
Horizon: bridges between boundaries

Dave was an orphan boy who lived in a world where humans and aliens had merged to create a powerful race called the Izigans. He had always felt like an outsider, but he didn't know why. One day, he received a letter that changed everything. Dave was accepted into the prestigious Izigan Academy, where he would learn to control his special powers. He was excited but also nervous. What would he learn? Who would he meet? As Dave trained at the academy, he discovered he was hosting a powerful alien entity known as the Dark Matter Lord. This entity was thought to be extinct, and Dave didn't know what it meant for him. Meanwhile, Cole, a skilled warrior with extraordinary abilities called the Era Location Eyes, was dealing with a personal crisis. His twin brother, Henderson, had disrupted the timeline to seek revenge for his wife's death. Cole had to stop him before he caused catastrophic damage. Henderson's actions had unleashed a multiversal threat - the reincarnated Arath alien race, thought to be eradicated. Cole had to confront Dave, who was now hosting the Dark Matter Lord, and the other vessels of the Arath alien race to restore balance to the timeline and save humanity.

Vicky_Styles · Sci-fi
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39 Chs

The awakening of power

Hina got home that day, preparing to head to the mine. It was already evening, and she was getting dressed. Helping her dad in the mine was something she had been doing for quite some time. With her powers, she could do things that no mining equipment could match. She had helped them make great progress, and they were always delighted with her.

"My friends have been asking about you. I didn't want to disturb you since you were at school, but it's Friday, and the weekend is always a good time for work like this. Your powers will come in handy once again," said Sir Fredrick as he got ready, too. They exited the door, got into their car, and headed straight to the mine that night.

When they arrived, everyone was happy to see Hina, calling her "Pink Butterfly." Soon, they were transported deep into the mine underground. It was huge inside, with lights installed for clarity. They faced a huge rocky wall, an unfamiliar one. It was so hard that none of their machines could melt or break through it.

Explosives had been placed on the wall, but they hadn't worked.

"Fredrick, I'm glad your daughter came, but this one is not like the others. We have tried explosives, but they didn't work. This wall is something else. It's chemically resistant; we haven't even made a scratch on it," said Will, one of Fredrick's close friends.

"Will, I believe in my daughter. Just give me some time to talk to her," Sir Fredrick said.

Fredrick went to Hina, who was already standing close to the black rock the miners were having trouble with. All the mine workers were standing, watching Hina to see what she could do.

"Hina, the rock in front of us is not just any ordinary rock. They said it's something else. It's not like the ones you've been able to break so easily. Are you sure you can do this?" Sir Fredrick asked.

"Did you suddenly lose faith in me, Dad? You brought me here for a reason, and for that reason, I will do this. It's not just because I want to help these miners. It's because there is something behind that rock," Hina said as she went close to the rock to touch its surface. She observed the surface of the rock for a while, still touching it, until she began to perform the breaking act.

Her izigan markings on her hands began to shine pink, lighting up the whole place. The entire place started shaking like an earthquake, and people were scared for their lives as piles of rocks began to fall. They had to dodge them for safety.

"Hina, you have to stop! You will kill us all! Stop!" Sir Fredrick screamed, trying to reach Hina but unable to because of the shaking force. Everyone was screaming, thinking they were going to be buried alive underground.

Hina was focused, not paying attention to what was going on around her. She kept hearing her mother's voice as if she were close to her. "Keep going, my Hina," the voice said.

All the izigan markings on her body began to shine pink as big translucent wings sprouted from her back. Then, the invisible wall fell, and the ground beneath them gave way. Everyone fell into the new opening she had just created. Hina noticed what she had done and started creating pink balls to shield some people as they fell. Soon, they all hit the ground below. Some died, some were unconscious, and others were injured. Hina managed to lift her head a little and saw an alien spaceship and shattered human bones all around. She then saw her father unconscious and tried to reach him but went unconscious herself as a tiny rock hit her head.

