
How a Dragon (Accidentally) Build a Kingdom

A high school student fell asleep in a bus alongside his fellow classmate, and woke up in an unfamiliar body. Let's watch the story of a boy turned dragon and his current journey to adjust to his isekai life. Warning: OP MC. If not a fan, don't read it.

Wilson_Farrell · Fantasy
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9 Chs

Chapter 5 - Dealing with Flying Serpents......or Dragon, I Think?

A week has passed since my second attempt to fly and right now, I can at least fly for a longer time. My wing muscle is still sore thanks to constantly flying without amy rest except for healing spell.

I always rest whenever the healing spell starts to be less effective. And to my delight, the healing spell's effectiveness returns to normal once I properly rested. So, everyday, I constantly spam it like there's no tomorrow.

So far, it works like a charm and I ain't stopping until I can properly fly at least an hour on the sky. Right now, my record is only 10 minutes.

Yeah, I still have a very long way to go, but I got a lot of time, so I ain't worry. I can't rush things and hope I'll get results faster. I once did that while doing my homework only for it to backfire as I did all the questions wrong.

Speaking of the little cub, he still refuses to get a name. I still don't get why he refuses it but I simply respect his decision, not forcing him to do something that he doesn't want.

I still teach him magic, because I know I can't be with him everytime and he needs to learn how to defend himself. I teach him how to create a wind sphere and since then, it has been his favorite move because he said and I quote 'it didn't leave a huge mess and keeps my fur clean'.

I don't know whether to be impressed at him for wanting to stay clean or be horrified by how he act casual about killing, only feeling annoyed at how messy it is. Then again, he is a predator who needs to hunt for food.

But, when you are a human and hears a child said something like that, you have every right to be a little afraid.

I sigh as I fly around the sky, letting the wind pass through my scale. I decided to went to explore around just to check if there's any danger around the area so the little cub can at least roam around safely.

I can't believe I slowly got attach to him and develop a protective instinct towards the cub. But, I ain't hating it since I always love taking care of kids younger than me.

I blink when I notice something slithering at the sky. Did I just saw a flying snake coming towards me? Oh, no wait. It's not a snake, it's a dragon. An Eastern myth variant.

And it's flying towards me, for some reason, roaring incoherently. And now he launches lightning towards me.

Wait, what!?

Cover me, wind!

I watch as the wind barrier surrounds me and deflects the lightning into the ground, creating a large explosion upon impact. I wince before noticing the dragon is near.

He let out a powerful lightning breath once more, so I counter it with wind breath. Both attack collide with each other before it explode, sending both of us away. I barely catch my bearing as the dragon recovers itself elegantly.

"You dare to invade my territory?!" From the dragon's voice, it's sounds like a young boy, much younger than me.

"You misunderstood me. I was merely passing by." I said as the dragon narrow his eyes before huffing haughtily.

"To think the western tribe would resort to lying after being caught." I can't help but twitch at the arrogant tone this little brat use while talking. Just because he has a territory of his own for a young age, he can act like that.

"What gain will I even get by lying?" I asked as the dragon huffed.

"Why, to let my guard down of course! Don't bother, because I can see through your lies!" He lets out a lightning breath, which I barely dodge. I glare at the brat as he charges another breath attack.

Bind that brat's mouth, wind!

Suddenly, a thick rope made out of wind circled around the dragon's mouth and muzzle it. The brat starts to panic before the lightning in his mouth explodes on his face. He was knocked unconscious and falls into the ground. I sigh before grabbing the brat before he can fall.

To think my first battle against my kind ends up in such anti-climatic way. Then again, he was just young. I can't help but winced at the burnt marks on his mouth and some lightning scars on his scales.

Oh, mana, heed my call and heals my enemy.

I saw the burnt marks and the scars disappear from the brat's mouth as he slowly gets up. He looks at me before flinching and taking a battle stance.

Bind my enemy to the ground, earth!

As I said that, a giant pair of hand made out of dirt appears and bind down the dragon. The dragon tries to break free but couldn't. I guess my magic is stronger than a young dragon's strength.

"You won't getting my territory!" The dragon snarls.

"I don't give a single fuck about your territory!" I growls, stopping the brat from saying another words. "I was checking the surrounding for any potential danger! I don't give a single fuck over your measly territory! I want any possible threat to my cub to leave me and my cub alone!"

I can't help but blink at the choice of words I choose. My cub? Since when did I....great, I start to act like an overprotective father.

"Cub...?" The dragon mutter in disbelief. "Not hatchling?"

"As far as I know, tiger isn't hatch from egg." I deadpan as the dragon stare at me in disbelief.

"....how mighty have fallen." I glare at the brat as the brat grows smug.

Drag his body underground, earth.

The dragon yelped as his body, except for his head, gets buried underground. He was even struggling to even move.

"Besides, I ask again, why should I even care about your territory?" I asked as the dragon stops struggling and starts to look nervous. "Unless there's some sort of treasure...."

"Leave my territory alone." The dragon growls but I can hear the nervous tone underneath.

"Not until you tell me. You did attack me out of nowhere without any reason." I said as I get closer to his face.

"....please...." I blink at his begging tone, not expecting from a guy who acts haughty and arrogantly rude. I stare at the dragon, who looks like he's going to burst in tears.

Release the bind, earth

I simply fly away back to my cave, ignoring the surprise yelp from the dragon. I got better things to worry about than a little kid trying to act tough.

To be continued