


I take a breath and consider the consequences of my decision. She gazes up at me with big doe-like eyes and my shoulders relax. /"Fine, but if I do anything regretful with Brandon it's your fault. You know what, just slip him some facts about how bad of a person I am and that'll be your payment./"

Before I can tell her to wait for a second as I change, Lauren mutters, /"We have so much to talk about, don't we?/"

After I change my comfortable clothes for shorts and a soft t-shirt, I meet Lauren out front and we walk together to Kaden's house, the hub, where everyone always meets up to start the night. She asks about my situation with Brandon and I simplify it to, /"I'm just struggling to stay away from him./"

/"Why don't you just not try to then? Just take a chance,/" she says.

/"No. There's no way I'm getting screwed over again. The last thing I need this summer is a new Hunter or Milo or Kaden./"