


I left swiftly like Cinderella but I didn't drop a slipper, only secrets. I hurried out of the pool in my soaking underwear despite Brandon's protests and promises to drop the topic. He followed me through the house as I yanked my shorts on and left a trail of footprints to the front door. He reached out, grabbed my arm, squeezed to show me just how bad he wanted me to stay, but I had to go. Brandon knew not to follow me out of the house, and I walked back home alone with wet spots on my chest and shorts, looking utterly lost.

I snuck into the house and got in bed and haven't left. No one can manipulate me if I'm hiding under my sheets, nothing can touch me while I'm in the safety of my bed. Knocks came in the morning to wake me up along with my mother's voice. /"Do you have work, Emma? Should you be up?/"

/"It doesn't matter,/" I tiredly called back, my lack of sleep creeping up quick, /"I quit yesterday./"