Meanwhile, in the cold land of Mount Everest in Nepal, Galaxia's sector unit officers surrounded the area where the incident had occurred. Seeing the bodies of Palmer, Elena and Sir David, the sector unit officers wore unique tech leather suits, all holding various equipment to scan the area. Terry and Deborah walked close by. Deborah, a warrior izigan like Kenneth, Cole and Stella, wore a blue tech suit with the symbol of the earth izigans, represented by a single drop of water as its logo and Terry with the yin and yang logo representing the umbra izigan.

"This is nothing we have seen before. Well, it's definitely The-void's attack, but he didn't go without a fight," Terry said to Deborah.

"It was their kid, not the parents. That explains why there is a lot of cosmic energy resonating here. Terry, when this incident was happening, the sector unit was supposed to pick up the signal immediately. Why did it pick up the signal after four days?" Deborah asked curiously.

"That's what we are trying to figure out. Something isn't right. It's like someone is playing games under our feet," Terry said.

"Are you saying someone among us is a traitor?" Deborah asked.

"That's the only explanation. To be able to sneak into the sector unit headquarters undetected and log us off the earth's database, it would be a very skilled person indeed. Do you have any ideas?" Terry asked.

"I have no idea for now. Let's focus on the kids. The-void may have captured the kids. Wait, do you have any ideas why The-void would go after the Palmer family?" Deborah asked.

"You shouldn't be asking me. You should ask the warrior izigans who are in charge of The-void's movements. Come to think of it, who was assigned to monitor The-void's movements?" Terry asked.

"I am just an earth izigan assisting you on this mission. Also, I heard Sir David has a granddaughter whose cosmic energy is similar to mine. It is said that she may have entered rage point seeing her parents being killed," Deborah said as they approached the huge ice sculptures that took awkward shapes and spikes.

"The-void didn't leave here without a battle. Not just that, did you say Sir David also had a vixen izigan granddaughter?" Deborah asked.

"Yes, that's true," Terry said.

"Now this makes sense. The-void came here because of her. He has been targeting vixens ever since, using them as either vessels or using their cosmic energy to sustain himself. He may have succeeded in capturing her. We are not sure about the others. If they survived, they may not have gone far," Deborah said.

"Well, Deborah, after all this mission stuff, why don't we go for dinner at Gate Rises Bar?" Terry said in a calm voice.

Deborah looked at him for a while and laughed.

"Was this why you were always helping me with my work back at the academy? Look, Terry, let's just focus on this mission, okay? Lives are at stake here," Deborah said.

Somewhere in Washington DC, in an unknown place underground inside an alien ship, Dave was surrounded by the peacemakers, all wearing masks, including Derek.

"What's so special about him?" Derek asked one of the peacemakers in a mask.

"For over a month, we have been picking up strange cosmic concentrations coming from this city. It was something we haven't seen before. Our devices are built to detect strong cosmic force. Then we discovered it was coming from this kid. We wanted to revive the ship of the izigan enemy. This ship is what the izigans fear would awaken. With his cosmic energy, we can use the revived Tranamite to our favor," one of the peacemakers in a mask said.

"Look, do you see those crystals up there? It takes two victims of an izigan's cosmic energy to make one of them glow, but this boy's presence alone brightened every single one of them and all around us. He is a miracle, and we have him first," he continued.

"That's incredible," Derek said.

Dave sat in a cold, sandy place the sky was grey and found himself somewhere else. He stood and looked around, confused, until he saw someone far ahead. He ran to meet the person.

"Hey, where am I? I think I am lost. I was about to see if my mom was okay, but..." Dave said, trailing off as he realized who he had approached. It was an alien man with white skin and big black eyes. He wore a unique piece of armor and was twice Dave's height.

"Hey, Dave. I finally got to meet you. You are not lost. You are just in yourself, in your subconscious state. You can see me because we are one soul. I am Lord Kan. It seems I may have been reborn into you, or I should say my soul was reincarnated to be part of yours. I have no memories of my past life, but I know you, and you are about to die now," Lord Kan said.

