
Honkai Impact: Invictus.

A man who lived without direction in his life. No dreams, no aspirations. Day after day, just living aimlessly bored to death in his mind. What if I could just live like one of those busybody protags. Troublesome, but, at least I would truly live. Hi guys, I just really love the characters of HI3 and I think mihoyo did them dirty lmao. I'll try to make a sort of happy ending, because, this is depression impact.

Khay_Cee_Padua · Jeux vidéo
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272 Chs

Chapter 172: Consume and Adapt

Hua was surfing in the sky using her sword with a huge smile on her face. Her head bobbing left and right while she sang a tune.

"Lalala~ Ein has set his sight on you, the day you mess with a saber face will be the one you rue! Betraying me has wonderful consequences~ Because I will not let go of these offenses!"

Hua then arrived at Schicksal HQ and was faced by Bianka and Rita. "Yo! Do you girls know anyone named Otto Apocalypse around here?" Hua gave a face splitting smile and the two felt the dangerous aura leaking out of her.

"Rita... This person, she's Fu Hua. Wasn't she at the labs, being healed?" Bianka was surprised and didn't expect to see her one bit. And she was really, really different.

"I do not know Durandal-sama, but she clearly won't take I don't know for an answer." Rita squared up and equipped her argent knight battlesuit.

Durandal held on to Abyss Flower tightly and Hua gave a smirk at their actions. "Ohhh? I can play, I like to play you see?" Hua's eyes glowed and she used her whip sword. Stabbing it on the ground as multiple chains wrapped around them like a fly that got trapped on its webs.

They struggled to break it and Rita already fell prey to her cognito-hazardous honkai energy. The light from her eyes disappearing as she falls into an endless dream.

"Rita!" Bianka tapped into a bubble universe that another version of Su gave her. Siphoning the honkai energy from it. Hua thought it would be interesting and weakened her hold.

Bianka broke off the chains and summoned a solid construct of her lance in the sky. Aiming at Hua as lightning and honkai energy raged. Like a javelin, she threw it as hard as she could and roared. (pic)

Hua smirk and brandished her spear. Styling on Bianka like her attack was meaningless. She then tapped the tip of it and the lance turned into her blade mantra swords. All aiming down at Bianka, making her sweat heavily at the glowing swords.

"What's your next move girlie~" Hua created a seat and sat down. An illusion making Bianka see a moon that illuminated Hua's silhouette. (pic)

Bianka gritted her teeth and used her Dea Anchora battlesuit, breaking through Hua's illusion with brute force. Or so she thought, as she was right at the beginning again. Rita still dozing off while she saw Hua that was sitting in front of her, eating some popcorn and drinking a milkshake.

"Ohh? You at least broke out of it, that's quite impressive. You have amazing honkai resistance girlie. As expected from someone that Ein took in, but no matter who he trains, they'll become legendary after all." She shrugged and remembered that she was just a kid that got picked up too.

"W-who are you?" Bianka asked, her voice trembling. "It doesn't matter, I knew where my target was from the start anyways. And you are already in my genjutsu."

Hua finished scanning their memories down to the time they were in the womb. Not really getting anything exciting. As Bianka and Rita were already in an endless dream right from the very start.

"Tche, they're no fun. They need some milk, who are they gonna save with their weak asses?" Hua sighed and sliced HQ in two. Immediately setting her sights on Otto who narrowly escaped certain death.

"Found ya! Come here you little bastard!" Hua shot out a chain and it wrapped around the blonde instantly. Making him incapable of escaping.

"W-who are you? You are not her, you are different." Otto asked anxiously as he could not upload his mind to the server, getting more desperate by the second. Void Archives wasn't responding as well.

"Me? I'm sent here by someone!" Hua gave a wide smirk and Otto did not like the expression on her face one bit. "And we're going to watch this, I'm really excited right now. So give me a good reaction okay?" Hua put some Soulium rods on his eyelids so he would keep them open.

Hua transported them into a surround sound cinema with an 8k HD TV. She then started the flick and sat down with her victim. "Ahhh, want some popcorn and a milkshake? Pretty good you know?" Hua offered and Otto just kept struggling to get out.

