
How a Dragon (Accidentally) Build a Kingdom

A high school student fell asleep in a bus alongside his fellow classmate, and woke up in an unfamiliar body. Let's watch the story of a boy turned dragon and his current journey to adjust to his isekai life. Warning: OP MC. If not a fan, don't read it.

Wilson_Farrell · Fantaisie
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9 Chs

Chapter 6 - Another Kid...and a Bombshell

As I fly back to my 'home', I was greet with the little guy dragging a deer with his mouth. I can't help but sweatdrop by the gaping hole on the deer's skull and ribs. The little cub simply place the deer in front of me, puff his chest slightly, showing his pride.

"Uh...good job." I hesitantly said as the little cub beamed. "But, you should eat it."

"It's for you, sir." I blink before looking down at the deer before looking back at the little cub.

"You know I can hunt on my own, right?" I said as the cub nod.

"Yes, but you seems to always busy with something else. I was hoping I could help you hunt so you won't waste time." The cub said cheerfully.

"Thanks....but have you eat?" I asked and I immediately saw the shift of his expression.

"Uh....I did." I deadpan at him as he looks away nervously. It didn't help that his stomach starts to growl and he blushes.

"...eat up, little guy. Or else you'll die in hunger and your mana won't replenish." I said as the cub lowers his head. I stare at the cub before sighing. "What if we eat together?" This cause the cub to perked up

"Yes!" He said almost too cheerfully. And in the end, we both eat the deer together. Out of nowhere, the dragon from my previous encounter land in front of me, catching the cub and I off guard.

I prepare to cast an earth spell as the cub prepares a ball of wind, but the dragon raises both of his hind legs and wave feantically.

"Wait, wait, wait! I come in-!" And he somehow fall to the ground, head first. I can't help but sweatdrop at his situation before cancelling my cast as the little cub tilt his head in confusion.

"Uh....you okay, kid?" I asked as the dragon groan.

"Yeah, I'm good. I-! Hey! I'm not a kid! I'm over 300 years old!" The dragon roared as I stare at him in disbelief.

"....I saw humans younger than you and more mature than you." This causes the dragon to blushes before growl in annoyance.

"Oh yeah!? How old are you!?" The dragon growls at me. I was a bit hesitant to answer but the little cub answers him without any warning.

"Hey! Give some respect towards Sir Leo!" I was taken aback from the change on the dragon's expression from annoyance to fear.

"H-he's a named being!?" Named being? What does he mean by that? "I-I'm so sorry! Forgive my lowly self!" The dragon lower his head, bowing down to me.

.....what a complete 180....

"Calm down. No need to bow down. Why do you act like that? It's just a name." Both of them gasped in horror.

"Sir, if you must know, names are more than you think! Any creatures gets bestowed a name will be able to gain mana beyond their limits and evolve into an entirely new creature! Like you, sir! Platinum Dragon Lord is the pinnacle of dragon's final evolution due to its insane magic prowess!" I can't help to be surprised at the fact that I turn into a final evolution of a dragon.

"Is....that why you refuse when I offer you a name?" I heard the other dragon gasp in shock.

"How dare you!? Thia dragon lord has generously offer you a name and you refuse it!? How ungrateful you are!" The dragon growls as the cub growls back.

"I rather earn the name than getting it by free! I didn't do anything to even deserve one!" The cub replied in annoyance as I sigh, before hitting their heads.

"Knock it off you two." I said in deadpan manner.

"Yes!"/"I'm sorry, milord!" I sweatdrop at their actions, especially the dragon who went 180 out of nowhere.

"So, tell me, why are you even here?" I asked as the dragon hesitate to answer.

"I.....was curious about you, sir." The dragon replies. "You....act nothing like how most western tribes or even eastern tribe dragons are. You seems humble...you listen to my pathetic plea, and you taking care of a cub. But, with how good he is at wind magic, I can see why."

"I don't know if he has wind magic until I ask him to try. I did this not because of his magic, but because he was a defenseless cub." I growls in annoyance as the dragon flinch. "And what do you mean by humble? I have a feelings both of us have different opinion of humble."

".....you didn't come into other's territory while proudly declaring your name, title, strength, and unleash a powerful magic." I gave the dragon a disbelief look, as I try to imagine such scenario. All I can think of is Aur*l**n S*l from Lo*.

"...why do anyone would even do that? That's just embarrassing." I saw the dragon flushed and buried his head. Oh...he's one of them.....

"I....also curious.....why did you even listen to my pleas?" I raised my possibly nonexistance eyebrow at him. "When dragons saw other pleads their lives, they think it's a shameful act and kills them so they won't tarnish their own pride and honor any longer. I heard that it was a common practice by the western tribe, and lot of hatchling died because of this."

What. The. Fuck!?

Are dragons consist of nothing but arrogant fools!? What kind of monsters are they!? Killing by accident is one thing, but doing so with no remorse because they shallow their pride and be humble!?

"S-sir!" I look at the cub and the dragon before blinking as they looks like they struggle to get up from some sort of pressure. My eyes suddenly shows tons of pure white aura surrounds the area. I let the mana reenters my body, albeit a bit difficult.

I sigh as they all recover from the mana pressure, shakily getting up. I can't help but wince at how defenseless they are now, and my paranoia acting up, thinking there's a possibility of a monster popped out of nowhere and kills them.

"....I think we should talk more inside the cave." I said before walking back to the cave, grabbing the deer with my mouth while lifting both kids into the cave.

This is such a weird day....

To be continued