and with that, we set off; her home or where her parents were living but before coming any closer we landed in a little clearing about half a mile from her house.

    "If you come any closer my dad would sense you…" Xion looked at me as she said this," If anything happens I'll raise my ki to tell you." She smiles and wraps her arms around me tightly. I returned the hug quickly surprising her and me. As soon as I was hugging her I pulled away telling her she should go and she left waving as she flew back to her family's home.

Xion's pov

    I waved bye to him and flew to my parents' house landing outside of it taking in deep breaths of air to calm me down. My tail fluffed at the idea of my father being mad and yelling.

    'Ok come on, remember the plan.' I thought to myself.

Third Person

    Xion went inside and was met with her father and mother in the living room. Her father and mother were talking but it all stopped as she walked in, her father seeing her first.

    "Dad I have come to my senses and I won't see him again." Xion looked down, not keeping eye contact with him as she said this. She heard Batone huff and Xenodia turned to her daughter and walked closer but Batone told her to go upstairs so Xion and he can have a talk. Xenodia left and she smiled at Xion as she left but her green eyes shone with sadness.

    When Xenodia was out of sight and up the steps, batone got more serious and looked to his daughter for any signs that she may be lying." Xion. If this is true then I want his head In Front of me" Xion took a minute to process what he said. As soon as it did her last nerve with father broke.

    "Dad! Do you really think I COULD OR WOULD DO THAT!" Xion's voice only got louder while finishing what she said. Batone was fairly shocked at his daughter's yelling; he felt the air in the room get dense and stuck to what he said.

    "Yes. I want his head." Was all Batone could say before they both heard explosions from outside and the house seemed to quack as the two stopped their argument Xenodia came down with a questioning look pointing outside. They all just nodded and slowly made their way outside.

Xion's pov

    I stepped outside not really expecting to see a ruined forest making me stop dead in my tracks. Looking around I found a white-haired male and female hovering over the forest looking at the house; They smirked as they saw us.

    "Well look it seems we have some heroes here now. hahaha!" She said as her laughter rang out loud making me cringe and the male stayed completely unmoving. I turned Super Saiyan and my father followed by turning SSJ2 and my mother pulled her sword out as we all took our stances. Mine is a mix of my mother's and father's stance because I also carried a sword. The female flashed in front of my mother knocking her away. My mom fought her but she was soon tossed into the house. My father retaliated, getting a decent few hits in before being sent into the same place mother was. My ki flared as the female seemed to ignore me as I charged at her full force; feeling all my Ki flow in the sword as I stabbed her. She laughed as the sword pierced her skin and I dropped to my base form. She stared but took hold of my sword as I started to fall forward, pulled it out, and tossed it aside.

    Right after this sword left her hand it wrapped around my neck as she pulled me back up to face her.

    "You surprised me a little one." Her smile grew even more menacing while her hand tightened. I raised what little energy I had left to try and get Zothiconuu's attention. As I did so the female threw me into the ground knocking the air out of my lungs. As my eyesight started to go dark I was fighting to stand up; coughing as I did so.

    "Please Zothiconuu… Help me, help us…" I whispered looking to my parents, my father was up walking to my mother. I sighed in relief knowing they seemed okay for now.

    "Well looks like you don't know when to stay down." Said the lady as I pushed myself more to walk to my parents and her laughter rang out as I did so. Finally, after dragging myself and pushing my tired body I made it to my parents' sides.