Dave stared at Lord Kan, unable to believe his eyes or what he had just heard.

"So, you are inside me? That voice... it was yours telling me to get up. Do izigans have all this? A second person reincarnated inside them?" Dave asked.

"I doubt you are the only one. But Dave, we are in danger now. You have to..." Lord Kan started to say before Dave interrupted him.

"This is totally insane! I need to leave here now and go to my mom. Please show me a way out. Please, I need a way out," Dave pleaded.

"We are in your subconscious mind. Don't you understand, boy? We are about to die. Don't you remember the last thing that happened to you?" Lord Kan shouted, shaking the entire place around them.

"Wait, that's right. I was attacked and taken. I remember now. They tranquilized me. Who are they?" Dave asked.

You being here means your cosmic energy is being tempered with. It's like it's being drained," Lord Kan said.

"So how do I get back to my body?" Dave asked.

"Since this is your subconscious mind, you need to feel the reality around you. You're asleep, so you need to wake up. Your body will pick up on it," Lord Kan explained.

"I have no idea what you mean right now," Dave said.

"This kid," Lord Kan muttered to himself.

Back in the cave, they began to feel slight vibrations around them. The cave had been absorbing some of Dave's cosmic energy. The peacemakers stood watching the walls, waiting for what they thought would be their new weapon. Suddenly, three huge creatures burst out from the crystal walls and landed in front of them.

"Stay still, they'll go for the boy," one of the peacemakers said to Derek, referring to Dave who was lying on the ground.

The leader of the peacemakers stood in front of the creatures, who paused for a moment, staring at him as the creatures Walked on four feet with a hard skin dark body. Then, in a horrific instant, the leader's top half vanished. Everyone stood in shock until blood rained down on them like a storm. Panic ensued, and they all began to run for their lives.

Derek tried to escape but was pushed aside, falling to the ground. The creatures moved with incredible speed, not sparing a single being in the cave, slaughtering them with long, sharp tails. The cave floor turned into a pool of blood, red and thick. Derek, still alive but terrified, dared not move. Blood blurred his vision as he watched his comrades being torn to pieces.

Once the creatures had finished their massacre, one of them noticed Derek and charged at him with frightening speed. Just as it was about to grab him, a sudden white light slammed into the creature, splitting it in two. Through his blurry vision, Derek saw someone with izigan markings shining blue, and eyes glowing white.

Dave appeared at light speed, moving faster than the creatures. One of them lunged at Dave from the side, but he quickly evaded it, moving at the speed of light. He grabbed the creature by the neck, leapt to the roof of the cave, and slammed it against the ceiling, tearing its neck apart.

As the third creature was about to seize Derek, Dave swiftly intervened, snatching Derek from its grasp and disappearing from its sight. The cave began to collapse, debris falling everywhere, but the creature did not give up its chase.

"Hold on to my back," Dave instructed, but Derek noticed the voice was different—it sounded like a grown man.

Derek clung to Dave's back as they embarked on a desperate race against time. The alien ship was sinking deep into the ground, and Dave climbed the rocky walls with incredible speed, using both his hands and legs. The creatures' roars echoed as they pursued relentlessly.

After what felt like an eternity, they reached the top. The ground continued to sink, and parts of the ship began to rise, as if it had come alive. Exhausted, Dave set Derek down, his eyes and markings still glowing with an ethereal light. The ship moved, its massive structure shifting and trembling.

"It's here! It's over there!" Derek shouted, pointing at the creature that was closing in on them. Suddenly, a blinding white light erupted from Dave, as if the sun itself had descended upon them. The light obliterated everything in its path, burning and erasing everything for thousands of miles. The sheer intensity of the light was visible to people far away, its height and brightness unparalleled.

Derek was stunned, unable to believe what he had just witnessed. The sheer power was awe-inspiring. Dave, now drained, fell unconscious to the ground, while Derek lay beside him, marveling at the events that had unfolded.

"Is this the power of an izigan?" Derek asked himself, still in disbelief.

The next chapter arrives in three days or less.

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