
Horizon: bridges between boundaries

Dave was an orphan boy who lived in a world where humans and aliens had merged to create a powerful race called the Izigans. He had always felt like an outsider, but he didn't know why. One day, he received a letter that changed everything. Dave was accepted into the prestigious Izigan Academy, where he would learn to control his special powers. He was excited but also nervous. What would he learn? Who would he meet? As Dave trained at the academy, he discovered he was hosting a powerful alien entity known as the Dark Matter Lord. This entity was thought to be extinct, and Dave didn't know what it meant for him. Meanwhile, Cole, a skilled warrior with extraordinary abilities called the Era Location Eyes, was dealing with a personal crisis. His twin brother, Henderson, had disrupted the timeline to seek revenge for his wife's death. Cole had to stop him before he caused catastrophic damage. Henderson's actions had unleashed a multiversal threat - the reincarnated Arath alien race, thought to be eradicated. Cole had to confront Dave, who was now hosting the Dark Matter Lord, and the other vessels of the Arath alien race to restore balance to the timeline and save humanity.

Vicky_Styles · Romance
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22 Chs

Beyond close call (part two)

Rita was admitted to the hospital after discovering something strange about herself. Her case was unusual and required serious attention. She was taken to a special ward for Izigans, where she was given a bed to lie down. "I need to see my son, please let me see him," Rita repeated, but the doctors and nurses calmed her down.

As the doctors examined her, they noticed that Rita's body was experiencing some unusual phenomena. "What's the issue?" one of the doctors asked. "Inside her is burning like hell, probably a cosmic threads disorder or something similar," another doctor replied.

The doctor closely examined Rita's body, paying attention to her wrist, where he saw an unrecognizable and unfamiliar marking. He used a device to read cosmic energy forms and was shocked to find that her cosmic form didn't match any of the eight known cosmic colors. This left the medical team questioning what was going on.

Rita's case drew the attention of other doctors and nurses in the hospital, and various equipment was used to surround her for a proper checkup. "I don't understand; this doesn't make any sense. This is something else," one of the doctors said.

Just as they were discussing Rita's condition, her body began to mysteriously change. Her skin started to turn orange and black, as if she was transforming into something else. One of the doctors noticed the anomaly and signaled the others. Another doctor went close to her to investigate, and what they saw was unlike anything they had ever seen before.

Just as one of the doctors was examining Rita, she suddenly gripped him by the neck and began to choke him. The other medical staff quickly intervened, trying to sedate her, but she remained firm, holding the man in mid-air as she rose from the bed. Her eyes shone orange, and her skin continued to transform, covered in thick black scales. The doctors and nurses tried to move her, but she was immovable, like a rock. Blood splattered everywhere, staining their white coats.

In a horrific scene, Rita's grip on the doctor caused his body to split in two, his head rolling on the floor, and his torso lying in pieces. The medical staff froze in terror, and one nurse let out a loud scream. As they tried to flee, Rita transformed into an alien-like creature, with reptilian skin and massive tentacles. She swiftly killed the remaining staff, tearing them apart and beheading them with a single strike. The hospital became a bloodbath, with people running for their lives but unable to escape Rita's wrath.

After wreaking havoc on the hospital, Rita walked out, covered in blood, her eyes still shining orange. "Now, where is Lord Kan?" she said, speaking in an unknown voice. "Oh, he's inside that kid; I'll kill you before you even manifest."

Meanwhile, Dave and Hina arrived at school, but something felt off. Derek and his friends were absent, and they sensed something was wrong. During class, they searched for Derek and his friends but couldn't find them. After class, they discovered a crowd gathered in the hallway, watching a disturbing video on their phones.

"What's happening?" Dave asked, noticing Hina watching a video on her phone. Before he could ask more, some students started vomiting after seeing the video. "Dave, you don't want to see this," Hina said, looking worried. "It's the hospital... everyone is dead. They were ripped apart like an animal attacked them. Your mom was there, right? I can't watch this; it's too gruesome and disturbing."

Dave took the phone and watched the video. He was shocked and horrified by what he saw. He quickly ran out of the school with incredible speed, determined to reach the hospital and see if the video was true. His mom was there, and he had to know if she was okay.

Hina followed the crowd exiting the school, worried about Dave. Her father was waiting for her in the car, and she got in and they drove away.

As Dave approached the hospital on foot, he felt a sudden, piercing pain in his neck. He stopped and saw a tranquilizer dart stuck to his neck. He realized he was in trouble and tried to run, but his vision began to blur, and he fell to the ground. Masked individuals, all wearing black leather outfits with the Peacemakers' crest, surrounded him. Derek was among them, having apparently called in the main Peacemaker members.

Meanwhile, Hina was in the car with her father, Sir Fredrick. She kept her face down, avoiding his gaze. He constantly looked at her through the rearview mirror, observing her every move. "We're going to the mine today, so make sure you're of good use. My friends will be delighted to meet you," he said.

Hina looked at him with reluctance but remembered her mother's words: "Do what your dad tells you to do, and you'll find answers." She had been secretly investigating her mother's mysterious death, which occurred on a mission for the Izigans the times she was away from home. All she knew was that her mother died in an unknown tunnel or hidden chamber underground. She hoped to find answers one day.

In an unknown location, Dave was being carried through an underground tunnel, not just any tunnel, but an alien base tunnel. The walls were carved with rocky crystals, and the ground was made of a rare metal rock. This was the Peacemaker's secret base. One of them carried Dave on his shoulders, and they were many in the arena, all wearing black leather outfits, most with black hoods. They surrounded a huge crystal stool like an altar. Dave was placed on the altar, and he was slowly regaining consciousness. His eyes opened slowly, but he was still disoriented and weak.

"Wake up, boy, wake up! Do you want to die? We're not dying here, wake up!" a deep, unfamiliar voice spoke to Dave, but he didn't know who it was, and he was too weak to respond.

The next chapter arrives in two days

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