"Hey Otto, my great inventor. This is me, Kallen! Pretty surprising right? I know you'll be skeptical, so I'll tell you a secret that only we should know. Remember the day you flew your plane at our yard? It was the fateful day we met, we then played all the time. And we promised together that we'll save the world." Kallen smiled tenderly. Ein edited the little videos perfectly.

"I-impossible... This has to be a trick." Otto was in denial of course. But Hua used Aponia's discipline on him, basically auto-suggestion on crack. And combined with Hua's herrscher powers that were on crack as well, especially combined with her null energy. Otto could not do anything but believe everything he saw.

"Yes, just watch on quietly and peacefully, kekeke~" Hua then got comfortable in her seat. Kallen's smile then disappeared and it turned into a smirk. "But you didn't keep that promise did you? So I found someone who will, and he's not a girly little loser like you. Ein~ come here and stuff me with your huge cock~"

The room then changed and Ein carried Kallen to a bed, he then threw her onto it and he ripped her nun clothes apart. "Ohh I'll stuff you alright." He put her in front of the camera and started foreplay. Letting Otto see her face in ecstasy. Focusing on her delighted face.

"K-Kallen... No! Get off of him!" Otto struggled in vain and Hua laughed. "Kyahahaha! You've got a good look on your girly face kid!" Hua started filming him as well and enjoyed her little excursion.


Meanwhile, Ein ended their clash by maneuvering himself below the will. He then gave an uppercut that made his enemy fly like a laser. Drawing a line at the imaginary space. "Where's your motivation?"

Ein then slashed Masamune, a titanic vacuum blade soared. Created from pure strength and speed.

The will created its own blade of wind and tried cancelling it out. But it had a coating of null energy on it and the slash hit it head on. Not expecting that one bit.

"You... You are a madman! You dabble on the sea of quanta's powers!?" The will shouted out as it recovered pretty quickly, but a faint mark was left on its weird body.

"Hehe, you like it? How about I give you a stronger one?" Ein slashed with Masamune again and again. Channeling null energy on the blade, slicing through the imaginary space as null energy seeped in at the seams.

The will was forced to do damage control and could only block the attacks. But the clashes of honkai and null energy made the realm more unstable as time went on.

Ein saw an opening and made copies of himself stabbing the will with his sword and turned him into a camera. From the rear and front.

"What's wrong? Never heard of a selfie stick before?" Ein whispered at the will and it teleported with the void's powers.

"It seems you have grown arrogant! Let me show you a god's powers!" It turned the whole imaginary space into a field of the herrscher of binding's powers. Nullifying every energy that was inside the imaginary space. Showcasing the cheats of the honkai.

"Tche, you're no fun. Guess I'll do this the old fashioned way, how humans have always fought. If you forgot, then I'll show you how they did it at the old times." Ein released his draconic wings and flapped. The air pressure behind him destroying everything in its wake.

He then slugged the will right on the face. But he wasn't done yet, his null energy might be temporarily sealed as it wasn't a part of him. But he was immune to honkai energy. So he created a space quake on his limbs and every time he hit the will, explosions as strong as the creation of a universe cracked on the will's body.

"You forget! I'm the perfect soldier! I can topple whole worlds with my body! Eat this, Hokuto Shin Ken! You're wide open!" Ein poked the will and instilled bursts of honkai energy inside its body. Making it explode again and again as the will regenerated.

He then grabbed it from the head and ripped it apart in two and he took and he opened his maws. Showing his dagger like teeth and tried biting its head like a juicy watermelon. But it teleported at the last second and escaped, though it sacrificed its arms as it seethed in rage. Seeing Ein chew on the limbs it lost.

"I-impossible... My limbs aren't coming back." The will was in disbelief and Ein eyed it like a predator. It then felt true fear for the first time in eons.

"You have no idea how evolution works do you? The strong devour the weak, the predator eats prey for sustenance. And I am your natural predator, you have no power here honkai. You've tried exterminating me, even giving the herrscher of the end unlimited access to the imaginary tree. But where did it lead you? Back to me." Ein gave a toothy grin and licked his lips.

His eyes shone brightly and his body evolved lightning quick, changing real time as his muscles bulged and tore themselves apart. Only to heal once again as they use the body of the will for sustenance.

"You are mad! You will doom the infinite macrocosm with your desire for evolution!?" The will tried retorting, but he chuckled.

