
how I became a divine aspect

In the year of 2029 Lin Yi was a prominent figure in the gaming world. the king gaming company released the first ever full play dive gaming console the simulated the five senses. Lin Yi and another 100,000 randomly selected to participate in the beta testing the full dive console and the first full dive called "Infinite online". Lin Yi had special access to the game he got eriler access to the game. by two days. Infinite online where anyone can be any thing if you want to be a bandit, king, emperor, wizard, bard, cultivator. all is up to you if you can think it you could be it. but the only catch is that you have to find your own way. it is even possible to become a god if you so desire. all races are playable you can even be something as simple as a tree or something as power full as a angel or a demon. But what will happen if when all the beta testers logged in but but when they went to go to log out the button was gone.

Trueone_king · Fantaisie
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41 Chs

really infinte ch19

Lin Yi starts scrolling through the few messages. He notices that he has notifications about new skill two just happened to be teleportation and portal creation. He has one message says something about divine coins.

"What are divine coins ?"he asked confusingly to himself.

[Divine coins are coins used by higher beings like you.]

"what are higher beings" aske Lin Yi because he was unfamiliar with that term.

[ Angel lord:

A angel lord is a powerful upper-level angel who represents or is associated with presiding over the bands of angels and charge them with fulfilling the divine ministry, also known as principality angels. The principalities are shown wearing a crown and carrying a scepter as representing their status. they bestow blessings to the material world and are tasked to oversee all living beings. They are the educators and high-level guardians of the physical plane. They are a known to be great inspirations to living beings.

Demon Lord:

A demon ruler is a powerful upper-level demon/angel/deity/spirit who represents or is associated with presiding over hordes of lesser demons under them and charge them with fulfilling their wishes. These demonic rulers can possess great powers over demons themselves, giving them total dominion over their respected demonic species, or just being an alpha demon and being more powerful than those under them, and/or simple possess great authority by possessing a demonic ruling title in hell/underworld.

In mythology, demon rulers were a common feature in polytheistic religions and can be found throughout most of recorded history in various forms, both demonic or divine in nature.

Unlike demon king who is the second highest ruler of the demons by title and/or power under the devil who is the main and ultimate ruler of the demons and of hell, while demon rulers are a broadened term that includes all kinds of rulers within the demonic hierarchy from; kings, queens, dukes, princes, princesses, lords, ladies, barons,, baronesses, counts, countesses, earls, presidents, governors, etc., and is not limited to being just demons.

Cosmic Horror:

 a being whose very existence defies the rules of nature and/or existence and is defined by its disregard for the natural laws of the universe as we understand them. They wield godlike powers and are, for the most part, not bound by the laws of the universe. Their true form cannot be grasped by mortal beings and may be interpreted differently by different individuals/species, with others creating a collective delusion of their form. These interpretations can range from the unusual to the awe-inspiring, to the mind-shatteringly terrifying. It is rare, but not unheard of, for the presence of such a being to benefit the universe it currently inhabits.

Transcendent Vampire:

a supremely powerful vampiric being with enough power to rival gods, or perhaps even being a vampiric god themselves. Transcendent Vampires are the supreme paragons of the species and are seen as the strongest of their race without equal. At times they are seen as the source of their race and the first of their kind, which leads to them being revered and worshiped by the entire vampire race. sometimes they either are or can ascend to the status of A God. others may even rise to be the absolute ruler of all vampires.

Transcendent Vampires are often depicted as supernaturally attractive and possess an appearance identical to the one that they had in their previous life. They also appear to have an inherently mesmerizing aura to their presence. Many mortals or lesser beings may often feel an obsessive desire to be around the vampire in question or even follow and carry out their commands as mindless slaves.]

[There are many higher beings. But you are a special case there has never been a higher being like you. you are a Primordial Divine Spirit the first and only of your species in the intertie of this reality. but divine spirits are rare. There are so little divine spirits, you can count them on 1 human hand.]

[Divine Spirit: a type of spirit whose very existence is immensely teeming with divinity.]

[But your special because your the only one of your kind]

 {Primordial Divine Spirit: a type of spirit whose very existence is immensely teeming with divinity, complete with raw powers that are beyond the natural laws of reality and allows them to commit miraculous acts. Their divine powers are deemed both spiritual and universal, capable of affecting almost anything to their will as beings of light, holiness and so on.

The user has supreme divinity and all divine powers granting them an Infinite amount of supreme power beyond the mundane, making users the Absolute highest divine being by nature, a status can surpass all other forms of divine/divinities in the existence making the users a supremely powerful divine entity's, forever above all other divine beings in their respective universes and beyond.

This level and form of divinity is slightly variable and very unique by the user's nature and character of being, thus is the strongest divinities and is ultimately reliant on the user alone, having all the divine powers in the known existence that could only be wielded by the strongest of divine and holiest of entities in the universe. This kind of divinity can never be lost or found for the supremacy of such divinity is forever bound.

Supreme level divinity is the purest form of divinity neither light or dark but rather is in perfect balance with both forever in limitless harmony with each other forever transcending duality and maintain a cosmic balance within themselves.]

[You are have the possibility to gain all domains. But the will of reality have restricted your powers. But you can release the seals on your powers you have to complete the domain quests that reality gives to you.]

"Now back to the Divine cions."



New chapters will be posted on week days and not on the weekends. occasionally I will be post multiple chapter if 100 power stones are given to the novel

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