"And you, are a pretty good meal for my never ending evolution!" He lunged at the will with unchained savagery. Tearing it apart limb from limb as he munched on its body. But before he could finish it off, the imaginary tree interfered as it lost a part of itself. Most likely to go haywire if Ein consumed the will of the honkai in its entirety.

The space around him distorted and all the honkai energy in the imaginary space got absorbed by the tree for an instantenous moment. It then transported Ein away forcefully from the realm by cutting away a part of the space. As teleporting his own body would be a fruitless endeavor.

"You got lucky this time. But there will be no next time. I will come for you, remember that oh dear God." Ein resisted by using null energy, but the amount he had was not enough and he got ejected from the imaginary space.

"H-he... He will doom us all." The will contemplated with its mangled body as it returned to the imaginary tree to recuperate. Anxiety plaguing its mind heavily.


Adelheid, Mei, and Kiana felt something wrong happen for a split second. As their herrscher cores got disconnected from the imaginary space while the tree ejected Ein. But it quickly disappeared and they returned to St. Freya to rest.

"Let's go meet with Kanchou. She should be in St. Freya's dorms right now." Adelheid guided them and wanted to know what Tilie did to Kanchou.

"Good idea Adelheid-san. Come on, guys! The faster we finish this, the faster we find my food pouch!" Kiana hyped them up and they gave a wry smile at her gluttonous tendencies.

The gang then got transported by Adelheid as she can fly. Using telekinesis to get them over the school while she released a small EM pulse. Briefly shutting down the school's defense systems.

"Okay, let's go to her location. Keep quiet and be light on your feet." Adelheid instructed them and they quickly arrived at Kanchou's sleeping quarters with Adelheid making the cameras malfunction at every turn.

They then saw Kanchou who was peacefully sleeping. "Hey, hey! This girl, she's sleeping like a baby right over here." Adelheid shaked her and Kanchou's drool got on her hands, annoying her to no end.

"Munyaaa~ Captain Ein, reporting for duty hehehe~ I'll be the captain for this operation? Why I'll do my best!" Kanchou dreamed of being the captain of another vessel and Adelheid's vein almost popped. So she zapped her awake and Kanchou propped up.

"W-wha! What's happening! Are we under attack!?" Kanchou squared up while groggy and Adelheid flicked her on the forehead. "Shut up. You're going to alert everyone to our location!" Adelheid shouted quietly and Kanchou finally calmed down.

"Wait a minute... Who are you guys, you look similar." Kanchou felt familiar about them and the girls were surprised except Adelheid.

"Kanchou, we're the Valkyries of Hyperion. Don't you remember?" Mei tried to remind her and Kanchou got a head splitting migraine.

"Ugh... Valkyries of Hyperion? Captain... Ein." She fell back down to her bed and Adelheid tried something experimental that Lieserl taught her.

"Here goes nothing..." She sent out small amounts of electricity to her brain and tried replicating an EEG. Mapping out the signals on her brain. And Adelheid learned that her brain activity was going haywire.

"I see, so they implanted a suggestion on her. Just like Aponia-san's discipline... That blonde bitch never ceases to amaze me." Adelheid concluded that Tilie tried recreating Aponia's discipline with her experiences on it and the mad scientist was kind of successful.

Adelheid then used abyss Flower and her 3rd herrscher powers to soothe Kanchou. "This will be quite painful, Bronya. Put something on her mouth." Adelheid ordered and they put the sheets on her mouth as she bit it.

Adelheid then gave a pulse of electricity on her brain to reset it. Sweating heavily as she needed lots of concentration or she'll fry Kanchou's brain. And she didn't want to get in a groundhog day to repeat everything all over again. As Kanchou has an anomalous reality warping of time.

"Whew... That takes care of it I guess. But she's unconscious. Let's leave a letter to her that we'll be with her when she investigates again." Adelheid started writing a letter that told Kanchou that they knew her location.

"Hmmm, Da Bronya is amazed at your powers Adelheid-san. What is it exactly?" Bronya observed her from the start and concluded that she has powers over electricity.

"Huhun~ I'm glad you asked, though it's not strictly mine anyways. Ein-san has turned me into the 3rd and 4th herrscher respectively. I'm amazing right?" She puffed up her chest and wanted to look cool for the main cast.

"Seele, that woman will be a good friend of ours. Do not antagonize her." Veliona's stigmata glowed and knew that Adelheid was someone amazing. As she held in two herrscher cores without any debilitating effects whatsoever.

"Come on, let's go party! We have tons of money!" Kiana showed Adelheid their rucksacks with wads of cash inside and Adelheid nodded. "So you've borrowed some money eh, Ein-san has taught you well! Let's go!" Adelheid and the gang then went back to Homu's joyful dining as they needed to replenish their energy. And they were also going to need souvenirs.


Kanchou was really tired. Her body clinging to the bed as she struggled to wake up her exhausted body. "Ughhhh, why am I so tired?" It then hit her like a truck.

"Wait... I'm in a bubble universe. And it's at least a decade from the past. Himeko-san is still 18 here, and principal Theresa is a vampire..." She furrowed her brows from the strangeness of it all.

She then got a call from Himeko saying that they need to investigate again. "What's this?" Kanchou then saw the letter. "Wait! That's right, Adelheid-san and the girls are here with me. Phew, good thing they already know my location. I guess I need to find principal Theresa... She might be the answer for this weirdness."

She then met up with Himeko at Homu's joyful dining. And due to her training, she always surveyed the surroundings. Seeing Adelheid and the girls partying at the restaurant with an awful disguise of shades. At 11:45 PM.

"What in the world are they doing? Who the hell wears shades at night?" Kanchou was annoyed as hell and just decided to speak to Himeko.

"Hello, Himeko-san. Did you find anything?" Kanchou asked the redhead and she frowned. "No, not really. But I'll be investigating more about this white phantom." Kanchou nodded and looked at the way she investigated yesterday.

"Should I go to the left alley again?" She suggested and Himeko noticed that her gaze lingered intensely. "You found something there didn't you?" Himeko squinted her eyes and Kanchou started sweating.

"What are you talking about? I didn't find anything there... Ha ha ha." Kanchou gave herself away immediately and Adelheid facepalmed with the gang.

"Hmmm. Don't try to hide anything from me, you know that I can read you like a book." Himeko then decided to let her be for now and patrolled the district.

Kanchou sighed and went up to the others. "H-hey everyone. Fancy meeting you here." Kanchou scratched her head and they took off their shades.

"Yo, you were real smooth back there Kanchou." Kiana said sarcastically with a chicken wing on her hands.

"S-shut up! It was an unexpected question okay? So, how are we going to do things?" Kanchou sat down and dug in as well, stress eating.

"We'll follow you on the rooftops. Don't worry, I'll hide our tracks with my powers." Adelheid would sterilize them so they won't emit any odor.

"Okay, I'll go on my patrol then." Kanchou left after taking a drumstick. Kanchou got unnerved at the dark alleyways and felt that someone was watching her. But she felt relieved that Tericula wasn't at the place where she found her.

"Phew, I guess no one's here." She sighed in relief and somebody suddenly spoke. "Looking for me?" Tericula appeared.

"Yes, I was looking for..." Kanchou immediately turned and almost sprained her neck.

"Hmm, this scent. Answer me human, why did you save me last night." Tericula took a whiff of Kanchou's scent and was sure that she was the one who gave her some blood.

"Nostalgia. Or should I say, it isn't right to leave a helpless girl that's on the streets? Hahaha." She laughed anxiously as Tericula gave off an unnatural feeling, coupled with her emotionless face.

"Is that all? Strange, humans... They're not a good bunch at all. But I sense no ill intent from you." Tericula looked at her with squinted eyes.

"Who are you? Are you responsible for the vampiric attacks?" Kanchou asked nervously as Tericula's oppressing aura dissipated. Her strength leaving her body after the tension disappeared.

"You have no right to impose questions on me, human. But I guess I can make an exception. State your name." Tericula appeared to be interested.

"My name? It's Kanchou, I rarely leave my name behind. You may address me as Helsing." Kanchou tried to be cool and Adelheid clicked her tongue at the top of the roof. "Damn, that was a good one."

"Let's make a deal, human. I'll tell you a story about a girl that's involved in these incidents. But you, must help me... Err, her fulfill a wish." Tericula looked somber for a split moment.

"Well, if it's within my powers..." Kanchou wanted to know more and Tericula nodded. "Excellent, then let me tell you about our protagonist. Theresa."


Thanks for reading everyone, anyways ciao.